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A departrnent of education bas been ÜJ8Ütuted iu tlie state prison di The chedule of studies lanl down eme pelling, wriiing, arithmetlc, eeogr Kraimnar, United States blstory, book-ke : civil rovri)inciit, natural phllosophj Bnd toKienf, and tneutal nnl moral philosopoy. rne regular course will extend tlireo yean, ant segeions Ul be held each evening, Bvindayo excpted. The iüisi underlying the experiment s tliat as itjuoi-auce bej;et crime, so may dueation make men better. Nearly or quite 1,000 deer carcasscs have bn shlpped from Oeemaw couuty 1-his fall. James W. Taylor of Kalamazoo, beiig conflned to bis home. listons to church service by tei(;ptione. The preachlng and einsmg are dearly heard by hiin. Ka East Saginaw man lias set up in business a professional rat catcber. Norton, the Adrián body snatcher, pleadeu guilty. Watts, who was arrested with nim, pleaded r.ot guilty. The Detroit professional base-ball club has been admitted to tho national leaj:m'. The state board oí canvassers have finished their work, and the resultisa follows: or jrovemor- Jerome, 178,944; Holloway, 137,671; Woodinan, 2d, 31,085. For lieut. -governor- Crosby, 180,685; Thompson, 186,606; AnnBtrong, 34,051. The pluralices on otlier state officers are as follows: Jenuey, for secretar; of state, 68,423; Prltcnard, for treasurer, 5J. ' . ; Latimer, for auditor general, !S8,Ö; Neajmltli, for commissioner of state land ofllce, 46,32; Van Riper. for attorney general, 50,27 1 ;Gowrr, for superintendent of public iiistiuction, 51,442- Rexford, for meinier or the state board of education, 4-1,350. The discrepancy of the pluralities of other offlcers as compareu with that of Jenney was caused mainly hy the board thxowing out votes erroneously canvassed or returned- the board not desiring to eetabllsb any doubtful precedents. (cu. Pritohard even iusisted on his 1,230 votes in Oaceola county not beine canvassed for hiin, notwlthstandlng the decisión of the supreuie court to the effect Uiat the omissiou of the miildle initial letter of a name did not invalídate the vote. John S. Newberry, repreaentative in Conirress from the first district, is mentioned for Becretary of the Navy. The safe of Ward A Co's agents at Croswell, was broken open and $400 taken. No clue oí the thieves. The east end of the raüroad bridge over the riïer at Portland feil in just after a freight train had pased over it. Considerable damage but nobohy lmrt. Long Lowlee, a Chinaman at Adrián, has declared his intention to become a citizen. A beef-drying establishment does business at Galesburg. The beef is cut fine, seasoued, and Lut into open-work metallic cases, in which it dried and smoked. The process takes two weeks, and a very palatable substance is the result. A. U. Turner, of Grand Rapids, publisher of the Êagle, is a candidate for the "phat" position of public printer at Washington. At the session of the state horticultural sodety at Ann Arbor the followinü officers were elected: President, T. T. Lyon, South Haven; secretar?, Chas. W. (arfield, Grand Rapids; treasurer, S. M. Pearsall, Grand Rapids; memban of the execuüve coinmittce, W. K. Gilison, Jackson, and E. V. Guild, East Saghiaw; and bout 0 vice-presidents. The blockade on the Kalamazoo división of the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern railway is bad. There is enough grain and other freight at Kalamazoo to keep the road busy four weeks in carrying it off, even if the road had all the cars it wanted, and what is true of ttaat station is true of alinost every otlier one on the road. Fishing on the ice of Lake Hurón has begun. The flsherinen are expecting a good season. Some days ago a tramp was found dead nea New ïork. He provea to have been John Giles the husband of Jane (iiles who Hvee at Sparta Kent Co., Mich. The coronar who held theof , uot on tiilea' body tlius relates the story what was found upon his person: "He had on two or three coats, vest.% and shirts, all in rags, aud two pair of trousers. I rut the clothes off. When 1 carne to the rs, I feit a buncli in the waistband. I examined and found a little bag sewed up and then sewed to the waistbauds oí botli pair of trousers. It coiitained a $100 government bond. I strucfc another hap; fixe 1 like thi Cr8t. It contained still another bag, au,l that held a jrold lmntiug-case watch and chai) worth$l50. Theu I found another bat' that had a lot of silver in it. So I went on. In nis clotbing I found more bonds, more silvor, a bag of buttons, six silver spoons wrapped up In brown paper, a layet of paper betwecn cari ïpoon, and tho whole wrapped witli five or six yards of cord. When 1 liad finished I took ai account of stock. I had f7611 in fiovernmen bouds, $2311 72 in cash. the watch and chain fiv j old 8poons marked "J. H. G.," and oniold er and smaller. marked,as we af tcrvvard fouud out, "M. T." The silver and the peunies welgh ed four ponmis. Then a man handed me somethinff that he said ho had pickcd up win r the nld man lay. It was a sort of tin case, done up in rags. 1 pulled them off ani opened the case. There was something rolled up lnside I pulled it out, and found that it containet nineteen new $1,000 United States regislere bondB. Tbat old man had dled, apparently of starvation, witli $10,Shfl 72 aliout him - onl 10 28 less than $20,000." Philo Parsons, of Detroit, has givon the uni Tersity 850 books. The annual meeting of the mutual reliíf as ociatiou of Micbican Oddfcllows, held a Adrián on the 9th, elfcted the followiDg hoard of trustees: DexterGray of Hudson, Dr. R B. C. Newcoinb of Bhssneld, E. H. Whilney or Lanslng, W. W. Peck of Kalamazoo, E, M. Rob erts of Lapeer, L. Kanitz of Muskegou, O. Hall A. J. Sinclair, W. T. Uobins of Adrián. The trustees then organized as follows: Preeldenl E. H. Vhitney;yicepresiiient, D. Gray; secret ary, A. J. Sinclair; treasurer, ü. Hall. The Vassar barlm shops are to be oloseii Sundays, the barbers themselves pstitioning for au ordinanct to that effect. The Kalamazoo Gazette pleads for a city charter for the bij; vUlage. A switch engine belonging to the Michigan Central explddëd at Qraod Kapids while slowly moving through thp yard. It w;is badly cifinolieheil and damaged $1,000 to f5,000. The engineer and fireman were on board, and other employés were near, but, strangely enough, nobody was hurL Four convicta attempted to escape from tlie Jackson state prison, by crawling up tlm air 8haft of the prison coal mine. They werc jus; einerging when seeu by a kenper, who drove three of tbem back, and seized and overpowered the fourth, who was arined with a kuife and a large stoue. The sheriff of Ionia county offers a reward of $100 for the arrest and conviction of Kimou How, wbo murdered Francia Barker September 8. In the great sanitary meeting held at Nw Orleans, Dr. R. C. Kedzie, of Lansing, Mich , insisted that the national board of health should have exclusive control of (luarautine m the valley of the Mississippi, and resolutions to Uiat effect were adopted. C. T. Gorham, of Marshall, ha8 resigned his posilion ou the couimission tor the reform ■chool for girls. A military coinpany has been organized at Calumet with 66 members. Martin Metcalf, at Battle Creek, has several large flsh ponda, in whicli lie is cultivatiug carp and other fish for the. fish coininissioncrs, to be used iu stocking the lakes ia the vicinity of tlmt city. Judge Cooley, of the supreine court, and professor of law at the state university, lias twen oflered a fine position in the faculty of Juhn Hopkins university, at Baltiuiore, Md. Jerome E. Nichols, the Battle ('reek forger gets three years' board aud clothes iu state priion. Some banks charge a discount of ono per ent. on Canada liills and specie. Cars will be running on the Butler road trom Detroit to Adrián by New Years. The road from Adrián to Butler will uot be finished belore spring. The Manistee branch of the Flint & Perre Marquette road is being pushed forward wiïli vigor. Postmasters appointed. - Kdmore, Montcalm county, Ran Youngs; Ithica. (r;itit county, Bobert Sniith; Lanéston, Montcalm county, Nelson W. Crook; Mclïrid's Montcalm eonaty, Isaac B. Tay lor ; New Haven Centre, Gratlot county, Reuiien Bötstord; Reveré, Bay count] J. 1. Simpeon; Tyrone, l.i v i nsiston county, 3o Hale; Wacousta, Clinton county, Cary lï. Dan iels: Wasepi, St. Joseph county, U. W.Connoi Saginaw Herald perünently sets fort thai, notwithstandine; the law to the eon the loors of the state capítol open iiiwanl. an the Herald tlms contemplates wlth horror wh would happen in case of a paule in tliat buili intr: "Itis terrible to think tliat in case ol fii in the capital the dead bodiea ot our panli stricken loitislators mlght be corded up agains these law-breakinj; doors." The I.ansinu' liepulilican clironicles th capture near tliat city of a bird atiout tlie eiz of a pigeon, witli its feetthe slzeol aturke two-thirds grown, and its lega luns; and slei der. No persan tliat has Men it tnows th kind or Bpectos to wliich the bird belongs, hu it is mtimated that it is ,". 6peciuieu of th lamoua killaloo bird. The wheat Klut in the interior still continue and unless owners of stocks in interior towi in this state et i n re will be seriou flnaucial trouble amonü them. Two colored boys have been arrested at Jack fon tor sneak-thieTisg and pilftiriog.Their oper ntions have extended Uwougb the year. Auion( the reeovered gooUs were the co. St stolen froni Miss Aila Banett at .er parlor n broad dayliglit, the Baptist Sunday sciiool oigan stolenduringü anday bcIiooI convention, süvor ware carried out of K. Mattesou's house, asprlDg bedaad lot of beddtne ïumi Boyt's hotel, clock teken fioui Aldenu:in EicV James ilonroo has been appotated U. S. Marshal for tliu western district of Michigan. Last summrr C. M. Looinia, printer, of Rápida receired an Invithtion trom a Londen, Engfand, finn, to beo ihmwh ol zou a jiil printers oí aJi cuuutriet), to - tribute a Hpecimen volóme of artistlc prluting of the World. Tliis uuique Bpwlmeo iok is uow pnbliehed, and Londoa fiiutiin; Traciis Journal coinmoml tin Amerlcaji Bpec ias more original, artistic and jiüvklual, thanthoseot the Kuglish, and .uticulurly commeude Mr. Loomie'ssiiedmen. Mr. Loom' Is has, trom this, receivêd an ora r Si. Petersburg, Russia, to do a job of BusstftO jirintiug.


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