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OesolTed, Tliat in the judgment of this house it is the iluty of the general governuieut to al xercise itsconstilutionn! rights to rtw late commerce betweeu the states by tlie passage of such laws and establifhing such reffnlanoDj as yill secare to the whole in'ople just uil impartial rates for transportaron of botli frciiiht and passengen. Captain Howgate h:.s rebigned bis poBition in tlie anny. Louisiana loses Iipi vote for President bei'.iu e tiie electors met at New Orleans iustead of "the Beat of govemment," Baton Rouge, as reecribed by law. Justice Strong has WlttteD his resignation of is place on tho suprerae beuch. Tbose of ustice Clifford and Swayue are expected to jilow shortiy. A stage was tobbed neer llrownwood, Texas, ni abont S30O taken from the passengere and ïails. A dummy cngine on the Lake Shore rail);ul ran uto a Chicago Btreet car Tuosday ight, tlirowing it off the track and iujuriug iverál of the passengers, .two severely. An Italiao in Chicago who ate trichinae iu lugagee 80 days ago lias died. His wife and cliililren, who partook of the same diet, re uot likely to recover. (ros carniugs of the Erie railway November $1,800,000. The animal report of the commissioner of gricuUure gives the total value of agricul,uial exports, including breadstutfs, cotton, vool, etc., at $746,967,952, against $604,156,492 he previous year. The Hoosaic tunnel is to have the electric glit. Fires. - At St. Louis, Mo., the Theater ComIque; loss $30,000.- At Springfield, Mass., loss $100,000.- At Custer City, Dakota, hotels, stores and postofflce; loss $4,000. - At Richnioud, Va., tobáceo factory of James -Leigh Jones; loss $30,000, partially insured. - At Latayette, Ind., severa! stores; loss $10,000.- Second fire at St Louis, loss $50,000. The Canadian parliament opened its session Thursday. The chieï business on hand is the Pacific railway negotiations, though Iudian affalra in the northwest will receive attenüon. Allen Campbell has been nominated by the nayor of New York, and elected by the city loard, controller in place of John Kelly, the wellknown Democratie leader. An explosión which was feit for miles iround occurred Friday at the steatn coal colliery, at Peu-y-graig, in the southern art of Wales. Not less than 100 minera are elieved to have been killed outright in the it. A terrible state of excitement prvails vith all the pathetic and harrowing scènes useparable f rom such accidenta. Sarah Bernhardt has persuaded Becretary Sherman to refund the $8,000 duties on her Iresses, on the plea that they are her "tools of trade, Implemento of employment," etc. Gen. Slieruian fcays he is willing to resign ind makeroom for Gen. Grant at the head of the arniy. Lejiislation would bo needed, however, as by law tho office expires with Gen. Sherman's death or reslgnatloB. The Ponca Iudiaus have again voted to remain in Dakota. JayGould will build a new road 250 miles long. from a point in Iowa on tho Chicago and Northwestern railroad to St. Louis. He bas also purchased a controllins; interest in the St Louis and Iron Mountaiu railroad. A mnnber of prominent men, amoüii thm öen. E. F. Beul, Qeo. W. RitiKS, Commodore nd WllUam H. Barnum, have obtained a cession for a ship canal liy the Nk'a ragua route irom theNicaraguan OTemment den. Grant is talked of for president of the proposed company. Tne aimual report of the lighthose board sajs: On tlic great lakes four coast lijjlits are needed. Oue on Braddock's Point, Lake Ontario; oneon tlie west shore of Lake Huron liriwcfü Port Gratiot and Sand Beach harbor oue on Round Island, in the Straits of MackInac, and one on tlie west shore of Lakts Mc ii gan, uear Sturgeon Bay, Tlie great increpe o eouiinvrce irakés a oonespondiug increase in the piwerof certain lights neccssary, espcciallyin tliat atPoiut AuBeco Scies, Lake Michigan, uear which four-fiftbs of the lake coui passes. A new tower, which will co3t ■ i, is recommended for Grassy Island ! lotroit riTer; $25,000 is asked for a statiou ai Waugoshance, Lake Michigan: $30,000 for a Bbore station at Spectacle Reef, Lake Huron and $50,000 for a tbird order light at (liebojzan, .Mich.; !10,lKK) is ueededfor repairing the Jhicago üijlit. and í{7í,000 is rwjuired to complete the work at Stannard's Rock, Lake superior. Fires: At Philadeplilu, teJograph cable manufactory or Manly & Houb; loss $20,000.- t ('ünton, Win., two elevators; loss igjl,00O, iind no íneurance,- At Curo, Texas, Buchet's cottou sin, 100 líales of cotton and five caroadsofcotton 8eed;loe8 $15,OW, no insurmee.- A't Oleaus, Pa., the Buifulo house and rthet Imildings; loss Ifl5,000.- Near lndependence, Mo., Mrs. Jas. Jones, wife of a wealthy farmer, attempted to fill & lighted lamp with kerosene wlien both lamp and can exploded, causing the almosl instant deatb of her two ehldren,aíed respectively tjyears and 6 inouths. Mis. Jout-s was hunied so terribly tbat ehe dtod iu a few liours. ll;ili has a population of 143,907, of wliom (9,48(i are feinales and fi3,H33 of foreign bir tli Gen. O. O. Howard ha been ordered to the oommand at West Point to relieve Gen. Schofield. The okloliama colonists marched in a body (i CnMwTll, Ko., and are being supplied witl irovisions by the people of tliat sectlon, anc liere appears to be a strong public sentiment n their favor.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat