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Pork $5,20 Per Hundred

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Aid. Keech hs been tiite ill. A. merry Chxistmas to Diir Biibscribers. Axa dog killer Jas. Walklms is r surBeef 5 and cents per pound, lv tlie q.iarter. Xiclifls brothers, ot Saline, nave purchaaed another pacer. D. Biscock-has pnrehased the pasi treek pounda of pork. dot linio card went int" effeel mi the T .v a. a. K. R. Tuesday. Lam-en Henion, will clerk for Bacli A Abel aftcr Uu; fitst of .lanuarv. Miss Millic S. Knowlton and Miss KA Knight, havo retarned from Vassurool" lege. Amliew Ililler before Justice Winegar, ilnmk and disorderly, Pour months at [onia. Deputy sheriff Clarken und Constable Scball lcfl for Ton i:i yesterday, on official business. Will the pereon who pieked ap a for tipped milten yesterday, pheaso brlng it to this oflïct. The Salinaites will have the pleasure of again hearing Bev. Dan. K. Suire, en the temperance questlon Suoday. Mr. -T. F. Sumraerville, of Remersburg, ]'-.i.. ;iih1 M ss Iliiinah Moore, of this city, were married by the l'ev. Wyllys Hall, Tuesday afti-rnoon. Ex-Ald. Jerïmiah Piek, of the thinl ward, who hu been danjiferously ill for sonieiime is aot improving, and hls ptay sicians have nohopes of his recoven-. A meeting of Irish citizens for the purposeof forming i br&ncb of liisli land league, will be held at McMahon'a hall next Monilay eveniogal 7:80o'clook. John Keek has purcbased the property on the corner of Main and Liberty streels for $4,300. and will build il brickj blork mi by 82 tect and toree sloriesliigb. Work will commence early in tbe spring. The Aun Albor Daily News seeina to be growing in public favor. The proprietor, .Messrs. Rouscup & Tanner, are wide awake young men, ;iml if perseverance and bard work will avsii anything they are eertainlv deserving of SUOCWS. The examinaiion of tlic constables M ooncluded Monday. Notwithatamilng ihc i prosecutmg attorncy adviaed tlie Jischarge of lmus, Justice Granger held liim for tria;. Constable Loomis nraived exaraination to the :ircuil court. AJÍ gave bnil fot Uioir appearaoce. Tlarried, on Tucsdiiy. at the residonce I ut the brides' mot.her, Mrs. Dr llelbcr, mi Washington streel, -Mr. Oco Jobnson, of Saline, to Miss Lydia llelbcr, of this city. A number of intímale frienda wore present, who showed thcir regañís by presenting the happy couple witli a minber of elegant presente. %They left on tUe morning train for Chicago and other points west. Itccogniziug the fací that this is u free country, and tli.'it the peoplc have tbc right lo read and thiuk for them?elve, and as the columes of The Democrat ara always open for frce and candid desiissions of questions, we cneerfully give publicity io ilio folio ff ing communication ■ Kiiitmitt Hm ' mocrat: Dbab Bib:- Recognizing t lint Tuk DSHOCRAT representa tbe views of its party in this eounty in aloui the samo pioportion as the Detroit Pust and Tribune the rcpublican party in the state"! Michigan, I would like to have yon publish the encloscd platform and rive tlie views held by the demócrata of Washtenaw in reiation to It. We national grroenhackers say tiial the eiht hundred mil lion dollars ot governnient bonds falling due this year and next. BÜould lic paiii (not refunded). Gen. Weavcr has cplained several times how it can -be dom .ind not increue tüe circulatiDg mectiuin a dollar. Second, rccognmng ibatwo owe aboul two thmisaud millions of dollar pnjable in coin silver as well as gold, silver to helt 10 fine and contain 412 1-2 grains, wu siy coin the precious metáis without limit. If it were possible, coin i thousand m'llion a year and paj' the national debt, The government slionkl do its business the sanie aR an honest and honorable man would do as he agraes, but not riy more. Third, we &ay that the greca back when perfected, made a 1 Uil legal tender for all debts public ind private (not by the dieturn of John Sherman, but an act ofcongressj is the best moncy ever issucd by any government, and 'should bu i.ssued directly ly the general government, and made the permanent paper currency f the country. Now Mr. Editor the eleclton is over, and the republicana wiil remaiu in comniand of the sbip of ,-tale for the nextfour years. The national graenbaekers of tbis county would like to know how Thk Democrat stands on these living issues. If we have sot to tlght botb ihe old partie? wull and good. Uur arinor is already bucklcd on and we proposc to Üghtitout by theballot 'til victoroy crowna our eflforts." We realize that the fight wil] be long and desperate, but we know if we don't succecd in our day, our children after us will continue the light 'til the grand army of reform comes niarching home with victory perebed ou their banners. There is too much yankee grit in thein to remain slaves for all future time to the untaxed bond holden. Yon can bet yourall on that and win. Scio, Jïov. ?9. Oko. A. Peters. The following is tbe platform already referred to: The country must look to the adaiiiiistration of President Garflelil for three measures of rinancinl reform: 1 . I.egislation that sliall mako poiltble the refundinjf of the entire uational debt in long term boüds at a low ruto of Interest, 3 per cent. if possible. Some law with this aim should be passed ihit winter, but if it is not it stiould be placed upon the etatute books early in the next term. It s not probable that this quevtion will arouse any very determined controversy. '2. The suspension of the compulsory coinage of silver. The existing laws will inevitably ilood ourchannelsof commerce with legal tender silver to the exclusión of gold, and bringupou us the evils of a debased (if metallic) currency. Tbat the present act coinpelling the mint to turn iit sundry millions of silver dollars ■ every month imist be repealed, il now admiltod by many who were, three yers ago, the stauncbest advocates of iu p:igsage. There will be a hard flght on lliis point, but the repeal can be carried. :. The taking of snrac tcps lookin to ilie ultímate redeinption nd deslruction uf the greenbacks, and the permanent relireinentof the goveinnieut from tlie business of furuUliing a paper currency. Upon tliiB iMie the struggle will le dBperate. prolongad and doubtful. The und my not be reaohed in four yeur. but I'. must come some time. and the dUcussion rf tliin pubject and the eduoation of the people therein must be pushed. And iu all matters of tinancial reform llie president.elect is both eiiipped and jtccuitomed to lead the wiy. David Webster Nr-.s? m-IuhIimI hi.s ?!th birthdny, Tuesda. There wore present froni abroad M. Noyes and wifc. Mr. and Mrs.John I!. Moore, Clielíca, .mil B. .). Nnycs aud wife, oí Inghatn couñty, A vci-v hitorestiag letter from Mr. II. Btancbard, oí Cal. waa road. The occasion was un cnjoyable one. Oiiheolil county ofBcers who will move frotn the court-bouse the firsl of ■lanuary. ii Charles II. Manly, wbo, for the past four year has failhfuliy lischargcd bis dutics a register "f deeds. Diuing tha foor yean he has served tbe connty, lir has bren ably assisted by bis deputy, M. J. Seery. The records ot ibe office were prolmbly Deverin bettershape. Siiiic iclonns liavc iiccn iuaugurated and csriied out to the T., and, although at times tbere has been n larje amotrat of business, woTk wás never ailowed to go lM-liind. li having been reported thal Joe T. Jacobs woulil contesi 1 1 1 Beat at siatt' oenator elect rtose, on tbeground ihal be was not cligiblo. he already liolfln au elective office, also for irregularities claimod In one or two lownsbips wbicb gave Mr. H. a majorlty, wc took tbe trou ble to lr]i on Mr. Jacobs ycslcid ly, who scorned the idea of eontesUng tbe clec liou for, ís he said, fevery one knew a m.-ijority of tbe peóple of ihe coimtj' Und rotea for lioso and be was cntitled to llic i.nicc. Mr. Jacobs ■■i'iá. "Admiltitij; Uiere weré good and sufflcicnl grotinds on wblcb tu base a contest, 1 :un nol tbe person to talco advantage of techniealilics." And tbose who are acquainted witb bino know when be says a thini; he menns it.


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Ann Arbor Democrat