Real Estate Transfers
The following are the transfers of real state for tho week ending Wednesday, Dec. 82: WA1IIIANTV DEED8. R, Kempf to Busan W. Wellmao, lol 8 Fiimis' addition, Cbelsea, $000. Miiry E. WhitiDg to .1. Van Hougbton. land in Vork, f500. .1. W. Olcuttto .Ino. O'Brian, io acres src lf, Augusta, f250. Win. l llaniimin to Maiy A. Fraser, property in AnnArbor, $150. Harvèv Bennett to ,1. D. Forsylb, 80 acres sec 2Ü York. I,800. (ïeo. V. Taylor t lï. Collis, land in York, $150. Frederick Lindaur to Chas. llil. ü hitcs sec s. Bridgewater, f8,000. (ïeo. Taylor lo Samuel and Alberl Gothrie, 80acre8 sec l" Bylvan, f5,000. Mtchae) Grosmnan to VVilliam örossman.lot 4 n Hurón street.Aon Arhor. fl,500. Leonard Vaughsn to Win. 0. Warner, property in Fpsilaoti. $220,10. las. Doyle to Valentlne B. Doyle, land In lec. 'Vork, $685. Kmeline Crumpio David 0. Blakemore property in Ann Arbor, $200. J. E. Bawett to Win. Rob bias, propriiy n Ypsilantl, $100. Ilenry A. Austin to Mary A. Herwin, loi i Wm. S. Maynard's plot of the s c 1 4 of &ec 1! Ann Arbor town, $4,000. Robt. Liinriic to l';itiïck Martin, ',S l-'2 acres set' ::i Superior, $1,500. Eli O, Smiili and (ico. S. Wlieeler to Lucretia Marsh, lot (i and 7 b 1 village of Salem, $180. Danit-I B. Newton to Alberl D. Newton, property in Ypsilauti city and town, $1,81 'tU, Alou.o R. Linden to Isaac l'. Halpin, 7i) acres sec '2 Bridgewater, $8,780. A'.naliam Kilkius to Marllia l''ilkins, 40 acres iéc '■''t Superior, $1. UIT- I.AIM BBÏD8. Rowend Bigm to 0. W. RlRgs, 800 acres bccüI, Sylvan, $1. Jno. A. Hitcbell tol'atriek Fitzsiinons, property in Dexter, $400. T. M.' Cooley to ,1. T. Hallock, property in Aun Arbor, $1. Wm. ltobl)ins to Elizabeth Bassctt, property in Ypsilanti, f 100. Clias.D. Colman to Wm. I'. Srove, property in Ann Arbor, $ö0H.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat
R. Kempf
Susan W. Wellman
Mary E. Whiting
J. Van Houghton
J. W. Olcutt
John O'Brian
William D. Harriman
Mary A. Fraser
Harvey Bennett
J. D. Forsythe
George W. Taylor
R. Collis
Frederick Lindawer
Frederick Lindaur
Charles Uhl
George Taylor
Samuel Gothrie
Albert Gothrie
Michael Grossman
William Grossman
Leonard Vaughan
William O. Warner
James Doyle
Valentine B. Doyle
Emeline Crump
David C. Blakemore
J. E. Bassett
William Robbins
Henry A. Austin
Mary A. Merwin
William S. Maynard
Robert Lambie
Patrick Martin
Eli O. Smith
George S. Wheeler
Lucretia Marsh
Daniel B. Newton
Albert D. Newton
Alonzo R. Linden
Isaac P. Halpin
Abraham Filkins
Martha Filkins
Rowend Riggs
C. W. Riggs
John A. Mitchell
Patrick Fitzsimmons
T. M. Cooley
J. T. Hallock
Elizabeth Bassett
Charles D. Colman
William P. Groves