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The legislature will meet January 5. John J. Robison is sorely afflicted with boils. Brina; your job work to The Democrat office. Willic Parker took a bath in the river Saturday. Mrs. Will Doty, is visiting her parents ia Homer. F. old resident of Lima, died Sunday. A. C. Wright is acting city editor of the News this week. W. R. Fountain, of Manchester, called at this office Monday. Persons dc-siring auction bilis printed should cali at this office. The new museum building is being braced up with more iron. Hiram Kitridge lias not sold bis livery bain as bas been reported. The Rev. L. L. Gage, of Dexter, is $100 abead f rom that donaiion. Alarge number of stud;nts have gone home to spend the holidays. The Ann Arbor Register was seven years old yesterday. Shake! Mrs. L. B. Goodyear, (nee) Comstock, will speud the bolidnys in this city. Willie, son of J. A. Gales.broke bis leg last Tburpday nigbt while coasting. Ex Regent Donald Mclntyre, utcs a poem lo this week'e Register. Tbere was a Christmas festival Tueeday evening at the Unitarian cburch. TUeie was a large audience present to whness the play of Uncle Tom's Cabin. The telephone poles are nearly up. Next the wires, and then the instruments. Work on the railroad north has been suspended until after the first of January. Mason Long is expected to address the tcmperance meeting to-morrow evening. Tbe post office will be open Cbristmas day f rom 10 to 11 a. m., and 6.30 to 7.30 ]'. M. The scholars of the M. E. Sunday school have a C'hristmas festival Friday evening ; At the temperance meeting Sunday afternooc and evening 100 persons signed the pledge. Ilon. A. J. Sawyeris solicitor for David G. Rose in that divorce case. Sour grapes for C. M. .1. Fanning, a member of tbe A. A. reform club, is getting in liis work in Barry county. O. H. Richmond has been appoïnted administrator in the estáte of John Barbour, deceased. The opera house meeting Sunday afternoonwill be addressed by Mrs. H . Skelton, of Detroit. A bazar and festival was held in the basement of the new Baptist church Tuesday evening. The Leader says that N. E. Allen, of Dexter, is about to leave for Florida on a heallh benefit tour. A disorderly person named John Kenyon, was sent to jail Monday for 20 days, by Justice Winegar. E. F. Colburn, of Colorado, a gradúate of the law department, class of ""6, is visiting fricnds here. There will be a praise meetinsr in the Presbyterian church Christmas moming from 9 till 10 o'clock. It is said that the old Vanderivarker store is lo be occupied by A. L. Noble, after the flrst of Marcli next. The town pump on the soulh side of the aourthouse square, fails to give forth watei, owing to a broken rod. There is to be a social at the Zion Lutheran church next Kriday evening, and a Christmas tree for the children. Iu the probate court Tuesday, petition for 1 ícense to sell real estáte was granted in the estáte of John Adam Brosz. Rev. Mr. Alabaster will lecture Sunday eremng on the "Phases and Progress of the American Temperance Reform." The 10 mile race bctween Barnes of N. Y., and ar, Ypsilauti colored man, is to come off Saturday night in Ypsilanti. Henry ,W. Rousoup, one of the proprietors of the Daily News, wil! eat his CLrist mas dinner at Upper Sandusky, Ohio. Edward Hogau pleaded guilty Tuesday to the charge of assault and botter? on his wife, also for neglecting to support her. A sign in the shapo of a dranken woman was lying around loose on the side walk on Washtenaw avenue, Wednesday last, Capt. Dennis, of Detroit, who was in the city last week, has gone on a short visit to Chicago. He will return in a tew days. Ada, daughter of Nathan and Emina J. Sulton, of Northfield township, died last Saturday, of diphtheria, aged 11 years. Geo. McDougal got intoxicated, was arrested and taken before a justice Monday. He was let oxf on suspended sentence. A. L. Noble and wife, have been iospecting some of the finest residences in the city, with the view of building in the spring. The workmen engaged in putting up the poles fov the telephone company are obliged to dig through two f eet of f rozen ground. Alpheus Biitt, died in Chicago last Thursday, aged 69 years, of His remains were brought here for interment Satuiday. Sealed proposals for 150 cords of wood are asked for by the school board ; also sealed tenders for tlie purchase of $4,000 5 per cent. bonds. The Unitariau society bas succeeded in raising $3,800 in 'Ms city, leaving a balance of only $200 to be subscribed for tbeir new cburch . Messrs. Minnis & Irish give a hop Chriatmas day at tbeir dancing acaderay, from4to 11 r. m. Friends of the scholars are invited to attend. On Friday and Saturday, tuis week and next, S. S. Wueeler, town treasurer of Webster, will receive taxes at Buil & Hoyt's store in Dexter. üefiance hook aud ladder compaoy give a ball at armory hall on Friday eveniag of next week. Prof. Lang's orchestra will furnish tbe music. Ou accuunt of the entertainments at the opera house Monday and Tuesdsy evenings, the temperance meetings were keld at the Baptist church. The ladies' aid society of the Baptist church in Dexter, gave an oyster supper laat evening at the residence of J. L. Smith, for the beueflt of the society. The township treasurerof Ann Arbor, who is at Mclntyre's store Saturday of each week to receive taxes, receipted bilis last Saturday to the amoiiDt of $2,000. At the anuual meeting of the state grange held in Lansing last week, J. Webster Childs, of Augusta, was elected chairman of the executive committee. Saline Observer: "Captain" Torry of Ann Arbor, has been visiting friends in town this week. He also made the Observer office a cali. Come as;ain Captain . The Commercial says Lawyer Whitman defended in a criminal case at Charlotte Tuesday aud guilty or innocent, the partios, husband and wife, are now scotfree. Dr. FrolUíngham delivered a lecture at the opera house in Adrián Monday evening on "The eye, the diseases which afflict it, and the prevention and means of cure." David ö. Rose, of Sharon, has flled a bilí for divorce against his wife, Cordelia M. Kose, on the ground of desertion. The parties have not lived together for a long Ypsilantian: W. II. Donaldson, treasurer of Pittsfleld township, will be at C. H. Cady's grocery store, Ypsilanti, Thursday, December 30th, to receive taxes of that town. The central telephone office will be in the third story of Henry Krause's building on Main street. We learu that Misses Julia and Mary Kennedy will have charge of the office. The wood market has been crowded with teams for sereral days past. It don't seem to make much difference in the price though, how much wood is now offercd in the market. Frank Lemmon, of Whitmore Lake, whose team ran away last week and smashed a lamp post on the corner of Ann and Fifth streets, ha ettled with the city by paying f28. The sneakthief, who was so hard up as to steal a thermometer from a private yard in the sixth ward, may avoid expoaure by returning the same ',o the place I from wbence he took it. :lcTlie fuueral of Mrs. Rachael White pk place f rom the A. M. E. churcli Friday morning, at 10 o'clock. She was the oldest colored person in the city, haring reachcd the age of 93 years. The following gentlemen are to speak at the temperance meetings to be continued this week. H. E. Frazer, Judge Coolcy, Col. Lamed, Masón Long, and Messrs. Huglies and AVard. CouDty treasurer Fairchild has received the following sums for taxes: Dec. 4, $1,100; Dec. 10, $692,36; Dec. 11, $3,100; Dec. 17, $1,366.86; Dec. 18, $7,385; Dec. 20, $2,800; total, $13,044.22. _ B. F. Bower, formerly of Thk Demo. en at, but now a meinber of the Detroit Evening News staff. was given an extended biographical notice in the last issue of Every Saturdaj, published in Detroit. Geo. James Grarne, was arrestcd Monday on the charge of vagrancy, and Justice Winegar sent him to Ionia for 5 months. Deputy sheriff Clarken the arresting offleer escorted him to bis winter residencc. Peter Vescelius and wife, of Saline, celebrated thcir silver weddine Monday evening. They were the recipients of a nuniber of valuable presents from tlieir mauy friends. lnvitations to the number of 200 were issued. A Detroit mutual insurance company having oiïered as a prize a gold watch to the agent doing the most business within a ccrtain time, Geo. H. Grenville is working likea snilor, with fair prospecta of carrying off the trophy. Golden Rule lodge has eleoted the following offlcers: Z. A. Roath, W. M. ; E. D. Lewis, S. W. ; J. L. Gates, J. W. ; Chas. F. Fall, S. D. ; Samuel B. Revenaugh, J. D. ; Norman Gates, secretary; B. F. Watls, treasurer. Eliza M. Wheedon, for34 years a resident of tuis place, died Saturday of a tumor of the bowels. A post-mortem examiualion was made by several physicians and the tumor removed, whieli weighed 212 pounds. Nothiug like itis on record Offlcers of Fraternity lodge No. 202, F. & A. M. W. D. Harriman, W. M. ; E. D. Kinnc, S. W. ; E. J. Johuson, J. "W. ; J. W. Hangsterfer, secretary: J. W. Haniilton, S. D. ; Sed James, J. D. ; W. B. Smitb, treasurer; Thpmas Taylor. tyler. liobt. McCall and Johnson Backus, appraisers iu tüe E. L. Boydeu estáte, have flled their report in the probate office. The property is appraised at $54,085.80 asfollows: Real estáte, $42,000; national bank stock, $1,500; personal property, $10,5S5,80. The farm residence of Charles Assenheimer in the township of Freedom, together with the furniture and everything else in the building, was destroyed by fire Friday afternoon. Loss nearly corered by insurance in the Washtenaw Germán insurauce company. Ann Arlior Encampmcnt No. 7, I. O O. F., elecled the following officers last Thursday evening. P. B. Rose, C. P. ; C. Krapf, H. P. ; E. S. Mauly, S. W. ; J. Sprague, scribe; D. Almendinger, treasurer; N. T. Morten, J. W. ; representa - tive to grand encampment, C. J. Durheim. Athens Lodge, No., 29 A. O. U. W. elected officers Friday evening last : B, F. Watts, M. W. ; W. 3. Doty, G. F. ; H. B. Dodsley, recorder; E. B. Lewis, financier; C. M. Jones, overseer; N. G. Gar linghouse, guide; li. Cuthburt, J. W. ; A. V. Robison, A. W. ; W. J. Herdman, examining physician. We have received a letter from Prof. W. W. Beman, denyingthat Prof. ülney advised certain parties to send for the quack, Sweet. Now we never said that Prof. Oliiey did auythins; of the kind. But we did ay "it was a person of Prof. Olnev's size." Theu why should he sume thatlie was ihe person meant? The JefEersonian society of the law deparlment elected the following officers Thursday evening: President, G. M. Nelson; vice president, Miss Ta3'lor: recording secretary, Mr. Fletcher; cortespond ing secretary, Mr. Drum; treaaurer, Mr. Augeuy; senior critic, Mr. Chatterson; junior critic, Mr. Mann; marshal, Mr. Hart. Observer: At the anuual election of Saline lodge F. & A. M., the foilowiDg officers were elected for the ensuing year: W. M., J. McKinnon, Jr.; S. "W., E. R. Aldrich; J. W., D. P. McLachlan; secretary, A. J. Warren; treasurer, J. Sturm; 8. D., G. W. Hall; J. D., L. M. Thorn; stewarts, A. M. Clark aud S. Moore; tyler, C. N. Howe; insta! lation Monday evening, Dec. 27th, 1880. Enterprise: At a regu'iuí oonvocation of Meridian chapter, No. 48, R. A. M., held Dec. 15, the following officers were reelected for the ensuing year: H. P., B. F. BlosserjK., Arthur Case;S., E. P. Crafts; C. of H., Albert Case;P. ., J. D. Van Duyn;R. A. C, J, F. Nestell; M. 8 V., H. C. Calhoun; M. 2 V., C. W. Case; M. 1 V., W. H. Pottle;trsasurer, M.D. Case; secretary, S. W. Clarkson; sentincl, E.Q. Carr. The driver of the Brightou stage met with a narrow escape last Monday. He ivas coming down the hill south of the oíd Finley farm on the Whitmore Lake road, when one of his horses slipped and before he could stop, the stage ran over the horse. When it looked as though a serious accident was imminent the wagon tougue became loosened and by applying the brakes he succeeded in stopping the team. Complaint was made Tuesday by Nathan Piercc of Lima, before Justice Granger, agamst Supervisor Wm. H. Dancer, Wm. Covert, clerk, and Justice Garduer McMillen, who cornposed the election board in Lima at the November election. The parties are charged with receiving the vote of one Geo. Freer, an illegal voter, without administering the oath required by the statutes, after he was challentred. Gleason F. Dixou, a gradúate of the university, pharmacy class of "77, and who returnedfrom California some weeks ago in feeble health, dit'd Sunday, of consumption, at the resideuce of J. B. Dow in the thinl ward. He was bom in Oswego, Oswego county, N. Y. His remains wcre taken to Concord, Jackson county, Monday, for interment. Mr. Dixon waB 22 years, 1 month and 22 days old. Last Friday and Saturday, tickets to the amount of $4,000 were sold by the agent of the M. C. ft. K. at this place. There was considerable competition as many railroad agents representing different lines were here working up business. The agent for the Wabashroad had an office In the State street drug storo, and H. W. Hayes sold tickets n Steward Bennctt's office Friday afternoon. In a very short time he sokl $500 worth of tickets over the Michigan Central. Commercial: Ofllcers elect in Huron lodge No. 214, K. of H. : Qeo. Fuller, dictator; T. C. Judd, vice dictator; Alon7.0 Leonard, assistant dictator; S. A. Durand, reporter; W. H. Jewett, financial reporter; J. H. Sampson, treasurer; J. N. Ilowland, chaplain; Chas. Fletcher, guide; A. S. Mallory, guardián; J. P. Moore, sentinel; Jno. N. Howland, installinR offlcer; W. H. Jewett. representative to Grand lodge; O. E. Thompson altérnate; John Shemeld, A. 3. Leetch, C. McCormick, trustees. A little over a week yet remains, and county Treasurer Fairchild will stepfrom the positura he has so well fllled for four terms. Duriug his connection with the office he has made rnany friends by his eourteous manuers. He has discharged his duties faithfully, and in taking leave, he will have the proud satisfaction of knowing that his efforts to serve the people were appreciated by democrats and republicans alike. Mr. Fairchild will be succeded by Adam D. Seyler, of this city, as deputy treasurer, and as he is a man of splendid business qualifications he will make a good offlcer. The temperance revival which opened at the opera house last Thursday evening, has broughtout larse audicnces at nearly every meeting. Messrs. Hughes and Ward have made some very interesting talks, and tbrough their instrumentally as well as the efforts of other speakers, a great many persons have been induced to sign the pledge. Although the enthusiasm aroused is nothing like what has been witnessed in this city, nor the crowds so great, still the meetings have proved very interesting and in a certain direction much gooi will undoubtedly be accomplished before the revival closes. Eight students of the university hare been held to answer a charge of riot. There was a flght on the Campus on Thursday night. - Lansing Bepublican. Brotber George, you are a long way off this time. No students of the university have been arrested, or held to answer a charge of riot. It is singular hor some persons will get things mixed. Do not credit the disgraceful doings of students of an eastern university to the university of Michigan. The boys heve this winter in most instances have been gentlemanly, and are not deserving of so extended a notice as you have given them. Bill Poster: The Ann Aibor road is now across the Dunlap property, owing to a peculiar rendered in the matter by.Judge G-askill. Mr. D. went away in order to prevent papers being servedbnhim. During his absence Alonzo Knapp, who had no interest in the property, was coaxed or discovered on the premises and the papers served on him. The Judge held that it answered the same purpose as if the owner had been legally waited upon, and so the road was pushed througb. Now comes Mr. lap, and through his attorneys, Frecl Baker, of Detroit, and K. J. Bissel, of of Milford, has commenced proceedings against Judgc Gaskill, Mr. Waldron, attorney for the road, and others, for trespass. A fine legal point is ïavolved, and the result will be looked forward to with considerable interest. Jacob Knapp couuty treasurer elect bas flled his bond to the couuty in the sum of $150,000. The following solid men of Washtenaw are his sureties : David Rinsey. Moses Seabolt, Christian Mack, L. Gruner, Frederick Schmid, Jr., Daniel Hiscóck, W. W. Wines. C. H. Worden, William Deubel, W. D. Harriman, W. B. Smith, P. Weiss, Fred Breitenwish, Wm. Muellenkamp, Adam Kress, William Beuerle, Gottlob C. Mann, Jacob Laubengayer, Henry Feldkamp, Paul Kress, Christian Trinkle, Ernst G. Haarer, Jacob Breining, Christian Feigil, Jacob Lulz, Lewis Haab, Adam Gehringer, Charles J. Vogel, Joseph Weis, Gustav Weis, Gottlob Laeyer, George Haarer, William Schwab, John Bouer. His bond to the state is for $39,000 with the foliowing sureties: Christian Knapp, John Hagen, Frederick Schmid Jr. , Daniel Hiscock. Adam D. Seyler, who has been appointed deputy treasurer, and who will have charfie of the office, has given bonds to Mr Knapp in the sum of $150,000. Sureities : Aaron L. Feldkamp, Simon F. Hirth, Jacob Raab, Johones Schenk, Michael Staebler, Jacob Jederle, Michael Foster, John Keppler, Jacob Bissinger, Conrad Bissinger, Philip Lohr, Leonard Gruner, John Hagen. At the annual meeting of the Washtenawcounty agricultural and horticultural society lieïd Tuesday, the following offl cers were elected : President, E. T . Walker, Salem ; vice-presidents, J. W. Wing, Scio; J. D. Baldwin, Ann Arbor; David Cody, Pittsfield;W. B. Thompson, Salem; M. S. Cok, Lima; corresponding secretary, D. M. Finlev, Ann Arbor town; treasurer, W. B. Smith, Ann Arbor; executive committee, D. Hiscock, Ann Arbor; H. Hicks, Ann Arbor town; Hiram Brown, Augusta; J. Short, Bridgewater; W. D. Smith, Dexter;W. Buss, Freedom; J. V. N. Gregory, Lima; M. Stabler, Lodi; S. O. Hadley, Lyndon; S. W. Dorr, Manshester; Emery Leiand, Northfield; D. Sutherland, Pittsfield; J. Pacey, Scio; .1. VV. Hamilton, Salem; J. Nanry, Superior; W. H. Dell, Saline; C. Hood.Sharon; H. Pierce, Sylvan; L. D. Ball, Webster; O. Goodwin, Ycrk; A. M. Noble, Ypsilanti city; J. E. Smith, Ypsilanti town. Wfaen the name of the tramp printer was proposed for secretary, considerable op position was manifested. Several members of the sociqty thought it would be poor policy to elect a man who had so many enemies and was despised by the press of the county. As some might think Tuk Dkmocrat was prejudiced against the tramp, we quote from the Register: "Evart H. Scott was unanimously elected recording secretary, but notwithstanding the urgent wishes of all present, declined the office. Several other naines were proposed, but all declined, and finally, as a last resort the name of the tramp printer, who at once speedily accepted, enlarged upon the great assistance.he had been to the society, puffed his own newspaper at the expense of every other newspaper in the county, and finally concluded by saying that his viJuable services as recording secretary would te worth at least $40, and how much more,with hisaccustomed modesty. he lef t to be inferred. His slurs ou the other newspapers of the county were, to say the kast, out of place, and at once demonstrated his incompetency for any official position. His connection with the society will, of course, be recognized here as an injury to it. It is not unlikely that it may be necessary to demaud his resignation."


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat