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Williain Benoe Jones, an Kiiglishmau and a Utqte land owner n-siiliug at Lisselane, Coimty Cork, Irehnd, writes to the Times that he lias expendnd L25,000 on the improvenient of his property and bas blthexto enjoyed good relations with his tenants, hut livcause he refuses to accept (lïliith's valuation, his tenants have heen deterred by threats iroin paying tlieir rent. He is threateued that his grave will be dusr opposita his door. His laborera are oompollt-d to loave hun and none daré buy bis produce, because when it is sent to martest il i surrounded by a bowling mob. A correspondent of the Times at Cork says: "Wheu Mr. Jones on Tiiesday tried to sliip 80 head of cattle and sheep to Bristol for sale, a uuinber of large shippers informed the steamship compauy tliat they would cease their dealings with it if the cattle were shipped, and the company coiiseiiuently refused to take the cattle, as also did the Clyde shipping conipany. Finally the drovers refuscd to tend the cattle, which, after straying tlnougli the streets, were finally driven by the pólice to the Great Southern railroad aud that company forwarded tliem to Dublin by a train in spite of the efforts of the "Boycotters" to prevent the company from supplying the train. Mr. Jones is impopular because of his writings in the periodical press in oppositionU) public works. The pólice promised to protect the laborera if they would remaiu with Mr. Jones, but they refused. The land league will support the laborers who left the estáte. The family of Mr. Jones are attending the remaining cattle, pro tected by ai-med pólice, and the house isguarded at uight." When Jones' catttle arrived at Dublin they were'treated in the same way as at Cork. The land leaguers, Healy and'Walsh. on tria for intimidation, have been acquitted. John Power, one of the party who forcibly entered a house near Tralee, county Kerry, a fortninlit ago, and slit the ears of a bailiff, the occupant, lias been acquited at the Cork assizes. Madame rtüers funeral at Paris was attended by the French cab net The czar of Russia has transfered bis authority to the council under the presidency of the czarowitch on condition that the tnarriage o] the princesa Dolgoroukt with the czar be declarcd legal. The czar and family will retire to Livadia in the Crimea, he remaining emperor in name, and actual autliority, however, resiilin in the czarowitch. John Power, one of the mob of armed men wh slit the fiirs of a liaililT. has been acquittod at the Cork, Ireland, althougU identified liy the bailitf himself. Russia sacrifices a revenueof 8,000,000 roubles by abolishing the duties on salt. The rifle brigade is ordered from Malta to Ireland, instead of coining home to Epgland. -James Cropper, Liberal, has been elected to parliament from Kendal. - The Rev. Daniel Foley, a parisli priest in Ireland, has been Boy cotted for oppositrg the land league. - A great antiland league meeting was held at Monoghan, Ireland, Thursday, Lord Rossmore presidiug. The Emperor of Austria and the crowi priuce Rudolph have decliued the iuvitation o the city of Vienna to a banquet and ball on the occasion of the prince's wedoing, and have re questod that the money be giveu to the poor also matting large contributions thernselves Advices from Peruvian sources state that th Cbillan expedition against Lima landed on th Peruvian coast November 19. It numbers 10, 000 uien, and heavy reinforcenients are to ti added. The landing was effected only after tirisk eDgftgeuieDt, in which tlie Peruvians los 150 men and the Chilians lacconling to the Pe ruviau account about three times as niany. Three hundred traiued Londou policemen are to be sent to various parts of Ireland. Also several battalions of troops. The natives and Boers have won importan victories in the South African wars, aud th Britlsn home government is now called on to aid the colonial government. (eruiany assents to arbitration by the powers on tlie Greek boundary iuestion, provided that Greece and Turkey tioth agree to abide by the decisión, and that the vote of four of the powers for a boumiary shall be conclusive. The Times in an editorial saya of the situation in Irelaud: "Tlie law-abiding citien havo to sulmiit to the torrorism which not only ileñes, but supplauts the law and ntter looking long and anxiously for help froin the governnieii i, they have bëgun to resign all hope, and no longer venture to resist the dictation of the land league. The cases in which the pólice are able to conimit, seem to becotne daily rarer, and evan wheu a trial is secured the witnesses fear to speak, and the jurors are afrakl to convict. It is to deliver the peasaniry theuiselves, as well as the upper and middle classes, that a vindication of the law bas becoine iiuperative." A telegram to the colonial office froin Pietermaritzburg dated December 19, reporta that 6,000 Boers have taken possession of Heidelberg and established a republic, witti Paul Kruger president, and Joubert commaudant No act of violence was committed. A bilí increasing the elective franchise has been introduced in the Italiau chamber. A large meeting of Orangemen and Protestant farmers at Colerain, county Antrini, Irelaud, denounced the land league and the in action of the government A tenant farmer named Mullen was miirdered Monday nigbt near fialllnrobe. The empresa of Austria has given up her usual hunting trip to Ireland on account of the condition of the country. Lord Penzance has passed sentence of deprivation upon Rer. Mr. Delabere, ritualist. The marg.uis of Lansdowne, one of the heavieet Irish land owners has abandoned bis intentiou of spendiug the winter ín Ireland in consequence of the the conditiou of the country.


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