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Cause.and Effect. The niMJn causu of ncrvousnesa is indii gestión, nul tbal is cauaed by weakness of the stomach. No one can have soumi nerves and good healtli witboul uslng Hop Bitters to Btrengthen tbe stomach, purify ihc IiIiidiI. and keep the liver and kiilneys aciivo to carry off all the ooisoo mis nnd viisii' matter of ihc Rystem. Bee : other columu. --Adtanct . '. H. Tappan, Contractor nnd Builder, Toledo, Obio, says: - Au Excelsior Kidney l'.id relicved me of pain in the side "I [ i ! i ■ ■ i l years' standing. Piense Rend me anolhur Pad.- to . Idr. Dr. Raxter"s Mandrake Bitters act upon iln' Stomach, l.ivcr and Bowels, romnvc all fteerelions, pnrify tho Blood, and fortifj the eystem agálnal dUeane. Horsenicn. Ask your mcrcbuDl for Ileiiry V Jóhnsou's Árnica and 011 i ment, and keep il tn r lic stable, in use in case nf accident. Fxclszeci TJ-p. Qi u.ii RING, nrlücl) owner can llave bj piY)vliiK uroperty and poj Ing fbr ihis notlce. A.l.lii's-;. DkHO tiat .tiii Ai Mlch. I 1 ll.l.s 0PLR HOD8E. TIH K'SDA V i; KMNi; DEC. 80, 1680 SK( OM) NKiHT. e K Ê a T s v c (' K s s : Kv m tatinn of ]n:ui '-licus THE :F A VORI TES Fnrmeriy the Ofttes1 Comic Opera Troupe, )i.-.iIi'i'l hy the beautiful Bugunfa Btiiginc Comedlenne, MISS LILLI E WEST! WILL GIVÊ A HECOND ENTERTAINMENT tuis EVENING : iliss West was recentty broughi to this oountry toplaythe part of 'Ollvette.'Mn the latest ; i"ii -;u Trst anti iiow in rehearsal al two New York Theaters, bul legal Interfereuce by dlfferenl 'in imams to the operette gave t lic manage ■ mentof "TTie Favorltes'1 an opportunlty to se cure thisgreal aitfstfor alünitêa tfineto appear :is 'Electra Bracegirdle," in WHHam Seymour ■■ eotric American opera, ! XjonD_g ZBnraxxcIh-; Five Millions of Money. The niosi conücally comic "f all comicalities Two aiid ;t half hours of laughter, Interepersed ' prith tight, channinjc imisi'1. Admission 85 an 60 cents Children 10 cents. No extra charge for reaerved seata now on sa Ir ai Wmis Broa.' Jewflry Store. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1878. tBAKER'S , Breakfast Cocoa. Warrantcd abêolutely pur Cocoa, from wbich tbo oxcom of oil has been removed. It Is a I delicious drink, nourishing and Btrenglhcning; oauüy digoatcd; udmirably adaptcd for invalida as wel! as persons in bealth. Sold hj Grocers Terywhere. W. BATCEIt & CO., Dorohttter, JtfViM. y If yon ai l u jiiiui yifyountvaB wQr of business, m nmn of B U enod by tïio strain of m t-i%stniliníí ■ I your dntici avuui V nifrlit work. to ■ Bttmulftntfi au tl ub e V torc brain nel veand Hop Bitters. ■waan, use Hop BIf you aro yountr flnd I suflTenng from any indlscfetion ö' d i Hipa ■ tion ; if you r mar ried or tsinplf. old or ■youug, sulferinK from poMilit-aUU ur lortiuish ■!!!(? ou a bed of uickDQts, riy uu Hopl Bitters Wiirwvtr youa:c, nk ThoiiiTnN lic nwhonov.-r you frt-l 11 miallyfiom soiiie that rour sv,-m dMu] fonn of Kldney ii. i .l-iVif.'i'iMlnp. ttm-Bwdlseaw that mitrlit iiiL' stiiiiulBtinfr, ■ ü havelHciipivít-nti-a Wflboutinfarratfaft LI Lflby tmn-ly nw t ali e Hop jHfc HopBltters TI-i vf ynii fluH a ■'■'- '11UI L& yon i 1 1 rio niTTmn tobáceo, or HopB.tters K fKN , ""'-llu goMbydm. tosi.irili-.l,trv NEVtK UrcuUr. has TA I L BFG co' Baved hunj Rotketrr, S. T dreds. I j Torooto, Out. DO YOU TAKE A C0UNTY PAPER ? If net, and yon are about to subscribe foron we invite your attentlon t the ANN ARBOR DEMOGRAT ! And n'spi'Ctfully infonn yon that !t is the People's Paper. IT PtTBLISHES FULL REPORTS OF AT.T. lui'nitr.i x i rv i:ts In Wuslitin.iw i-ouiitv. ]t gives il conciso and nberefitinK suininiu .r TUK WORLD'S NEWS, Porot;n, Anierlc&n. CongrrcssloiKil, Westrn imd Non Inrn . It priii! ■Jlll-: NEWS OF MKHIGAK, Joili-tl down For brief readlntf, tuul glvea n fuU eynopslsof the'dofnjSBOf the L'g&lature. It chronlcles ALL TUK HAPPENIKGS Of I XX .iltlloli. The couaty seat, givbigfull and accurate report ut bheClrcuil Court, Polltical Moirtlngs, rftroiers' Clubs, ini n-siiv and Bchool Üatters, Eto.f Etc. il ÍS FE4.HLESS Tn its tlt'imnciatioH of monopolios, and all other ! os that weigh uponthePeople; and shows up all frauda regaroless of wno t hits. It publisllrs -i ÜOOD S10BX Every week, and has Interesting arüeles for the ■ K Prto (s $1.60 '. i )',.■)-. in Aáeance, And is regaided hy Itambscribera aMtoovaloable toloan; so don't try to borrow. We invite your ' attentlon to sonie of tho niany compUmentoiv arebeingsaldof Tiik Dkmuckat: "It evim-ps inrewdnesa, puab and abiüty."- ng Journal. "ItismaUng (rtends every day, It s a wellconducted and readable' sheet. '-PfmUae Iiill Poder. "A nxy enterpriaimr, wtde-ftwake local jour na!, full oí new and Rood sayinjpi."- Oenene IFlint) Democrat. "It is a live, spiey newepaper, and n. valuable addition to the journalistic liat of Washtenawr oountv."- Tecumteh Herald. "Kditorially. locally and tyjioKraphically It 1 one of the flnest looMng paiiers that ever came into thisofflec. '"-) trott ÊveninoNetm. "The OEMOOBA1 ahoundsinahlp and viKoroii oditqrials, a. Kient variety of local information and interestlng eeneral news and misot'llaneous matter."- Jackton Patriot. 'THE DEMOCRAT" tarnblKlicl l.vciy Thursday Mcining. ' i; i SINESS i; n LEONARD HOUSE, F. LEÓN l!D. Proprletor, 1 . A un Arlior. Mieli. wTí,liam caspak y . I ) AKER Y AND CONFECfTIONERY, .-' Detroit Street. JOHN I". LAWRENCE, A TTORNEY AT l.WV. i Office, Nos. 9 and -i rllU's Opera House, Aun Ar)'r, Mieli. FRANK EMERTCK, VTTOKNKY AT I,AU ■ Hl Brown & Co'S iJru 3tOT9, Corner Main aml Hurón Streets. Ann Arbor, Mich. lil RON MARKET. I T7 C. FREER, Dealer in Frosh, Salí and ; Fj. Bmoked Aieats. Presta Piafa, Oysters, Poultry. eto No. 86 Easi Suron Street. MICHAEL II. BRENNAN, TTOHNKV AT l.AW. Ofllcc uilli E, D. a Kinue, si.iwsmi Rlock, cornor Hurón and Pourtfa streets. nn Mich. s. B. PARSONS, M. D.. Buccesaor to Stone & Pareons, OFFICE AND DI8PENSARY, Córner Hurón and Fifth airéete, Atlll Arbor, Miell. o. (.'. JENKINS, SURQEON DKNTIST. Rooms No. '.■-.' Kast Washington StreqÉ. rormerlv occupiedby Di'. Frothingham Aiiti rhor. Hich. ('OOK HOUSE, piOBNBR HUBON AXD rOURTII KTIiEKTS. V Ann Arlxi Michigan, lleaie.l i, y sii'iiin tli noKxtra ('tiai-Re. C. H. P. w. .Ii-wki.i.. Proprietors. T )BACCO STORE. rTWILLBEFOÜNDthai F. S. Bucle lceeps toe 1 best aasortment of CIQAR8 AND TOBACCO in the city. Best brands f clgarettesa specialty. So I Kasl Hurón SI. JACO HALLÉR & SON, DKAI.KH TN WATCHES. CLOCK8, S] ia cíes, Plated Ware. Col, i Pena and Fine Jewelry. Bpedal attentlon given i repairinír Watchea aml Jeweirjc ■.'i BouUi Main Street, Kan Arbor, THE ÜNIVERSITY 'poNSiiIUAI. PAELOK and 1 ISATII ROOMS. No. 5. Morth .Mam Street. .1. W. STlilliI.K. Proprietor. Oentlemanly barbero In attendance. ANTÓN EISELE, DEALEB IN MONXTBIKNTS and Oravcatones, manufaetured f rom Tennessee and [tallan üiarble andScotcfa and tmerícan Iranite Shop Cor. Detroil and Catherlne -ís.. Aun Arbor., Miell. S. T. SPEECHLY, PHOTOGRAPHER No WSOÜTH MAIN STREET, Cards, Cabinets. Promenade anii 8x10. ivitli Frames i" auit. BockKrounds and acceawries complete. Nt'ativcs krpt K wbite for orders. WILSEY'S MUSIC STORE! l)IAN"(s. OROANS, SHEET MUSIC. bwtruc 1 t,ii Books, Vlollna, Quitara, rimes. &,■.. eheap al Wilsi-.v's Uusic Rooms, east l'ilhlie Square, Aun Arbor, Michigau. The larxmt and beal Stock of UusicaJ Gloods ever brouvhi luto Waghtenaw Oountv. Violin and Soltar Strlngs a siieeialty. N. B. - II w'll be to your iDteresI to cali before purchasing anythln In the Music line. MUSIÓ 8TOBE. The cheapesl place co buv Planos, BsteyOrgans, Vlollns. Guitars. Han jos, Tambourines, Drums, Pifes Piageolets, : Znii'is. 4ccordeon8, Plano Stools, Vlollíi Boxea, Iustruction liok:, for all kiinls ot Instruments, Sheet Single (nen i, 8trlugg,Des1 ialit . aUklnds; UouthOrgang. Brldges, Bow-s, Keys and Roeln. Everythüigüj themusic Une (rom a Chlckerlug Piano co a Jew's Harp can be found at .1. K. SAGE'8 Muelo Store. No. i Washington 8t., nn Arbor. WOOD T-IRIIL i John Flnn has gone uto the vrood business aiiin iln's season . and proposes to keep on hamï agupply ofallklnosof wood. whlchwul be aold al reasonable rates; prder left ai Durheim'sto bacco store on Hurón street. orattne yardsat t he foot of Hurón street. adjolnlog the Toledo rallroad, will receive itommi attention. JOHN FI.VNX. Swathel, Kyer & Peterson, FLOUR AND FpD STORE. We have constantlj on hand ALL KINDS OK GRAIN, FLOUR AND FEED, which will be promptly delivered to miiv part ol the city. ; OfHoc cor. Pourtb and Ann Streets, Aun Albor . Mtch. THE MONARCH CLARKEN'S BILLIARD PARLOR, i No S N'oi-tll Main 8t Ann arbor, Frienös, Gome ai Sss Me. , QEÖ, CLAEKEN. - Proprietor, PROPOSALS FOR WOOD. Sealed proposala for 150 cords of voods, tour feet loiur, sood green, body or stratghi bfckorr, bard maple ana tecond growtu upland oak; in quant itics nol lew than ten oorde, wtD be recelved 6y the uaderafgned, until the n th day of Janna rv. 1881, Inclusive, up t" o'dpck p, m, The wood to be deUverea in the nexf 60 days after awardtñg the -contract, ai the dlffereni BChoolbouses In ïiiis city, tnsuchquantftiesaa deatred. Thertgni of rejectlng any or all offera ts reeerved. L. QRUNER, Treasurer of School District No. I, of the City ol Ann Arbor, 8 Seuth Main Street, Ann Arbor, December I4th, 1880. Schooi Bonds for Sale. Sealed tenders are invited by thé anderelgned 11 11 1 il si x o'eloek on tlie at'lfrnoon of Janna i} i lie inii. 1881, tor the purchase of $1,000 (four , saín!, ot' 5 per oent. bonds of School District No. ! 1. of the City of Ann Arbor. asauthorlzed bythe lasi annual school meeting, held September I6tb, 1880, in denominations if $f00 each. bearlng date iviiniarv i. 1881, and payable as [ollowa: 2,000 dollars, (two thousand dollars.) Pebruary I. 1887. 8,000 dollarn. (two tbougand dollars, Februarj I, 1888. Interest payable annually, Both in-incipaland i interes! payaDleal theoffleeof the Treasurer of said district. The right o( rejectlngany or all bils is reserved. By order "i Board of Educatlon. l.. GRUNKE. Treasurer, s S Main Su l. : Ann Arbor, December nili. ls. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank, tivaolzed 1869 under i ne ïeneral Bankfauc Law ; ut ihis stati'i lias ntw. Incïudlng capital Stock, etc . etc., OVER 25OfOOO ASSETS. Business men, Quardianct, Tniflteos. Ladles and utliei" pcrsiitm will liri'l (liis Küiik a SAFE AND CONVENIENT i'iaee al w liieli tu make Deposita and do imsiness. Interest is Allowed on All Savings Deposits Of ♦t.OOand.npward, accordlng t tii rulea of the bank. and Interest compounded aeml annu ■ill.V. Money to Loan in Sums of Í2S to Y5,000 Secured by Dumcumbered Heul Estáte aad other ! ■w'..n,l seenrities. DIRECTOHS cliristian Mack. W. W. Wines, v. D. Barriman, Wllllain Deuble, B. A. Beal, Daniel Hiscocli and W. !' Bmlth. QFFIOBE8, Christlan Mack. President; wV. Wini's. Vi,e l'iesi,len( : t'lwis. B.RteCOClC, Cashler. (iKANDMOÏHKK'S CI1A1K F11H Sí i;, ,„11111 WortUandMtislt Piano Music "ON THE TRiMP," Harch li. 4 i-iecks r.ivi Ingptrtttng. Uailed on r-ccipt TWICKKMIAM FKRRY of Fonr 3 ' ■' Splendiú Word anA Mvrte.. Stamps. MiKI.I'HlAN (Al.OP j.M.SToi)t.un 00 Hprtghtty and pteaslng. l'hiladelphin. Now is the Time to Subscribe FOK THE SUNDAY MAGAZINE, i OLIVER HOUSE, ClOENEU BROADWAÏ AND OTTAWA si,,-. -is. Toledo, Obio Pulfofd & Hall, Propriotors. Ki BBS. Topp t Milleh, derla HEADQUARTER8 FOB AXN A.KBOB PEOPLE For Salel A In-m :m lons of i-In i r i i unit hay for sale in lotstosull purchasers. Foi particular apply to Eugene i:. Arnold, on tbeold Arnold place aboul tlin'c miles west uf the city, or by letter at the Ann Arbor postofflce. EUOÈNE i: AKNOLD LECALS. Real Estáte for Sale. QTATE OFMICHIGAN. C'ountj otWasbtenaw O in the Matter of the Këtate ui iin.--.-l I Briggs, Incompetent. Nottce is berab] given, ThaLin purguance of an order granted to the underslgned Guardian of said [ncorapetenl by the Hou. .Judse of Probate foi che Oounty of Washtenaw, on the fourth day of I iniin a. D. 1880. there will be Bold ai Public Vendue. tu tbe hlghest bidder, at the east front door of the oourt house in the citj "t Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenow In said state, on Saturday the twenh e nd day of January 1881, al lenoVlmk in the torenoon of that day (subject t all encuinbrances by mortgage or otnerwlse exlstlngal the time of the sale, the fol lowingdescribedfleal Estste. to wit: Twents (80) acreson the '-ast glde of the west half of the iiurth east (uarter of sectlon two (4) in town suutli range ftve east (Salem) rrashtenaw county, Michigan, litYRON WEBB, Uated Dec t. 1880. Guardian. Estáte of Artemus T. Cook, Incompetent. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Coiinti of Washtenaw ss. At a gession of the pn ibate court for the eountyof Wasbtenaw, holden al theprobateol lire. in the city of Ann Arlioi'. on Katurday. the I8th day r December, In the year one thousand tiltil hundred and ebrhty. Present, WlUiam I. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte ol Artemag T Cook. Incompetent. i m reading and Ming the potltlon, duly reruled of Loutsa Barber formerly Lonlsa ('ook Guardian praying that she may Uoenssdto Bell certaln real estáte belonging tosaid Incompetent. Thereupon it lg ordered, thal Cuésday the isth day of Jannary next, at ten o'doclï in the forenoon, bBassIgped for the bearing'of said petition. and that the next of kin of said Inconipetetent, and all other persons Interested in san! estáte, arerequtred tu appearat a BCuBlon of sald court,tbeu tobe holden al the probate 'OtRce, in thecityof Ann Arbor, and show cause it' any there be,why the prayer uf the petitioner should not be granted: And it is furtner ordered, ihat. said petitioner glve notice to the persons Interested insanlestaie. ofthependency oisjiid pet it ion. and the hearing tbereof,by cauglng a copy of thlg order tobopubliahed in ihe Ann arou lKMuei(Ar. a newspaper printed and circulatetl In said County, three BucceaBlve weeks previous tu saiii day "t bearing, ' WIU.IAM I). HABRIMAN. A true copy. Judge "t Probate. WiLi.tAM (;. Doty. Probate ReratAr. Estáte of Henry Huesmann. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw ss. At a sessiun of the probate court torüie county f asliteaaw. liolden at the probate t tiie. in the oity of An&Arbor, on S7ednesday tiie first day of December, in the vear one thousand etaht hundred and elghty. Present, Williani l. Jlan'iinan. udge ui' probate. In. the matter ut' the estáte uf Henry Tinesmann. deeeased. Lanibert Itresselhottse administrator de lonis non of said estáte, comes hito court and represent that lio is now propared to i-emier hls finalaccouni as such administrator. Thereupon, it is ordered, thal Tuesday. the 4th day of January next. at u-n u'elork in the torenoon, be asslgned tor examining aud ollowing such account, and that the heirs at lau uf said deeeased. and all other persons interested in said estáte, are requiradlto appear at a Bession ufgald court. then to be holden at the probate oftice, in thecityof Ann Arbor, in Said Couu ty and show cause, Ifany there be, whj the said account Bhouidnot be alluwed. And it is'fnrtlieiordered, thatsaid admlnlstratorgive notice tu the persons intereeted in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, lv eausiii- a copy ut" this order tu ie pubUshed 'in Thi Ann Arbar Demoerat, a newspaper printed and eiren lal it ii_r in said eunnn . three BUCCeSSiVe weeks orevloua tbsaidday uf hearing. WIMJAM 1. 1IAHKIMAN. i. trueoopy.) Judge of Probate. WV u. Don. Probate Register. Estáte of Nicholas McCarty. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County uf Washtenaw, ss. At a sessionof the Probate Courl for the county of AVashtenaw. holden at the probate office in city of Ann Arbor, on Thnrsdav, the 9th day of December, in the year one thousand eighi hundred and eigb. Present Williaiii 1). Harriman.Judiye of Probate, !n the mal t er uf the est at e of Niehulas McCarty deeeased. On reading and fUlngthepetition dol] verifled. uf James H, Lyman, praying that he ntay be lieensed tu sell the Etéal E!ute whereof suid deeeased died sei.ed for purposea r dlstrlbutíon aud payment of charges and expenses. Thereupon. it is ordered, That Friday, the 7th day ot January next, at ten u'cloek in the forenoon, ie asslgned the hearing uf said petition. and that the heirs at law of said deeeased and all other persons in terested in said eslate, are required to apÏiear at a sessim of said eunit. then o be holden at the probate office, in thecityof Ann Arhuj-, and show cause, if any there he, why the prayer of the pel itioner shotlhl nut he ji-anled. Andit is further ordered, that sald petitioner glve notice tu thepergonsinterested in said estáte. uf the pendency orsald petition and the hearing thereof , by causing a cop) of thisorder tobe publiahed in "TIn .uu drnar l' mncrat, a newspaper printed nnd circulati-d in said county three succefuiive'eeks prevlous tu saiit day of hearinsr. WILLLAI1 1). HARRIMAN, (A true copy.) Judge "f Probate, wii. Cl, Doty, Probate Register, Estáte of Conrad Jedele, STATE OF MICHIGAN, County uf Washte _ nav, ss. Ata sessiun uf the probate courl for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the pro hate oftice in the city of Aun Arbor, on Monday. the 37th day of JDecemberZin the year me thousand eight nundredand eiLrht.. Present, wllliam D. Harriman, Judge oí l'robate. In the matter of the estáte uí Conrad Jedele. deeeased. On reading and flling tbe petition, duly veri Bed, of Barbara Sohwab praying that adminfs tration de bcnis non wltb the will annexed "t said estáte may be granted to Conrad Krapf or sume other suitahle person. Thereupon, it is ordered, thai Ifonday, the álth day of .January next. at ten o'duek uithefore noon be assigned for hearing of said petition and for the examining and allowing uf the Final account ol Frederk-k Ptetorius, Executor of the will uf said deceased and that the heirs at law of said deceased. and all other persons interested in saidestate. are requir eil tu appear at a sessiun of Said courl thentulie holden at tbe probate office in the city of Aun Arbor. and show cause if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should nut be granted, and said Final account alluwed: And it is further orde rei i that said petitioner f?ivc notice to the persons Interested in said estáte oí' the pendency of saitl petition, and tiie hearing thereof, by caushig a oopy of this order tu he puhlished in theAnn Arbor Deniucrat, a newspa perprlnted and circulated in said county, three Buccessive weeks previouto suid day ut' hearW1LLIAM D. HARR1MAM. [A true copy.] Judge o) Probate. Wii.i.iam G. Doty. Probate Reeister Estáte of Jeremiah Kennedy. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County uf Washtenaw ss. ai a sessiun ui the probate court for the rouiity uf Washtenaw, holden at the probate office in tiie city of Aon Arbor, on Saturaay, the Uth day of December Intheyearone thuusand eighl hundred and elghty. Present, Wflliam l. Harriman. Judge of Pro bate. In the matter of the estáte uf Jeremiah Kennedy deeeased. i ni reading and filtng petition,duly veritled uf l'atrick sheehey praying that a certain Insirunietit now on hlc in this court puriorting to be the last wlll and testament of said deceased, may he admitted tu probate, and that he may be appointed execator thereof. or lliat administration ofsid estaiemay granted tu sume Buitable person Bhould such wfll oe refused probate. Thereupon It to ordered, that Monday, the lOth day of January next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon be assigned for the hearing of suid petition. and that the devigeee. legatees,and belra-at-lawoi said deceased and all other persona Interested in said estáte, are required toappearat asession ut' said euurl.then tu lie bolden at tbe probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not begranted: And t Isfurtber ordered that said petitioner gire notice to tbe persons Interested in said estáte, of thependencj of said petitiun. and the hearing thereut. by eaus tog a oopy of this order to be publlahea in The Ann Aroor Democrat, a oewspaper printed and circulated in sald oounty, three iuccesstre weeks, nrevious i" said day "i hearing. ' WU.1J M l. RARRTMAN, (A true oopy i Judge of Probate. Wn.t.iAM i. l'uTY. Probate Kegigter. Chancery Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, The twonty -se. ■ 1 judicial circuit m Chanceiy. snit pending in the Circuit Court for the county of washtenaw in Chancery at Ann Arbor. Michigan, on the Hitli day of December A.D 1880, -Mary A. Brainard, complainant, r.i. Charles S. Urainard, defendant. It satisf aetorily appearing from theaftldavit of Jeronie C'. Knowltou, now herelreaJ and Illed in s iid courl, that! the said defendant, Charles S. Brainard. is a non-resident of this state and ia a resident of the state, of Colorado. On motiun of Bawyer & Knnwlton, of counsel (or complainant, it is ordered that the said defendant Charles Bruinard, cause liix appearan e in this cause tobe enterad irltbln three months from tbe date ol this order, tu wit: On or bef ore tlielüthday of Manli A. D. l'Sl.atnl that In case of hts appearance he cause hw answer to complainant 's hill to be Illed and n copv tl.ereuf tu be servedon the conipliiinant'ssolicitor In accordance with the rules practioe of this oourt, and that in default thereof the sald bill be taken asconfessedagainst the said defendant, Charles S Urainard and it is further ordered that wlthin twentv days the said complainant cause a notice of this order to be pubHshed in the Anx Ahboii Dkíiocrat, a paper printed and publlshael in the county of Washtenaw, aforesaid, and that said publication be coutinued in said paper, at least onee in each week for six weeks in succes iion, or that he cause a copy of this order to he personallyHerved onthesaio dffenuant. ('hurles S. Brainard, at least twenty days before the time above prescrlbed for his appearance. JAMKSMcMAHON, Circuit Court tuinmissiuner. Inandfor Washten aw county, Mieh. Sawvkk Knowltok, SoUcltont for complainant.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat