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TAKB NDTICE ! DON'T BUY A DOLLARS WORTH OF QOODS REFOTÏE SEEÏNfl Mï STOCK AND PEICES. A FULL LINE IN Every Department. Men's, Youths : And Boys' CLOTHING Cajs ei FimiiÉi doods. JOE T. JACOBS, The Ci.otii Ann Arbor. 7 WkendaÍs [spavinjMw KENDALL'SSPAVIWCURE. The most successful Remedy ever dtecovered, Mil hcertaiu mita effect and does nor blister Read Proof Below. PRESEVERANCE WILL TEJ-L. Btoughton, Mas.. Mareta I8th, B .1 Ekndaií & Oo., Gbntb: In justlce to yon andmyself, 1 think 1 ought tolel you Icnow fliat 1 have removed two bone spavins wltn "Kei SpavlnCure." one ven larg ie; don't kpo nowioDg the spavin had been re. i nave owned the horse etehl months. li topk toe four monthsto take thelarge oneoffand two to smúl ...„. L have uaeS ten bottles. Theho eïïtlrelywell not at aU sttff. and no buneb to be seen orfoli. Thteta a wpnderñil mejllcine II s unewthlnehere: bul fh does for all whal M lias doue ror me [tsaale wtll be veryífreat. (tespectfull] yo ' ■ Pafksb. KiNini.r.'s spavin Ciuk s aure n ita ■■ ; míld in it actlon a II doea not bltoter, yel n te penetraUnKandpowerful to reaoh everj deep seated pato or t" remove ana .i"'iiy h-n.wtli .nother enlareemenl suchas apa vina, spllnt. curta, callous, spminB. swellings. anj lameae and aU enlargèmentsof the Joints or limbs, or rheumatlsm i man and tor any purpoBé for whlch a linimenl la twed ror man or beast. It la known tobe the best Itolmenl ti used, actlng mild and yet certaiii i" IW effect. Send addreeafor niuatrated Circular wlilch we think givee pogltlve pr : of IU vlrtues. No reme 'lv lias l.-vit ni.'t wlthauch unqual I succes to oor knowledge, for beaal as well as man. Prlcetl per bottle, or ix bottlea tor t$ All Drugglstebaveitor ' ".'" be ént (o any addreej on reeetpl of jprice by the proprietore. DR B.J. KENDALL a i burgu Fallí, Vprinoiit. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS] PHILIP WINEGAR Íi 8TI1 !■. OF Tl nom No. I, Opera H. R. KILL TTORN'EY VT i.AW. ofllce No V House Bloek. Ann Arbor. Miehl THOS. DALÍ, i ver and Clothea ' leam ■ r the Opera House. Bamplex 1 eau beseenal the shop. Satisfaiwou guaranteed. CEO. A. BOYLAN, Ui 'i-;:-' SIOH ;r ti. i i irnamentel Patnti r iintler the Star Clothinf; Hoimp. i ir al C, Boylan's wi3J prompt attpntled to. JOSEPH CLINTON, ll.r r. Bhop over Wm. AUaby's bool .t! ain! si.ic,-. All work guaranteed orno clini-ge. 5am. B. Revenaugh, I ; ni l tafcbig the Best Glsss h Plipplis In tlu City at Prices to Suit the Times. Groui COODRICH BLOCK, ol the NEW COÜBT IIOUSK. .A-T? IT JGrJTJST. 'nioiuiiN 3Lnttlie-v -HAS OPENED IÏÏS MEAT MA ÍK KT (IX ANN BTliEET, ■ ■ rouH-h.nisr. where F'iM'sil and BALT Heat ui' the BEST QUALITY can '■■■ procured. Tiros, maïtiikws. . H. 00 W VEGETARE BALSAMIG J? Is a sure cure lor Cough . hooping-Cough, and all Lung 2 Discases, whtii taken in betoon. t People die of consuiri)i)oi. sm because of negitct, whei c, timeliy use of tlus rcmed v I have curcd them ai once. l'itly-um tjinrs ot 1 Istftnt usc proveb tiio iaci ihut x cough reincü l.a iood the tci hkc Mi o uu s' L.tizir. Prtco 3&c nbo ti.m }wi boltle Dr.Baxter'b Mandi Wili cuis, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, 8 Livcr CutiifilainU, [ndigestio JJjaiid all difCiiM-s arising fron '::' w iuusiK's- Pi i' ij ets. perbi IIK.H Ai .lUItNSON'S ÁRNICA AND OIL LïNIME]NTTl For .Ha ii ttmt lints!. ÍS The most perfect liniirient ever & Mcompounded. Prio ' ( . .i iul 50c. jH DR. L. D. WHITE rpREATS srccKSSFri.l.'i all manner ..i I chronic diseasos. Oteeases ■ !' Hu■■ - froni . 'I i.jj-P.ii. Office .mi,i resMence No i ' NorthBIaln . .!■;„„■. .... Michigan. E CORE! e 'late J. C. jBurk r In HARNESSES, TRÜNKS, 3CES, WHIPS. BRUSHES, BLANKETS, ETC. RNÉSSE8 MADE TO ORDER - RBPAIRING NEATLT DONE Charl ■ ■ Btreetj ■ Mieliliinn. "DOG ON THE "DOG ON THE OLD HAT." OLD HAT." A. A. TEEET, A. A. TEEE7, HATS HAT8 ANN AHBOB, AXS AKBOB, ÍIICH. MICH. j'or insurance yourIroperty OO TO - C. II. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT, No. 4, South KSain Street, ANN ARBOK - - mOHIGAH The ol ■ ■ ■■ ■ BSstabliahed a quarter ol a i tlng tliefol;-. hl' íiist i . . , .Vssptsover $6,000,000 sets over {3.000,000 , '.-:. ï Aawts 11,44: Giraidcf Fa. is over $1.000,000 ofHartfor.1 Assofs $700,000 K. A T E3 S JL. O W. Loss. '1 promptly paid tüHïC IS A THOROUCH REMEDY in everj [alarla] Fver tr Fever :ii"t nrhlle for diaorders of the Stomaoh, Torpldity of th ÜvOr. [ndigestion and disturbancea ■ . whleh debilítate, II bas no fliilliv;;li'lil. ;i:u eau ]ul u DO si il ist i tute. It abOUld nol be confounded with trlturated oompounds of .i-iis and esgential oils, often soldunder Dame of Bitters. FOK SAI I oeers,andWiiie"Mercliante evcry ■ where.


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Ann Arbor Democrat