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The London correspondent of tlie New Yovk Times writes as follows to that paler, under date of December 2d: "As an example of English good feeling toward American word, Scribner's Magazine for November reached a sale of over 15,000 copies, a circulation largor than Coruhill, VlacmillaD, Belgravia, Fraser.Blackwood, or theContemporaiy. The portraii of Gladstone in Scribner has given great great satisfaction to the preniier's family and friends." The January issue .of St. Nichoias, "the New Year's number," waspublished on Tuesday. December 28th, giving the youne people time to forget a little tbe glories of "the wondert'ul Cbristmas number." Among the contents are several capital things which were crowded out of December. "Bright Eyes, ' the young Indian girl, makes her first contrioution to literature in a charming story of Indian child-life. There is an account of "The Children's Fan Brigade," another of the novel entertainments for children's festivals which have been suggestod in the pages of St. Nichoias; "Every Boy His Own Ice-Boat," describing a splendid new sport for all skaters; the first of Mrs. Clara Erskine Clement's "Stories of Art and Artisls," which are to be one of the special features of St. Nichoias during the coming year; one of Frank R. Stockton's funniest fairy stories, a poem by H. H. Boyesen, pictures grave and gay, eontinuations of the seriáis, etc. The issue rivals the Christmas number in good things. The January Number of Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly is crowded with delightful reading matter, replete with interest, entertainment, and instruction. The opening article, by Nugent Robinson, entitled 'Shakespeare' London," is elabórate in its details, and has thirteen fine illustrations. Among the many articles of especial merit we may instance, "Peacock Shooting in India"; "Some Memorials of Columbus" (with seventeen illustratious); "A Qossip about Curling"; "Woman's Hair, as Glory and as Property," etc. In the departmentof flction we find the contmuatkm'of "The Amber Witch," a story of intense interest; "The Story of a Pilgrim Bottle," by Helen W. Pierson, and several other stories by popular writers. There are sketches of great merit by W. .1. Florence, etc, and poema by Austin Dobson, Pauline, ICrilof, etc. The miscellany is unusually copious, embracing a large variety of subjects, and presenting an almost exhaustless fund of amusement and information. The number con tai us 128 quarto pages of standard literature, and over 100 fine engravings. A sing'e copy is only 85 cents, and $3 will secure copies for a year, $1.50 for six months, and $1 for four months, sent post free. Address.Frank Leslie's Publishing House, 53, 55 and 57 Park Place, New York. Scribner's Monthly is about to do a thtng perhaps without precedent in our magazines, namely, reprint a serial story which has alrcady run through six numbers of another American magazine. The serial of Mrs. Burnett, "A Fair Barbarían," which is announced for the "Midwinter Number," is said to be altogether the brightest and most amusing this popular author has ever written. It will occupy two or three numbers only of Scribner's, the fiist installment covering about twenty three pages. It has been printed alrcmïy in six numbers of another magazine, witt a large circulation, but with an entirely different circle of readers. There is at least one recent Parisian precedent for such a course as Scribner has adopled. A novel by a popular Frenen writer, written the last year or two, appeared in a prominent daily paper as a serial. After this it carne out i. book form, and wben il had reuched a sale oí some forty or fifty tliousand, one fine morning this very novel Mas announced far and wide as tlie leading serial of a daily newapaper, Le Petit Journal, which, as every one knows who lias read ils gigantic sign on the sides of the seven .story Paris house, boasts the unequaled circulation of 650,000 copies daily. Mrs. Burnett luis reviged her story for its reappearance in Scribner, bul bas made no material change in it.


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