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Flour- City branda. . $5 00 @ Sute branda. . 4 80 (a) 5 0O Seoonds 4 ü5 (ü) 4 60 Miuu. patenta. 7 ü5 (a K 00 Low grades. . . ' 25 (u 3 75 . Kyp 5 00 @ Buokwheai. . 5 5 (0 5 75 Wheat- Nol while. . 40 Wi (a) 99è Holler January 98i @ 1 00 Beller b. . . 1 Ole @ 1 024 UèrMarch . i 03 è (# 1 (.'44 r April. . . 1 04 í (g 1 0B r May ... I (i @ 1 07 N 2 v.ii:,e. . . 91 (g No 2r id 99 Baki.ey - ■ ,2 25 @$2 50 peí 100 Ib. State, 1 35(a)l 68. Huil, Oats- S7@39o. per .u. Kyb- 65ö76 1 por bu. i-.s-Si 30 1 40 per bblBotteb- Prime quaiity, 19(21. Medium, 14@iöcls. is- Handpieked, $1 70; unpicHod. 80c(g,?l 15. CbanberBI @7 50 per bbl. Chbbse -13i@Ho per ib. Dkik 3i '.( j.Hr Ib. 8 11 I S5 i'.-5 L.'35 per ewt. Eas- Freeh, 'SI (Si 25 . jamk - Quoted terms aro abone as loltowi: Turkya, I0i@12o; ver.ii h.ií e@8c; uo aaddies, 10.@lü-; quail, 8'2O?2 25; par-, 60(3)70; Mallard dnckH, 50@G'li-; COminon Jo, 2")c@30c.; woodcock, ?2 50; snipe, ; rsbbits, 50; iquirrels, 5: to 65. Hay- f li ; '.íloOie. Bfopij c per Ib. ÍIonky- hu mid, 10@12cper Ib. Comb. 14(g OMION9- $Í60@8 75 per bbl. Poultry- DitHí-ed Chickens, 7J@8c;turkeys, 9J@I0o. POTATÓKS- Eüriy Rose, 48c per bu.; 1'. Mhblot h, 60o per tai. l'ROVISIONS - Pork liU-S1-, ?15 00(316 00 Lard, S@,9o: haim, 10@10ic; sbouldeiH, 7' ■. 10Ï"; extra iní8 beí, f 9 50 (ójlOfcO per bM.: .iriwti beef. lio. " SaLt- 1 U5@$l V por bbL skkd- riovi.i-, $450@t490 per buh.; Timolby, f 2 f( Cq $ 70. Swbbt Fotatoks- JJ5' @f4 75 per bbl ÏAM.0W- 6iu p"'r pouin!. W'OOD- í 7fi@5 0"pir cord. Detroit StocK Market. Oflerinca of cattle at Michigan Central yarils numbertd 298 head,agalnst415-h6ad last week. l'rici's wPre ís follows: Cattle.- Ccmil t clioicesteers, $)(íífl 75; fair lio, Ckere, $2 60@$3. Skeep.- Av901bB. f4 35@f48S; hunlis, av SI Iba. 5 50. HOG8. - Oflerings, 983 head. Sales ranscil [rom $4 iCamíI 60. Average wei glit from ::; to 30b 1!,-. JüNGLISH GRAIN MABKET. Lontion, December 20.- The Mark Lane Exprewsays: Theuncompletedwheatsowlnxjsare ïiow mostiy rniiliiicd toland from wliicli the have beeo removed. Lateeown whoais aro comiDg iip well under favorable aml mild wisitiit-r, while earlj sowu -heats are everywheréstrougand iiealtliy. Salee ot Engllsh dnring the week, 42,590 qre, at 4 ts per qr,again8t 21,787 4 at 46s 6d per qr tlie corivspouiiing weck ol last year. Importations into the Dnlted Kindom forthe week eadin December 1 1, na2,3M cwt of wheat, 323,452 cwt of üour. _____._ A Syracuso bride of a month was sted lor atealing her inl'ant niece, was locked up in acell at the pólice station, olie begged her husband to stuy all nijílit iu Ihe ccll with her, Decauseslie waa ifraitl to be lelt alone; but aíter trying the barebench awliile, clared that, he coukln't stand it, md went home to a suft bed. She exiressed an unfavorable opinión of his couducU


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