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Archeological Remains

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A correspondent al Cold water Mlch., writea as follows: Among natural curiosities and peculiar natural features of tilia country are some relies of the past, whtise origin is liidden in the dark reeesses of the prehistorie ages. Tlüit the.y indícate and substantially irovií íhat some race of intelligent propie once lived, bied and died upou these fertile and beautlful plainsniustbeapparent to everyone giving the subject oaroful consideration. The Jndiaus havt) no traditions which relate to these relies, and have alwavs shown perfect ignorance regardiug their oriind signilicance. ün tlie shori-s of iiU :k1 lake. and at other placea In the town of Gilead in the southwestern portion of the county, aro found remains of what liave been gcnerally regarded as ancieat fortilications. They are invariably ciicular in form, and elevated, at present, from one to two feet above the general surfaee of tlie ground. The principal of these are tlie two which are found on the shore of the lake, which Ia in the extreme western part of the township, one bt'ing on the west and the other being on the east stde of the lake, very nearly opposite each otfcer. A description of the one on the east side will answer s a general description of thein all, although the one on the west shore is the largest. Near the north end of the lake an arm runs out to the eastward, and on the south shore of tuis bay lies the vork under description. The shore at this poiní is a steep bluff about 15 (eet above the average level of tle waters of the lake, and a plateau extends f rum the edge of this bluff some 30 tods in every direction, and then giadually dt-scends to a lower leval. On this plateau with its two extremities tOdChing the edg of the bluff, is a sera circular are, 18 or 20 rods in diameter, and drawn on so truo a circle that it proves plmost conclusively that it was laid out bel'ore the trees which now occupy the site grew there. Along this line is an elevatlon about six orpprhapseight feet in width and eighteen inches in the muidle. The great age vf this work is attested by the trees growing upon the top of the elevation, whose appearance shows that they sprang into existence after it mis made, and whose 3ize evidencea an undisturbed growtli of from 150 to 200 yeara. rrhat they are reinains oí fortifleations is by no means otear to the minds of the iuhabitanls in the town. and can never be conclusively shown until tlie habits and mode of life of their former bitants shall be made known.' That they may siniply mark the niteof some dwelliug place of a gregarian race seams quite probable, when it is consklered ibat they are built largely of tlio shells of fresh water elams, which have become nearly solidifled. But whatever their origin or usé, we are left to look upon tliem in a puiely speculative Ught, and the imaij'mative mind may weave aboutthem n v.eb of romaneo and dreatn of the lived and expenenues, the hopes and foars, the iüves and hates of the unknown people who roamed the plains and forests and lived upon the produets of tliesoil and upon the animal life that peopled its m otls and waters. In other parts of tlio town are found burial-moHnds similar to those so frequently found in this section of the state, and relies of tho Indian race, and piecea of ancient pottery that have lain long in the soil are frequently brought to light by the farmer's plow.


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Ann Arbor Democrat