A Missouri View Of Art
A well known lady artist, residing at Kome, relates that while standing one day near t!e statue of thc Apollo Belvidere, she siuUlenly becauie aware of the presence oí a wotnun The new comer, a well to do looking American woiuan, introduced hersel: as Mis. Raggles of , Mo., anc thcii asked; "Istliis the Apollo Belvidere?" Miss H teatified to the identity of the work, and the tourist then said: "Considered a srreat statue?" The interrogated lady replied that it was generally tliought to be one of the masterpieees of the worid. ".Manly beauty, and all that sort of thing?" siüd the lady f rom the land of the setting sun. "Yis," responded the now amazed artist, "It is said to be one of the noblest represantations of the human frame," "Wéll," continued Mrs Baggles, closing her IJaedeker, and with arms ikïiabo taking a last and earuest look at the marble. "l'vo seen the Apollo Bel videre and l've seen Raggles, and
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