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Garibaldi's Englishman

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Ho was a tall, spare man with ïnagniticent eyes glisteuiug under an opea brów, made all the larger by the hair being bruslied back from it. He had a gray beard, with more white thaa brown in it, on his breast. He seemed from fifty-eight to sixty years old then. As Garibaldi was opening one of his campaigns, an Englishman came tohim, wearing a broad-brjmed hat, lined with green in front to protect hia eyes, and earrying a large eartridge-box filled with cartridges and a powerful fieldglass. His equipment was completed by a n excellent double-barrelled rifle, "Genera! Garibaldi ?' asked he. "I airi hef' said Garibaldi soinewhat roughly. "I aniijir JolmW'illiam Peard." 'Weil?" "And I have, come to ask the favor of serving under your orders." Garibaldi looked his recruit over. "Humph!" said he, -Ho serve under my osders?" Vou know what it meaus, serving nnder inv orders?" 'Xo. But if you will have the goodness to teil me I shall know." -Xo pay." "That makes no matter. I am rich." Thirty miles to mareh a day, on an average." "I have excellent legs." "Ptesty of iighting." "ïhat is what I have come to find." "Absolute obedience to my orders." "Humph!" "Thei-e, you see, it will not snit you." "I would rather iight af'ter my " ówu fashionV' "I am an excellent huntpr." "v hat is jour fashionV" "Ah!" "And I un a capital marksman." "Well?" '1 should like to iight with your sharpshooters." "Very well! You shall flght withmysharpshooters." "Ishould like also to keep my own costume, which suits me perfectly." "You shall keep it." '1 sbould like " "Oh! the deuce! ' You want too much. If I had been as exacting as you with M de La .Marmora, I should never have begun my campalgn." "Very good," saiil 8ir John, "I will fight on my own lunk." "Fight on your own hook; you are right, it will be best." Sir John liuved to Gariualdi, and Uaribaldi bowed to Sir John. ftgbt at fiaxsH took place the next diiy. Gaiïbaldi sent bis sharpshooters in. but with all the liaste they iul(l nnike they found that Sir John bad airead engaged the enemy. Aa we have said, he had declared war againsí Austria, and was fighting on lus own hooki Xot oidy was he fightiiig on hia dwn liook, but he foiight after his own i'nsliion. He stuod erèet, without any cover, and paid no more attention to the balls that whistled about his tall tori tlian ir thev had I en mos.juitos. He took aim as'quietly as if he had been out hunting, lired, lowered his gun, took his tield-glass to see the effect of his shot, made a negative or approving movement af his ueaa as ne wascnsconteittedor satisfied, loaded again, took aim, thed, looked througli his glass. ándagáin showed his satisfaction or ilisapjiointinfnt with a shake of his hcad. The encniy in r&treal and (aiibaldi masterof the tield oí' battl, a.s lie ahvays was, Sir Johu'a only occupation was io look up lus dead and wounded, wlioni he knevv just as one knowaouj shoptingthe ralibiis ihat lie has knocked over cleverly or only íhjured. Hia dcad and his wounded recog uized. and duly entered In his memorandum book, Sir Jolm startc-d aftcr the Austi-ians, and, thanks to his long leas. was soon up with the advanee guard. Garibaldi lot him go on shaipshowtlng in this way alter iiis owa fashion daling two or three fjgkts without appearing to pay any atteiition to him. Hut as Garibaldi Joved brave men above i'erything, he walked up to the Euglishman ofie day, in the midst of a heavy lire. and said: "Sir John let me congratúlate yon. Ton are a brave nian." "1 know it said the Knglishman. "And more, you are niv fricad." "Ah! Iliat," said .Sir .John, -j did uot know. and I am intinitely grateful to you. Bul excuse me one moment; thereisa devil of an Austrian over there that I iia ve taken a fancy for." Sir John pu his rifle to nis shoulder, and the Ausonan for wiioin he had taken a fancy, shot in fhe hcart made a step tbrward and feil on his f his Austriahn toók his gls8s, exammed ace. Sir Job, made a üitlc gestüre of'satisfaciion, and. turning to the General, said as he held out bis hand, "GrOOj inorning, General. I hopeyou l'eel well to-day?" From that, day on, Sii'John l'eard was never, called anythjng but "Garibaldi's Knglishman." Ladiesj says the London Truth, uill be glad to hear tliattlie "fluttered frog" is the name of the last new color; it is rather lighter than "frightened toad" or "angry mouse."


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