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A Large Estate

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Por several yearspast a Mi. Barker, of l.ondon, Englaud, has been investigating the claims of certaiii partios to 1 lie great CHrpenter estáte, amountingto ovcr$4íO,000,000 which has been in the keeping of the E&glish crown for mmy years. Mr. Barker has traveled both ín Europe and America scarchingfor heirs to i this vast property, and from tliefollowing extracts from letters he has w ritten Wihlard Carpenter, Esq., of Evausville, Ind., it would appear that Mr. Carpenter is n"t only ouc of the hcirg to the property, bul that evcrything seems favorable for his getting a portioD of it. A letter received by Mr. Carpeuter on the 26th of October contains a brief account ot the marnier in whichthe estáte carne into the possession of the crowu, together with the name of the testator. It is as follows: William Carpealei, the testator, died in England in the year 1700, aged ninetynine years. He had a brother named Richard, who it secms died and left a son named Ephriam, who was the father of two sons - Timothy and Ephriam. These latter were the sole heirs to the cstate of William Carpenter. Their deseen - dants camc to America and scttled on Long Island, and in 1707 the estáte was laken charge of by the crown, and remained undisturbed until 1846. when it secms an investigation of the matter was begun. The estáte then amounted to $200,000,000, and with interest at the rate of three per cent. ,the amount allowed by the crown, the properly is now worth something over $420,000,000. Mr. Barker says in one of his letters that hc thinks the recovery of this vast estáte is much nearer at hand than many people would believe. He expects in a short while to obtain a copy of the will, and records from the probate court of London to show tbat the estáte of William Carpenter was administered upon, and that on the 19lh day of August, 1707, the trustees of the probate court, lurned over the procceds of the estáte, and that it still remains in the custody of 6aid court, under control of the crown, and has ever sincebeen drawing interest. He says that with these records the heirs are o aposition to at once make their claim to the estáte, which rests npon a decisión of the chanoellor nf Lnndon made in 1846. Daniel Carpenter a prominent lawyer of New York city, who was in London at tbc time the Knglish Carpentcrs, who reside at Manchester, made theif claim to the estáte before the court, says that ihc decisión was favorable to the heirs of the Long Islam! Carpenters, who camc to this country in 1678. Their names were Ephriiim and Timothy, and they had teveral dascendants wbo sotiled iu Verinont. Epbriam Carpenter. a grand father of William Carpenter, of Evansville. Ind., was bom on Long lsland in 1734, and died in Stafford, Vormout, iu 1809. This connection briug." William Carpenter within the range of his heirs olaiming a ahare of the vast eslate. I Mr. Carpooler 'O h will go t" Xew York 'ni a short liuu; and joiii Mr. Iíarker, ; who is airead; iln:re. nml will probaM) i company bim to Englauil. The fóllowing rosidi-nis of ilii place me t he lirirs t. t lií vaM estáte: Hornee Carpanter, Mis. Mary Ctmover, Mis. Prof. Adama, Mis Kinina llealey, Mrs. N. H. WiDon, and Hwwe duugfitwi of Mrs. itiebard Dillon. Eveuiug ííews: Some weeks ago Lew la C. Smoke, of Woodland, Reny coiiflty, went to Ann Arbor for medical trcatincnl and dit-d there. X documpnt is now prefcutcd which purports to be a will made lv a law studeut of the univursity ; while Slr. was in the hospital tlierc, and in which lic bemieaths $4H to tlie Uw student, $200 to oue of nis chutus, ■ "mcdic," nnd $25 to one of the subscribing witnewea. Smoke's reliitions bclievc the will a forgery, and in investigatiou may follow. Should it turn out a fraud ; some of those smart Alees at Ann Ardor ' inay tind that that kind of jokiog does n't pay. The above ariielu does great Injustice . to parties in the university, aod we would inforui the Xcws man that the will ter ferred to is not a forgery, but was llgned by thutcsUtor and witnessed by Dr. A. j C. Whceler, hospital surgeon. and ,1. V. Vide), a norse la the hospital. Lewis C. Smoke, several times prior to bis dr at h inforraed th parties thut. hc was not on good teroM wita hia twó brothers, Mid cautiooed l)t. Wheeler and othen , about sayiofi atiything to Ihem as to tlio disposilion of hi property, should they come to see him- which he hoped they would no do. Bcsids the witnesses there thcre are two other persons who hare a positive knowtodge of Smoke'a making the will, one of whom is a membor of the faculty. Un Tucaday afternoon, Misa Haunah Moore. of South ITnivcrsity avenue, was uiiitrd in irmrriage lo Mr. 3. F. Somervillc. oí lnnsylvntii:i, liv R' Wyllys Hall. Ful her Imstlt' full of spouges. Sister 's going out to skate ; i Siie will need their vielding softness U'ht'ii she tries the figura 8. - The Tramp in Hí Si, .■'. Don't flll liii eiuptjr bead with spougeK. Leave him to nis rh(, just f ate ; He'Hnot "need theiryieliling soítues.'' WliMti .1 Y. hiMnH nim on his pate. - Rftí"lt r. Tie those blooklieads both t.ngetlir, Isabel them with ucatcst care. n&cfi them saf from sun and mal hei . Iü that new Musuiun rare. - I7rr l'imttanti Dyspcptir. Oír the lattt a dos oí catsui'. Tuclc him tu hls llttle bed ; !ive the Tramp six months to hust np. And tht" Hurón to soak hig hwul. IX'tniit is :il! excilcracnt ávéi 'S:uii'l of Po&ëB"." The Kcck funiiturc company will eteCI officers upx'. Tnesdny èVëniDg. John O. LaubenMyër,öf Lo3ï, thresbeil iti 110 days 8f,550 busheh of wheat. The Michigan legislutuie is do place for a man who has liever heanl of Judgê Cooley. The Uoyal TemplarB of TenspcRutcei will perfect an organization sometime next week. J. B. Dowhas coraplcted tw newim. proved furnaees in the laboratory for the chiss in Hssayiug. Prof. Wilsev and others from thie city, guve a concert lust eveníbg in ihe Moort-ville Baptist church. The examinatinu of Abiahum Mcycis, of I.oili, on the charge of assault with iuteut to niunler liis father, ras adjourned until Fridüy. Htail the statement made by L. Gruner as to the amount of tuition receivod, salaries paití teachers etc,, in tuis school district, for the past ten years. Duritig the year 1880 the receipU of Forest Hill cemetery aissociation werc Js2,436.00. and the disburseruents, $1.593. - 04, leaving a balance on liuiul of $843.92. The following are the oflicers jcluctcd by 7igUanl bose companr : .lolm Feiner, Foreman ; assisbtota, Geo. Dinsler, 8. ; Ifillard; A. Toufel, secretary 1 treasurcr; Geo. Werper, itewart. Offlccrs of Yigilant flre company elected Tuesday eveoing: President, O. ]i, Schwab; seeretary, H. Laubengayer; treasurcr, S. B;iumirartner; foreman, V. Sorg; assistant, C Weitbrecbt; pipemen, M. Ziehier, C'. lleinzinanu, C. Brown, F. Kim, J. Hauser, P. Vetael, 15 FJums and H. Ingnlhard. The Washtcnaw mutual LnsuraiiCe company elected the foüowing Uirectors yesterday. .1. J. Ilobison, Sliaion; II. Mwry, Aun Arbor towu; E. A. Nordman, Üma; S. Fairchiid, Ann Arbor; II. D. Platt, Pittslield. The directora elected : .1. J. EtobisoD, president, and ö. FaircbHd I secretary and treasurer. The Frcc Press suys the new comedy, "Sam'l of Posen" may safely (be claesed is oiie of the happiest hits of the time. M. 15. Curtis as "Sam'l PUutrtck" the commercial drummer is the central flgure. The eouipauy is a good oue and üetioiters have -aiely seen a more laughablc performance. The piece was flnely moUDted, applause was frequent aud laughlcr ruled the hour. The Register ycsterday made au uncalled for attack on Judge Harriman, because a rcpublican board of supervisors-, wlioui it also gocs for, allowed hini Uis legal salary, which was fixed in 1873 at $1,500 w hen a repubhean held the office of probate judge. In the 40th Michigan the supremo court deeided in the case of the judge of probate against Mauistec ;ouuty, that a board of supervisors once having fixed the salary, they could never change it unless authorized by the legislature. The board fixed the salary in 1876 just bef ore Judge Hai riman took nis seat, at $1,300 which was illegal and unaulhorized. The entertainment to be given at university hall Friday evening, Jan. 14, is of the first order, and will draw a large house. The students' association is bringing the best lyceum entertainments in the field to Ann Arbor, and the organization deserves all the great success which it is meeting withthis season. The Helen Potter Pleiades is a strong company and presents a programa full of interest. There is not a dull minute during the entire performance and the numbers succeedeach other with rapidity. The company includes Miss Helen Potter, wlio will present, among others, an im personation of Sarah Bcrnhardt; a beautiful youní; soprano, Miss Harriet Earnest; Mr. J. W-Macy, buffo; and the Eichbcrg ladifs' quartclte, of Boston. Of this club the N. Y. Tribune speaks highly .


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