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January ". - ()n accouut of the snial] atteuü anee notbing of linportanee was done In the . A letter was read fromtien. Uarflekl decliulng the senatorsblp oí ühlo, auda talk Ou the intt-r occanic si ranal developed s 1 1 1 1 1 Opposltlou to that nieasnre. ïu the House, the lull was reported liack amendlng section :!."2l ot the revbed siatui's, so ás to authorlze a charge lor meltlng or refiniui; imiüon wiu'ii at ot ebove th Btandard. Passed. The house also passed the army appropriatiOD hill. January 0.- Iu th senate the Beu Holliday ciaim was debated, Gen. (■oir was éonfirmed as Becreiaij of the navy and then adjournmenl was had. In tl' house the tundiuc iiill was taken up and dsbsted at length, Messrs. Kelly of Pennsylvauia, Springer of Illinois, McLarw of Maryland. and wen. Weaver of towa oppoe ing it and .Mr. S. 1!. ('lattenden of New Vork making the principal speech n its favor. January In the Senate Mr. Ken y (Rep., Muïi.i Introduced a bilí to promote the etli ciency of the llfe-sarlng servia1. The consular and diplomatic appropriation bill was taken u[i, adoptad, aud the sonate adjourned till Monday. In the house of representativas Mr. Springer (Heñí., lll i oflered a resolutton of indulryof the state clenartment, concerninu the ïalse and fictitióus statlstics and perjared testímony, al leged to have heen imposed upon the arbitrators in thu Hallfax fisliery award. Mr. New Iwrry (Rtp., Micli.) spoke hrielly, statinyf tbat there :i cleur prooi that fraudulent testi inony and itatlauoa had been brought before the rommisslOD. and asked to have referred a ; resolution redtiogthe alleged faets aud pro ridlng lor a special conrmigalou to Investígate the suliject. Mr. Sprinuer's resolntlon was adopted, two private liiils pamed and the house artjourued. January 8. - In the bouse 'T rpresentaHvee, Mr. Ha, meinlier elect from Urn tliird New llanipshiru district, took his seat. The bOOM went tnto connnittee ot the wholcon tba fundiiifï UIL Au auiendinent to fix the rate of iuterest at.S percent., it being 'A)4 in the printed bill, was debated at lonjrth. Mr. Keifer iRep., O.) moved to fix the rate at 1 per cent.; lost, ayes 120, nfijs 147, and i he comtnittee rosa without action. 'J'he Indian appropriatlon bill was ïepurted, ordered printed, and recoininitted, and the Uoase adjourned. Jannary ld.- In ihe senate a nuinherof bilis wei iutroduced, incliuling one by Mr. Loan aulhoriziiiir the ['resident to put (en. ( on the retireil list with the rank of general, and to cali on bint, if necessary, in case of public emergency; also to restore the franking privilege to Nnaton and representatlvea for all official business. The bill for the relief of Ben Holliday was Uien taken up. Mr. Bayard spoke vlgorouslT agalnst It The aruryappropriation bill was reported with aniendinenisand placed on the calendiir. The senate then went into executivp session and soon after adjourned. In the house of representatives a large nuinber of bilis were introduced and referred. A resolution was passed iBviUne France to particípate in the Yorktown celebration. The Indian appropriatiou bill was reported, and the house weut iuto connnittee of thu whole upou it. Au amondineut to transfer ( 'hief Joseph'e Imnd of Nez Perces to a resei-vatiou north of the 46th parallel was rejected after debate. January 11. - In the senate the military acad emy appropriation bill was reported froui the coniuiittee and placed on the calendar; the bil! to reorganize and discipline the anny of the l nited States was reported adversely. The bill for puuishlng vagranoy in the District of Coluinbia was discussed and laid over without action. In the house Mr. Hlackhurn (Deui.,) introduced a resolution, whicli was adopted, appoiiuiiiL! a connnittee of five uieuibersto exaioine into the Charges that nnfraukable matter had been sent throuffh the mails uuder frank. The bouse theu went into couiuiittee of the Wbole on the Indian appropriation bill. It was subsequently reporten to the house aud passed without important amenduient.


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Ann Arbor Democrat