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H. R. HILL ATTOKNKY AT l.AW. oliii-e N... .,. Opera House Hlock, áMArbor. MU.-higan. CEO. A. BOYLAN, Hi (;sE. SIGN nnd Ornamental Palmer Bhop under the Star Ctothlng House Order en tO. Boylftn'swül promptly attencUdto. JOSEPH CLINTON, Mercbanl Tailor. shop over Wm. Alloby's i"i and shoe store, All work guMWttoëd orno chaise. Sam. B. Revenaugh, Is DOW uiking the Best Glass oí PMootíis In the City at Prices to Suit the Times. (round Hoor OalliTv GOODRICH BLOCK, Kast Siile of the NEW COTJRT HOUSE. Thomas Mattlicw -Has OMENED- HIK MEAT MARKET Om AXN STREET, Oppoaite the', where l"ui:si[ aud SAIT Meats of tlirBEST QUALITY can be procured. TH OS. MATTHKWS. "henry matthews, Has the ploasure to informthe public thfti he i: ready to receire them in his new brick MEAT MARKET! ONE DOOR EART OF LEONABD HOUBE. Everything in bla lino WÜ1 be flrst-class, and At Reasonabie Rates. He retuntt nis slneere thanks to all his oM customers t'or their generous patronatie. and oordl ally invites them, undall new cuuomen 10 lus npw quarters, where lie hopes by fair dealing to enlai'sje hisalreadv srowing bmüne&s. FRED SORG, Dealer In PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHBS BBUSHS8, W1KDOW GLASS, .11 1 'í Palnten' Snpplies of the Best Qiwlilv SHOP AND STORE 26 and 28 East Washington 'st. AXN ARBOR. - MIC'MIGAX FORTNSURAÏfC E ON YOUR PROPERTY 00 TO C. II. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT, No. 4, South Main Street, AKS ARBOR, - MICHIGAN. The oldest agency in the city. E-stablished a quarter of a century ago. Representing the fol owing flrst elass companies : Home Insurance Co..ofN.Y.,Asetsov(r. 50,000. ii Continental Ins. Co., of N. Y..Asetsover$3.CXI,tiH NlttKam Fire Ins. C-o , N. Y Assetsf l.tó.!0r Girardc-fPa Assets over JI.OnO mn onent gggi ■ .LL.. l&ásea Hberallv ftüjiiytï.ï and promptly paitl ÉkÏoneypad THE QRKAÏ DISCOVEEÏ POIÏ DI3EASKS OF THI K10NEYS. BLADDER AND URINARY 0R6ANS. A remedy that will positivoly cure OIABETES, GRVEL, 010PSY, BRIGHTS DISEASE, HiGH COLOREO URINE. IMCONTINENCE AND RETENTION OF URINE, NÉRVOUS BEBILITY andFELE COMPLAINIS whon NOIHiNQ ELSE CAN. lts Buceess proves the efflcncy of ABSORPTION. It su ved the Hfe of it9 dlscoverer and is savlng the llvea of tbouaands of others. or sale by DrutrRiats or sent by tnail on receipt ofthepr,c,.00.)oayKiDNEYpADCO! 8ola Propriotors, Toledo, Oblo. mr Send your address for our pamphle. How a Life was Saved." For Sale by EBERBACH & SON. Druggists. c. hTmanlts, ABSTRACT OFFICE, No excuse for a man who Buys a Farm with a Bad Title, or No Titleat All. Requirethe man who would sell jou hix farm or would borrow nioney of you on a mortgagei tt. gotoC. H. Slanly'soiHee. in Ann Arbor, and Ret n f uil and complete statementof all Deeds. Hortnages AssignineHts, Releases, Tax Titles. Attachf ménts, Levie on Kxecution. l-is I'endens, Loases, &e., &c, that affect the title. Yourlandsare heeommg valuable. and it wiu soonbetime to bring out these oíd claim for you to settle. Five dollars paid for an abstract Is a better investment than flfiy dotten paid to dufeud or crrect a bad title. . , If yo desire I will assist you m perfectjiwyou titleat a reasonabie rate. I have all the fauilities for this worfc. , , ..,, Oo to C. H. Manly's offlee and have your title eiaminedandthecM-rorsin the description TERM.s:-Alwtrnct of Tille, s oonveyaaoM, $2.X);eachadditionalcoiivi'yani-e, Kcentt. e inake ao abstract less than $3.1X1. Monev to loan in suins of $100 to $V000. Oillee No. 11 Opera House block down stairs. C. H. MJJTLY, - C " -1-V-V A11B0R. I HEALTH IS WEALTH. Dr. E. ('. West's Eferve and Hrnin Treatment : a speciflc f I Dizzinea, l ouvulsions, Nervoiis HtmdAChe, HentaJ D"-pressions, Loss of Memory, 8ennatorrhOBa. Impotenoy, IíitoIuutary EmMMona :-o Oio. Age, eaused !y ■ iviT-cxortion, sifli' -abuso, or over-indu!,. ivh'ch lead . tomlsery, decay anddeath. O, will (Miro recentcases. Eacb box" month't treatment. One dollar a box, ■. l.!.is tor re dollars; sentby mail prepaid on reoelpt of price. We tfuarantee six boxea to cure any rav. With each order recivcd by in ïur six hoxi's, accompanled wtth fiv dollars, wO nill senil the purchaser onr written Ruarai;: return the money if the treatment doe not effect acure. Guarauteesissued by Brown .'■ sole authorlzed A;;t. for An Arbor, Mlch, J (! West & (,'o., Sole Proprietorg, Cbicaco, Iir. t'ricello&Cu. Wholesale ALts.. Uctroit, Jlich. HARNESSTOREI Cliu-;. F. Bmkhardt, sn:esaor to the 'late J. C, Bnrkharilt, ik-:ler iu HARNESSES, TRUNKS, V'Al.'CES, WHIPS, BRUSHE3, BLANKETS, ETC. HARNESSES MADE TO ORDER AND EEPAIRING NEATLY DONE Charles F. Bmkhardt, No I, Hurón Street, Anti Arbor Michigan, GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1878. tBAKER'S BROMA Is a comblnatlon of the CocoaNut with otber ingrediente, In. vigorating and agreeable alike to invalide nnd perdons in health. To the tick it yield8 a delicate and tempting beveragc, when other nourishment is unpalatable nnd indigestible. A a diet for Hiililrcultisinvaluable. Sold hy Oroccr ererywher. W. BAKER & CO., Dorcliester, Mast. ■ Wholesale aMBetaUBrecer. DEALER IN BOOTS AND SHOES. A!so a full Line of Ladies' and Gents' Hosscrv mul UadervrarOt Corm r Main and Ann Streets. (Oppoglte Coirit-IIouse) IS A THOROUCH REMEDY in fvfiy cuse of Material Fever or Femr mi Afue, wnili for disorders of the BtomftCh, Torpidity of the Ijver, indigestión and disturbances of the animal forcea, wfitcb debilitóte, It lias no equivalent, and i:an have ito substituto. H ahould not bt oonfounded wtth irituratedeunipounds of eheap spirits and essential oils, often scltl under the name of Bitters, FOK SAI-E BY Dragglsts, Qrocere, andWtoe Uercbants everywhere. a THe Only Remedy StiÍat"aCIS AT THE SA3IE TIME ONH a TKE LSVER, 1 THE BOWELS, ■ m andthoKiDNEYS.U 4 i ThS combincd aciion gives it W Mderful peircr to en re all dtseases. II JWhX. Are We Sick?M . M Jircsiuse tre allmo tkese great organa LS no beconte dogged or torpid, andw wÊpolxrMiisiunwrêare therefore foreed C Viinio the blood thut sJuld be etpeUcdW ÍK BIMOFSSESS. rïI.ES, COSSTIPATIOJf, Q kj K1BWKÏ roMPHIMS, UBINABI B WI-KASES, F1Í3IAI.E WEAKwby canstinfr( nc'-:i cf i?iese cryanat Lj and rctfonng Üicir poteer to throw offl m V'hy Snffrr Eilïons po'ns snd achc I BH v.Tiy tormpittpil vith Pilcs.Coitstinniiont In li wïijt friirhtpiii'ilOTcrtiisoriiored Kídneys I fl ■ b V üjt einlura nervous orBick headaohüsl l Why liave aieples8 niahts f t-Ji 13 r KIDM:V WORT ami ro'oi nl fj luaüh. U U a dry, wgetalle compoundand ÏM ■■ One puvkftce wlll mate lx utaol "úclivtne. 1 J M H ofymir Drugght, h vAtt order UWÊ WELi:, 2::ZArEC0H ., Proprietorj, ■ J O (Wü gil poet pajl.) Burllngtoo. Vt. Ljj


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