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The "only" Lung Pad Co.

The "only" Lung Pad Co. image
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CURE i BACK ACHE And all diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary Organs by wearingthe Improved Excelsior Kidney Pad, It isa MARVEL of HEALINGand RELIEF, SIMPLE, SENSIBLE, DIRECT, PAINLESS, POWERFUL. It CURES whereall else fails A REVELA TIONand REVOLUTION in Medicine. Abeorp tionor direct application. as opposed I o unsatisfactory internat medicines. Sendforour ti-eatise on Kidney troubles. sent f -ee. Sold by druggists, orsent by mail, on receipt of price, $, ADDRESS oíghíni!thaend The "On!' Lung Pad Co. Genuine KidneyPad. Ask WILLIAMS BLOCK, f or it and taku no other. DETROIT, Mich. e "■PTth'êT= "on lv" Jy. X. r MIWFip PAP ; S Cures by ABSORPTION Nature's way H I T1IROAT DISEASE8, nLL_Um-ATi!IN', TÜQlI'.T.Es It DRIVES INTQ the system ciu-ativ.i agrtnts anti heaüng medicines. It DRAWS FROM the eUseaaed partstha poisous that cause death. Thousands Tcstify to its Virtues. You Can Be Reüeved And Cured. Don't despair until you have triedjthis Sensible Easily Applied and RADICALLY EFFECT U A L Eemedy. Soldby Druggists. or sent by mail on receipt oL Price, 82, by Send for Testimoniáis andourbook iliva Millions a Year' Sint free. WILLIAMS BLOCK, DETROIT, 31ick.


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Ann Arbor Democrat