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(mr. Jerome lias appolnte I Fred ). Kuss-U. of Hart, Judge of the L4th circuit, to ancotod Juilcc l'.iwïii. restgnert. Another series of gifts from the numiflcent Mr. ir ol Massachusette is announced, amountlDg to nearly $2üO,ww. olivct college wlll teo Ive 20,000. I is ceported that the J ake Shore Mldiic;m Eoutliern is uegoUatiog for tlie purchase of Uu' Urand R:i)iilí. A Newayco railroad, now operaÜDcas far as Wi.itc Cloud, 20 miles Dortb of Newaygo. The Michlpi i SiU Atn ciatii n al WashiDg ton wili glve (ov. Jerome :i receptlon wlieu ; hvattenas inaaKuraüon a n montee. Tlie SovernoT's tweption wlll beon tlie evening of ïitRivh t. All citiziiis i Michigan are Invited. The board of reents of the unirersity t thelr niri'tiiiir tbis week deelded to memorial ze the legislatura to make Rn approprlatlon for a ni'w fire prooi librar; bulídine. they think $11 0,000 will i ut op a snitableetracture. The state eologist, lr. C. Étominger, wants to sel] bla :'.' collection tu tbe Onlvereltj ror f3,500, butthere is uo inoney to parchase il. 'i be salan "r t!i1' hospital surgeon was increased lo 9ÍB0. Dr. V. D. BUlmeyet will receWe 9100 for keeping the accounts of the dental department ïi university wili be connectl by telephone with the cfty. The rentilaUon in the inalo lniildiiii; was orderetl perfected. Prof. Langley was (3 ven 80 days' cetOTislt hisauins father In Vinrinia. Regenta Grosrenor, Van Bipei and S. 8. Wakcr were appointed n special comniitte on new latlon. to present to the unlverstty comtnittees of tbe senate andhous the wants of the iustitution, and ;tli to present the matter of the neceeaUy "f some new letrislation relaUng tn Buppl; "f anatomioal material. The dental faculty reqnested that tlie Chemical and mechanica] departmenta "f Ihe college le kept open lïoni April till July; refcrrod. A]proDrlate r soluuons of respect for the late Prof. natwm were passed. Btreama are remarkablj low throughoutthe state, so macb so that milis and faetones depeudiug ou water power have a cak'hing time of it. At the farmers' institute to be held at Vassar, February 3 and 4, papers will be read by Professors Redde, (ook and Garpenter and President Abhot, of the aKricultural college, Prof. O. L. Whituey, of Muskegon, nuu olliers. Prot Beal, of the agricultural college, says tlie peach trads iu tliat part of the state are generalij killed, Tlie jury in the case of W. X. I-awrence, owner of 'grand stuud" on the Ailriau fair grounds, brought iu a verdict of "not guilty." It seemed to be tlie general oplniou that Mr. Lawrence was uot at f.uilt. The ciiurt house and jail at Rogers city were totaliy destroyed hy fire Friday. Coat $15,000; usuiTil for $10,000. The Advance printing oflice, whicb was in the OOnit house, was ■too burned; loss $1,500; iusjired for f750. ÖOOd sleighiug iu the northern part of the state. The preliminary steps have been taken for tlie organizatiou of the Episcopal Church at Caro. Advance sheets of tho Auditor (ieneral's report for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1880, show that for the first time iu many years the fiscal peiiod has closed withasolvent treasury. Banilac Jeffenbnlan: Some family difflculties in school district No. 2 of Paris are causiug au Intereetlng disturbance in the Nhool jast DOW. The director locked the teacher out because sh( would not board wbere he wanted lier t, and called a special meeting to se who should I lier successor. The district voted thatshf Bhoold continue her school, bat the director proposed to ron tliings to suit hiniself, and naUed up tlie door. The Other ofticers burst it open, and school is in session asraiii. Oue or two fihts and a good deal of lood talk has been Indulged In, and we wonder what will be doue uext. In lthaca, Gratiot connty. Levi Hiffuer carelcssij bruabed ofl the Bhaving on a planiugmachine with liis mittened lefi hand. The mitteu w:is CAught bj the planing knivea and his arm was draws iu and chopped up for Bome distai e, bo that it had to be amputatd below the elbow. - Airs. David .Sterliug of Eaton Rapids, slipped trom her chalí and i sprained the in úseles of her leg below the knee. Fears are enteitained tbiit her leg maj have tobeamputated, as Ubis grown steadiiy worse. The Oaklaud county sheep hreeders' aseocia tion mcets at Milford Jan. 26. The ice is eo Uiiclf and the watrr so low in the Monroe marshes that the muskrats are rapidly djing trom sttirvatiou. The Elk Rapids charcoal furnace inakes au average of 40 tons of iron a day. J. L. Ayres, fonnerly a wellkuowu lumbermen at ( lare, in this state, has been axrested at Siducy, {)., his present resiilence, on a charge of issuing over !48,OUO in spurious bonds. i' A taine deer in Vr'hitehall, chased by dogs, Jampedthrongfa a closed wlndowoi tlie Mears house and landed on top of the cook stove! (ieo. E. Hayden uear Grand Blane, aüeuipted to rescue a lady from under a telling tree, and succeeded but was himself killed by the tree. Olie of tlie most horrible and shocking crimes ever coniuiitted occurred at Lapeer, Sonda; erening. The community is conipletely Bbocked over the murder of the wife of Rev. Mr. Curtís, of the Baptist churi-h, by a Sin. liarnani, of GreenvUle, Micb., reported to be thi' wife of .Mr. Harnaril, of the firm of Beuuett fc Barnard. lumhermen, tt or iiear Grand Rapids. This Mrs. Barnani, who is about n re of age and good looking, caine to this place siinin few weeks ago and engaged board at Mr. Hendereon's. Since then abe has mingled in society, taken part in the religious meetings tliat are belng held, and so forth. It has been reported that she lias a mild fora f Insanlty. caused hy religieus cxeitement at Greeuvule, while Mr. Curtís was stationed there. There was a unión meeting of the . 1 1 1 1 chorcbee at the Baptist cliurch last nlgbt, and ehortly after it commeneed this womao Barnard wentto the house of Hr. Curtía Mrs. Curtís, who is a woman aboul ïn years of age, vas alone. ShewantedtotaUctoMi&Curtis, but the Itttter belng afraid, ordered her out of the house. At this the woman said, "You have Injured me and I will have reveng'." She then blew out thu lamp aud seized Mrs. Curtís. A slight struggle ensutd, wheu the woman placed a eloth Baturated witli Bomethlng over . Mrs. Curtis' face, and then poured irasoliue over her body and set fire to il! Edith Douglas, living in an adjolning house, noticed a biaze in the house of Mr. Curtís, and gave au alarm. Neighbors eutered and fouud Mrs. Curtis enveloped in llames. The clothing was soon strippen from her person and medica] aid procured, bui slie was so badly liurned that it was seen at once that she COUld live lint a few hours. After the crime filrs. Barnard went to cliurch, and as soon as Mr. Curtis and other friendH had been notified and called from the church Mrs. Barnard went to her boarding house, wbere she was soon after found by the orneéis and brought to Mrs. Curtís1 tiedside Where tlie latter was niaking her anti-mortem Btatement. On her entronco Mis Curti said, "That is the woinau!" Mrs. 1!.- "Oh! Mrs. ( ur Us, yon clon't mean mei J would not hurt you!' Mr. Curtís replied, "Oh, yes! You are the veiy onc." Some pemonB tliink Mrs. Barnard Ib lnsane, but others do not Mrs. ('urtis died Monday morning. The state convention of the A. o. I'. W. will be held at the Michigan Kxchange Detroit, Jannary 30 and 81. The body of Jeremiah K. Snlllyan, stolen by gliouls from its grave in ML Elliott cemetery Detroit, was found in the dissecting room of the Michigan College of Medicine on (iratiot . avenue. Hereafter tlie (rand Rapids and Indiana railroad company proposes to build ita own passenger coaches. The peach buds in Kalamazoo and Van Buren counties are reported killed and other fruit buds severely injured by the oold. Employee of the Detroit, Lansing& Northern railroad have made up a purse of SsltiO for the agent at Beldlng, Who was out that amount by thr recent safe robbery. ■ (Jot. Jrrinue pardnued from tlie state prison Joseph Ducbow, sont troin Saglnaw couuty. Be bad been instrumental In exposing a plot of piisoners for escape from the sagisaw countyjalL Mrs. Bamard has been lodged in jail to await au exuminalion. Poetmasters appolated. Hclvidere, Montcalui county, Cbaunoey 1. Dice; Byron Center, Kent county, Byrou McNeal; Cornell, lonla county, Krastus 11. Deatsman; Leesvllle, Wajne county, Henry Cooper; Station, Kent county, l'ranklin Race: Madison, Liv Ingstou county. Ui on E. Giddlngs; Nhsliville, Barry couuty, Emory l'arady: Bouth Camden, Hillsdaie county, Philip Harinan. iiiicontinued. - Lebauon, Clinton couuty. 'i'iie eutire output of tlie Lake Superior iron s for 1880 w,ts i.'.i7.),in loas, valued on vessel at $17,261,028. Tlie product of letal lor lilM) was 4b,5U2 toDS, valued at 91,940,0M). The aggregate product of ore from 1866 to 1880 inclusive is givell at 15,809,. 182 groas tons. Regalar passenger traína have commenced running on the Marlette división of th Fort liaron & Northwestern road, Proceedtatgs In tbe Cbrigtlancy divorce cas are suspended until tlie alimouy is paldL The Kalamazoo Ltgbt Quard )'tve completed anangemeut8 tor an excursión to New ürleans, leavüig about the middle of February. Mr. WnUsel, of Forest Bay, startud tliree bears from one den, and alteran ezciting cbaw, In wlmli uumerous men and doga joiuud, all three bears were captured. ■ (porgo Pttnnelee, of 'M Missiou, had a rrnp ; ín s cif applea lüst BMson, aini lina 'nisiielb sti.l on baad fut Uie saiuuier trade. The books of Collector Rowlsou, of tlie tliirtl MJChigao ntiTiial revenue district, show thnt daring the year lí-80 Hiere were sold $],'1 worth of tobáceo btamps, ïi:!t),l(-)l t'igar anrl olgñrette atainps, and fS2,0K4 beer stainps. salea nf stiuiíps of all soets for the year amoiintal to f248,992.86. Ju the last two weeks 1,372 persous have slgned the tomperance pledge iu Jackson. The estiinated cash output of the .lackson ! couuty ooal mines for ISSO is 12j,UüUtons from ei(Tht mines, only a portion of whicli liave been dprn all the year. Number of uien employil 5i K), of whom 250 are digiera.


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