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The Western l'nion, American IMon and Atlantic and Pacific telegraph poinpanles bave been consolldated, Jay Gou ld havlng a control lin; interest in the Bew company. The capital stock is $80,000,000. Tue Repúblicas cnucus of the hlo tefrlslature imaninmiisl.v nominated Secretar; Sherniaii for l. s. graater. iiic i'i no-rais cif iiie Delatosre legislatura inaninnnisly support Thomas I'. Kayard for re-election i the señale. He will lie lected. James B. Fair was formally elected United S'.ati -s senator by the Nevada legislatura. The Maine house ef representatives declared that H. M. Flaistcd had been elected governor. The damage to toe orante erop In the sontb by the cold weather tlits winter will reach $250,000. Qreat demand for American niilroad Iwnds in London. The cold wave on the lOth instant was the moBt intense ever known in the nortli-westirn states, i':, onlj parallel being that of New i Year's day in 1804, knmor says that one of the first noniinations liy (iarfield will bu that of a UtW minister to Peru, iu place of Christianoy. New York city is assessed this year at $981,ooh.ik.hi, au lacrease of $ 38,000,000. (ireat datnage has been done to the cotton and rice crops of the south by the raiuy weather. The New York world's fair eoimnission oom pleted its organlzaüon, electlng Gen.Qrantas commissioiier and then making liiui permanent president of the commisBion. A dispatch from Vincennes, Ind., gives a report that the grave of the late Go?, Williams bas been rif! d, and the casket and body stripped of vahiables. One tliousaad feet of the rallway wharf at 1 Sandy Hookhas heen carried away by the bat tering of the outflowing ice. The ocean is frozen solid froin the poiut of the Hook to the umin ship chaunel, the ice heing: from 12 to 14 Inohea tblck, The Hoating ice from the bay reuders navigation extreniely perilous. Great appreliension ia feit lor the safety of Winter wheai and rye throughout northeni IIlinnjs and Wisconsiu, a larger aereare tlian ev ei havint; been sowu to these crops. The eroand bas heen bare all winter. The ouly hopeofsatety lies iu th fact that it bas been ooDtlnuously (rozen, Buci Walsh, a bnrular confined in Sina Sing prison, made a bivak ti escape Saturday and waa shot dead by a prisou guard. The report of the robbcry of the grave of the late (ov. Williams of Iudiaua turns out to be a boax. Itiasaidthat all the coal companies, with mie exoeptlon, In the l'ennsylvani i región, bave agreed to resume work at the mines on full time next week. The cremation of James Hamilton of Greensloro, (iieene county, Pa., took place at Waan Ington, l'a., January 13. Six friends of Uie family of the deceased accompanied the re mains. The followiug is the statement of the population or the states and territorios sent to congress by the superinteodent of census, and wliicli will stand as the tenth census of the inited States: States - Alahatna, 1,262,794; Mississippi, 131,. ñító; Arkansas, 892,664; MIssodtL 2,168,804; California, 864,683 Nebraska, 462,438; Colorado 194,640; Nevada, 62,265; Conuecttcnt, 622,688 New Bnmpsfaire; 846,984; l'claware, 146,654; New iereey, 1,180,988; Florida, 2öt,861; New Vi u-k. 5,063,810; Georgia, 1,589,048; North Carolina, 1.-100,047: IMinois, 3,078,709; Olilo, 3,198,239; Indiana, 1178,300; Oregon, 1.747,672; lowa, 1,624,620; l'i-nusylvania, 4,282,786; Kentucky, 995,tifi; Rhode Island, 2Til.5:;.s; Louisiana, 1,648,708 ; South Carolina, 9i'5,622; Maine, 940,103; Tennessee, 1,542,463; Marylaud, f548,945; Texas, 1,1112.574; Massacbusetfs, l,Th3,012; Viiginia, l,512,f-00. Mlcbigan, I ,t;,331 ; West Virginia, iilS,li:: Minnesota, S7O,K06; Wisconkíu, 1,315,4SO; kansas, Íl95,9(iti; Vermout, 332,286. Total states, 49,809,595. Territoriea- Arizona, 40,44 1 ; New Mexico, 118,430: DakoUl, 135,180; Utah. 143,96(5; llistrirt of Columbia, 176,638; Washington, 75.1a Idaho, 32,611; Wyoming. 20,788; Montana, 3H,1Ö7: total territorios, 7k,2M. (írand tota 50,152,800. A dispatch from Utah Rays: (ontinious Rnow Btorins for several week have pile masses of snow and ice upon thesteep mountains surroundinir Alta"ün tbe Wahsatch et Jordan V'alley raihoad, and last Wednesday night there carne a crisis whleh had long been dxeaded. Abmit 10 o'clock p. m. an avalanche thmidercd ilown the hill, carried away 400 feet of the railroad Bheds; and swept across the creek to the opposite inountains. Auother slide foQowed and passed over the Victoria and im perial houses. Two persons were confined 10 hours by this slide before they could dig their way out. The same avalanche continiiiiig destmyed the Qrizzly boardlng hodge and Mrs. NKthan llaskius anddaii::hter,Mrs. 'an Morri and Jai Hawatb. Another sliil, crushed and buried the Toledo works and boardlng house, where Charles Barbridge and Frank I.aporte were killed. Uu Thursdaj and l''ridy work Witssuspendedat the principal mines and most of tlie men left the eniiyon for tbe valley. The snow storm continued to pile greaf inasses of snow on the crest of the hill just north of Alta, and on i'riday night another avalaucbe started. wiiieii woora Dave entirwy deinolislied tin town had t not been for a flat are: wiiirh „put aud pnrtly diverted it near tlio liead of the uiain streel Kive men had gathered for safety in a large, boayily built stonc store. Two of them were tlirown froin the second story aud escaned nnlmrt. The other three, John FitzgeraM, I'. B Lee and Win. Hollingshead had built a fire iu the basement. The house was CTDBhèd In up(iii tliBiu and fired froui the stove. and thej were burneU t) deatb. Every building owned by tho Joali Lawrcnce company was swept away, together with Richard Williauis and John Washington, who had remained to look after it. The Bulïalo house was also beried, luit tliti boardere escaped into a tunnel and wew rescued in an exhausted condition. Firty iieople canie dowu froin tbc ill-fated towu, Satnrday nijjht, leavlng about 20 who urrc iiniihk' tO niiike the jouruey. The men carried the childron, and the wonieo wallowed Uirough the bdow with the utmost dilïiculty. It was a fearfnl trip, but the.v are piad they made it, because the remainder of tfae tnwn ia Hable to X.' destroyed atany moment. A huge hlide in Uaifleld Gulch has blocked the creek IOrl() yards and made quite a lake, while 8 miles of the upper Big CottonWOOd are entiroly covered over hy a Wg sllde. No les of life is reported from the Big Cottonwood, but the minéis are leaviug the gulch as iast as possible. Thorouglibred cattle and other stock to the vulue of $30,010 roulaineil la the Coleman stalilcs in Lancaster county. Pa., have bpen destroyed ly fire, whicli was of ucoudlary ni (dn. kn explosión in tin-, Atlantic oi] lüfmeryat Poinl Breeze, near PbQadelpbla, and a rir wliicli f illowed did damast! to the hiuount of $200,000. Senaten eleeted - Thomss T. Bayanl, Deleware; John Sliennan, Ohio;()mar 11. ('onger, Mich, (Ion? term); Henry T. Baldwln, .Mich., (short terrrO ; Thomas C. Plattin New York; Josepli K. Hawley iu Couuecticut, Benjamin Harnson in Indiana, Eugeiie Haln in Stalne, S. J. R. MfMilian in Miuuesota, and Heury L. Dtiwee n Maesachusetts.


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Ann Arbor Democrat