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The "only" Lung Pad Co.

The "only" Lung Pad Co. image
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CURE i BACK ACHE And all diseases of the Kidneys, líladder and Urinary Organs by wearingthe Improved Excelsior Kidney Pad, It is a MARVEL of HEAXINGand EELIEF, SIMPLE, SENSIBLE, DIRECT, PAINLESS, POWERFÜL It CURES whoreali elso fails A REVELA TIONancl REVOLUTION in Medicine. Absorp tion or direct appliuatiou. as opposed to unsatisfactory internaf medioini's. Senaforouï treatlse uu Kidney troubles. sent f ee. Bold by druggists, orsent by mail, on reoeipt of price, Si!, ADDBESS oni!thaend The "On! ƒ ' Lupg Pad Co. Genuine KidDeyPad. Ask WILLIAMS DLOCK, f or it and take no other. DETROIT, Mich. Cures by ABSORPTION Nature's way H I THKOAT DI8EA8ES, HLL BKKATHING TROUBLE3._ It DRIVES INTO the system curtlT agenta and healing medicines. It DRAWS FROM the diseased parta th poisons that cause death. Thousands Testify to its Vlrtue. You Can Be Relieved And Cured. Don't despair until yon have triedthis Sensible Easily Applied and RADICALLY EFFE CTU ALKemedy. Soldby Druggists. orsent by mail on recdipt oC Price, $2, by Send for Testimoniáis and cu!' book ■■Tin-ce MillionsaYear' Sent free. WILLIAMS BLOCK, DETROIT, Mick.


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Ann Arbor Democrat