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The government is endeavorintt to en f orce tbepayment loto Uie trea&uy of the 25 per cent r net earnlngs of the Oerifoü Pacific rail road, ns required by law. Toledo chrouieles n seizure of Fenian sim-.". 7,0(10 cartridges haring been fouud ui building In st. (ilair street, formetiy secupied by one of the army of llberation. Stanley Matthews has beet) nomlnaied foi the vacanc.y on thesupremecourt bencb i by JusÜceSwayne'a roeignattoD. Gen. Garfleld, belng a Knlght Templar, the Kniyhfs expect to make a day of it wheii he is inaugurnted. A shvage bloodhound, sopposod toba raad, ravaged the streets of New York VVednesaaj night and Tnunday morning biting mauj pwiple. Pires. - In New York city, upper stories f tiö and (',i1 Ikoadway; loss $050,000; fully inured. - At AJtoona, N. Y., four children burn1 lo dea! h. aén. Wilcox, command'.ng at Prescott,A. T. in a telegram states (bat tlu ilepartnit:iii quartcis Imildiiiir al tluit place w;is deskoyed by fire, A dtepateb from Fort Kliiott. Tex., saya tliat the bnctboard eonyeyance bringlDg the mail from Tnscoia has heen found with the ni'iii báffi and harnees of the team, bot the driver. two paasengers and the moles are misslag, and are supposcd to have lmon lost in tho receut snow-storin. Two cases of winter cholera termlnated fa tally l'riday in Chicago - Mr. Samuel S. Stillwell, aged 60, and hia daughter, Ahlile Beach, ageri 8,, of 43 üryant avenue. Their sickness had lasced hui a week. Sarah Jiei nhardt's St. Louis engagement, six nictiti and a matinee, brought in Ï!21,ytt9. i he bési iiimse wasSaturday niirht, wheii sheiilaye.l"('iiiiiillc" tof 4,251. The Eads ship railway hill iglo te repui teil favorahly bj toe heuse inter-ooeanic committep, with au ameiidnient to the iiuarautue si'C tlon guaranteeing interest at 4 ier cent. on 15 year bonds. William L. Tbornton is declared ineligilile to serve asjudgeof Sullivan cotinty, New York, liis proniise to work for f 1,200 year, the gal ary belnjr f 2,600, heiiitr regardedas : bribe to the roten and taxpayen. The pedestrian contest whicli closed at New fork Satnrday evenlng was in enne respecte tlie iniit extraordlnary on record. The best recorded time ever mude was made by Hughes, miles in six days, and with two boursand a lialf to spare. Had he walkeil lili mldnight hf easil.r have made -"iT.") miles. Ti previou ' score is 660 miles. Fouj other men made over 300 miles each, an umisual numhiir. T! e steanier St. Altians, hound from Milwaukee to Ludhiüton, fooudered wheu about twelve tniles ont ol HUiwaukee Sonday morning, on account of a leak caosed bj the Tbe crew of twenty and five passengers took tu tbe boate and left the propeller Sunday anemoon. The boats kept togethor all nigbt and anived at the Milwaukee pier Monday moTDlng. All thoseon board weresaved. The ; if a new fuel ior locomotive and other steam engines is announced from New íorlccíty, ( gisting of the union of dry steam nnd crude . - of au atomïzer, wliicli, ii. i-. esiimated, wiil-oeet only aboul fifteen per cent. ui present expenses for fuel. Terrible damage bas been doneto Hfe property in California by the frigUUul raiufall and consequent land slldes. Bight Chinamen were Ulied by a iand gilde fourteen miles from Santa Cruz Sunday. Two small iliicit distilleries liave beenbroken op in Chicago and five "uioonshiners" arres ted. Moody and Sankey ar meeting wil h greal success in their evangelical work in San Francisco. A seiifs of terrible maesacrea and on I rages bj Un' Apachrs In New Mexico and Amona íb reported 6y tejegraph from Tueson. Aie Twlggs, cojoicii, was Ijm-liwl in Burke Diuni.v, Ueorcia. Thuréday, it is Biipposfil lccaiiKc, ln' te8tiLed against Iiíh two brotlicis in their receul, miinler trials. The ranada Pacific rallwaj bilí Dominion house of coin mona, L3S to 19. The HoodK n Oallforoia ai! Doprecedented in-tlit! meinory of whilt: settlc.rH, and hai iniiliiHis of donare t1 daiuage. The senatti fiuanoe counnittee bave agj amend tlie house tuudint; I the bonds redeeinable in 5 yes 20years trom theii rato of interest bothfor tlie boudsaud treasur; certificates at 3J ... The late severe snow storm preyailed over theentire nnrtli, l)l'ckai!iii(; iruina and while 8us[euiliLL' Home tinds of lu'


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