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a county, ('alTüii vineyardists in Xap over 1,100,fornia. produced last year 000 gallons of wlïTe. Thé Journal öfflciei f Paria has jast become the sole property of the Frenen Government, at a coat of 41, -200,000. It will be tlie official oigan of the State. The new and stringent temperance laws of Kansas have Lnduoed Örewer Gunther of l'aola, whose property was rendered worthless, to coimiiit suicide. The free-Stone bed in the Massaclnisetts General Eospital is as soft as the ntlicrs. and is so called becaUBC t is tin; gift of a Mr. Stone. A liill poster stuck dcOUS advcrtiso menta on the sides of a Chicago horse whilë the driver was oui of siht, an hbs been sned foi daniages. A medical wntrr asks: '-Does pO8Ítimi affect slcupV' Wcll, rather; If you're hung up ly your tiowscrs on a s])ik(l fencc, yon won't sleep very soundlr. hat mountain most rcsuinble.s tho sound of a snceze? Catarrh-din. ! - there nobody to cry out to Oong 'ers nominal ion as a senator froin Micli igan, "I object V" - Chicago Tribune. He sighed foi the wing of a dove, l)ut had no idea that the legs were lunch better eating. A man's deaicst objed shonld le liis Wlfe, but oftentiines it is his wife's wardrobe. "Charlie's Darling." - We have rcceived your poem, ent il led " Wlien the Hluebirds Sweetly Sing," and will save it i ni t il the bluebirds gel here. We are always oliligetl to cany over a lot of bluebinl and robin and daisy poetry, but it comes handy in the spring when the Windows need cleaning. - Chicago Tribune. Sonie pbilantliropist sent a bible to a Milwaukee editor in hopesof doinghim some good, and the editor thought it was i new publication and wrote a review on it, in whieta he said the procluiliiin was a failure. If it was intended for a novel, it lacked plot, and if for a history, it was f uil of improbable Incident. He eouldn't recommend t.- Boston Transcript. The actress Mlle. Ozy has received thi' following alTcctionate dectaratiou : the demoiaelle: [amonjyapoorwork' Ma but I love you like a millionaire. man,e waitinft to becorae one, I send Whilbis bunchof violets. If you wish you tow mr1 and to reciprócate iny unto ku affection, when you are on the dying o-night, lift your beautiful eyes stage t cock-loft : my legs will liang to the George Brackenridge is a man who liever lias money enough on hand to pay nis bilis. A few days igo he bought a pair of boots on credit. "IIow nmcli ure they?" "Five dollars, it' you bny on credit, a usual, but ten dollars if you pay cash down." "Huw is that?" " Well, you see," said the si mple-niinded shoemaker, "ven 1 sells on credid I knows it is a dead loss, so I tnakes de loss osschmallas possible." - Galveston News. II(! raised liis eyes from the ]aper and letting tliem fall upon her wit h a look full of tenderncss said : "Only (hink, Angelina, it takes twenty-seven minutes to go through the Mont Cenis Tunnel!" "Wliy, George!" Ile read on forther, and addéd: " But the cars are lightedl" "Oh!" she exclaimed; and a great elond of disappointment overspreíul tlie róscate tinge of pleased surprise tliat bad suffused lier fair young face.-


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