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The Amateur Farmer

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I dreamt of a beautifiil time When the world shall happy be; When the elephauts aud hyenas Shall blossom on every tree; When tainarinëa and potatoes Shall case their dreadful roav Wiien turnip trees shall blossom In the garden for ever inore. I dreamt of a great republic When the people shall all Row plums and reap tomatoes tu the land tliey love the best; When pig iron and inolasses Shall blooni on every hill, And chickens low in the fearnyard, While gooseberries toil at the mul. I'm weary of seeing the cabbage Handle the rake and the hoe; I'm weary of watching and waiting For the grasshopper bush to grow I long for the time when spinacb Shall cope with bread and milk; When hens shall lay potatoes, And honws spin raw silk. Oh! sweet were the vanislied hours Svhen I waudered down the glen. And wreathed my brow with tomatoes, Or pHickcd ihe ripened hen; When the donkey twiued up the trellis, And the cucumber chirped in the grass; And the sweet potato whistled To lts mate in the mountain pass. But gone are the days of childhood, And manhood's dreams are mine; Vet I lona; for the. by-gone hours, As I sit 'neath this Turkish vine. Oh! wreathe your blossoms about me, And sooth my aching breast; While gooseherry plaintively warbles And lulls me into rest


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat