The Mother Whale
-The nal affectioii of the whale, which in other respecte is apparently a stupid animal, is striking and interesting. The cub, baing insensible to danger is easily harpooned, whn the tender affection of the mother is so manifestad as not unirequently feo bring it within reach of the whalers. Ilence, thougha cub is of little value, yet itissometinies stnick as a snare för its mother. In Lliis caseshe joins it at the surface of the water, whenever it has occasion to rise i'or respiratiou; encourages it to swim away; assista its ilight bv takine il uiider her fin, and seldoin desevts it while life remains. She is Uien dangeiwis fcoapproach, butaffords frequent opportunities for attack. She loses all regard for lier own safety in anxiety for the preservation of her young; dashes through the midst of her enemies; despises the dangers that threaten lier, and even voluntarily remains with her offspring alter various attacks have been made upon herself. In the whale flshery of 1814 abarpooner stnick a young whale with the hope of its leading to its mother. Presently she arose, and seized the young one and dragged about ;i hundred fathoms of line out of the boat, with remarkable force and veloeity. Again she rose to surface; darted furiously to and fro; frequently stopped short, or suddenly changed hér direction, and gave every possible intiiniitioii of t( reine agony Fora lengtli of time slic, coritinued thus to act, though closely pursued by the 1m;Us; and inspired with courage ;iiid resolution by her concern lor her offspring, seeiited regardlesa of the danger that siirrounded her. Jieingat lengtli strucb with i.x harpoons, she was killed. A bilí to authorize and iliieot the Auditor General of llic stalc of Michigan to credit the several counties of the state with all unsettled and impaid claims of th state against any county, for amoimts rtarged bacls by the state tu the county, mi account of the sale of ancls under the live yéarlaw passed in T8tí9 and repealed 1875.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat