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Natural Wealth

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-There is a wealtb of hielden and visible treastire all along the line of the Alabama and Great Southern ïtailroad from Chattanooga to Birmingham, a distance of 142 miles. On the Lookout Mountain side of the narrow valley through which the road runs is coal, and on the right or Sand Ilill side is iron. Rich Lndications of tliis wealth may often be seen frorn the car window. The coal is in seains or strata from one to twelve i'eet in thickneas, and extenda back into and apparently through the mountaiu. ün the otlier side, the range seenis to be composed of iron ore alone, the hill being as liare as tliough there was not even BOÜ enough to support shrubbery sullicient to cover its bleak and naked si des. All along the vei-y roadbed ore rich enough to yield seventy-five pounds of pig metal to the hundred pounds of ore is so plentiful as to be gathered up by tl ie wagon load, the ton, the car load, or even the ship load, f rom the very surface, almost without the use of the piek. Large amounts are so gathered and stadeed along the track, according to the cohvenience of farmers, minors, and others along the line. In places niany car loads thus collected are gathered by trains sent from Chattanoga lor the purpose. Between the schedule time of other trams these cara are fllled, hauled and delivered at the blast furaaces, thus making a proiitable pursuit lor hundreds of people, and learing ampie room for the employment of thousanda more. For the great oatliedral at Melbourne an anonymoua gift of 50,000 has just been made.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat