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Apples As Food

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Very few, probably, understand the nutritive value and the medicinal properties of good apples. To have them the most valuable, they must be eaten as food, as part of the nieals - not at night, pcrhaps, lest this last meal or lunch should be too heavy. The fací that some have subsisted on fruits fot a considerable time indicates that they havo a vital nourishment notyet appreciated by the chemist. This is a staple, really tlie most valuable in use aniong us, more valuable in sickness than any of the foreigii fruits, most of which - save the dried - must be plucked before they are ripe, in order to reach us before decaying. And since these may be kept for most of the year, or till the early benies can be obtained, we may inftr that t has a far wider range and more extensive use than sueh as seem to be intended for a temporary, or medicinal use, as one of the means of preventing, forestalling and aidiiig in the cure of smnmer or hot weather ailments. To have these tlie most valuable, they mist be ripe - as "vvell as all fruits - and not decayed. The imripe of all frnits, in addition to the f act that they contain really less nourishment than the ripe, must prove injnrious to health, from the presence of aciïd juiees, more orless poisonous. I may add that when tlie juice of the apple is preserved, as it easily can be by first boiling the sound apples and then expressing the juice, and then bottling or canning,it is really valuable in sickness- as much so as wnifts - tliough, of couvse, if well kept, not intoxicating, since nofruits, in their natural state, contaip alcohol, and since the boiling proeess arresta the fermentive proeess by which it inay be produced. Such may be used witli advsinUige in most cases of prostiation, af#r furnishing all BMded mitritioa and vet not taxingtliedigestive proces:;, as such juice, like water, enter the circulation without the usual digestión. -


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat