His War Record
"Them war reniïniséèhces óï youni s iniuhty interestiog;" piped a little man trom behind tl ie stove, as a sort of gllence Ml on the rest of the loungers. "tThoy remind me of when I was in (oniiiiiiiitl of the confedérate forces at Vickslmrg." The crowd vmbjtnged itself :md gazed hdmiringly at the little man. "And were you in the reb - confedérate üérvice 't" askal a one-legged man. "I was." modestly conceded the man behiud the stove. "Don't you remember wlien the one hundred and ïourth Florida cavalry charged your outworks on the second slope, and youall.tok your rille pits to the rear?" They uil admitted they had been in the Army of the Potomac. "1 1 seems to me," said the little man to the one-legged man, "strikes me youv face is familiar. Don't you remciiiIht when the Seconá Georgia broke your left at Cold-HarborY Wasn't you actiiig uid-de-i-nnp for General Iieynold i?" "Xo," hesitated the one4egged man, poking the fire with unoasy vigcv. "Tliese other gentlemen must remember it," Siïggestéa the little man wnnning wit iiis subject. Nut onc of them was there. ■'Bilt one of you must have boen in tl: e Shenamloaíi wWèn ïny división of I.i -e's arniy checkad youv advance and the Oe Hundred and Twenty-first Xorth Carolina held you during that Friday night." A ir.an who had been wbittling a shingle got up and went out. The rest lounged up to the counter and asked what time the Eagle was pulilisliedV "Say," continued the little man, catching the one-legged man by the sleève as the rest made for the door, "you must have been at (ettysbuïg, and you must have seen me whenl diargedyourriglit and tunied you back toward the cemetcrv." "Let me see," fidgetted the one-legged man, "was that the first or second ilav 'i' "That was the second day," responded the little man, qui vering with ex(■itcllH'lll. "I wasn't in the seeond clay's light," aaid the one-legged man, hehplessly. "Then you must rccollect my artillery charge on the lirst day, when I broke your center!" slmuted the little man, clutcliing íiervonsly at the other's coat. "Xo, I - I was on a furloügh, I wasn't there!" shrieked the one-legged man. Where'd yon lose your leg?" howled the little man, what battle was you In?" "1 wasn't in any," moaned the legged man. "I lost my leg on a inizz saw," and out he went precipitanüy. "Strange," mntteml the little man, as he tillcd bis pipe. "When you come to figure down these heve war reminiscences they all didn't happen. I haven't been outside of Brooklyn for going on forty years, and there wasn't one of them felïows but thmight J was Stonewall Jackson," and the little man bombardea his stomach wltb a slug of Kent ucky whisky and plantad himselí' for the next bar-room soldier. - Brooklyn Eagle. The national debt of England is held by about 23,000 people; that of France by about 4,000,000.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat