A Hint To Farmers
In some sections - and it would be a (lecitled advance in thoughtfnlness and kindness in all seetions - farmers give eacli of their boys, and girls, too, a strip of land to raise whatever they choose upon it, and dispose of the product for their own benelit. It is a favor that they all appreciate, and it is a pleasant and serviceable employment for them in their leisure hours. They will vie with each other in their skill at raising their little crops, and the proceeds, applied to their own use, are frequentlv of somt) value; and the whole arrangement, while it instructs them in the t-ultivation of the soil, early iinplants in the children the idea of thrift and economy. Sometiines, where a good inany animáis are raised, a pig, a lamb, a ealf, np to even a colt, according to the age of the children, is given to each to rear and to keep or sell. Farmers, think of this; it will more than repay you in the happiness and contidence it will impart to yonr sons and daughters.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat