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The Spirit World

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On üunday eveolng last, a Democral reporteravalling bimself of the presenee f a stront writing spirit medium in the I)erson of Mis. N. II. Pierce, of Anii Arlior, was perinitted, througb her, to interview the late Zach. Chandler - the vetcran stal wart wieldinc the pencil with alinost. iightning velocity in thelinml of the mediuni - observing the original liand-writ iug of the late senator. The questiona pruposed and the responses therelo, wiitten out, did not require over áfteen minutes of time.fiml we append them without ihanginp; a ringle word. If not & spirit we interviewed, we ak "Whst ib Ut" Let the profound scientigt answer. We give t up as heyond our comprehenalon. The latei view opened and ctosed as fel. lows; MJtDipil- Zacu Chamller, will yuu grant youi-okl friend M. II. (Mark ui" interview tliis evfintn7 Zacii ('; - Vdii wanl ui interview wlth me; well,youarev$ry welcome lo anythins I c;in do fpr yon, or say. Q - Teil us wiiat causcd vuur radden deatb in Chicago t Crandleb - It was cauwd by congestión of the heart. Tliere had been a great excitemeot.üf the entire neivoue gystem, superinduced it may bc by the use of an alcohol ie Itbattoa whictt' was notaetimes indulcd in as i slimulanl 00 the eve of ïreat mental and physical cxertion. At the close of tlte lect'.irc I went out iijto a colil atmosphere and the renet ion was 10 extreme that the blood, wliich bad been torced lo tbc surface. was so suddenly tlirown hack upon the beart tlmt the valves closed, and I awoke to flnd ray work on earth endeil. Q_Did your deal li really end jour work here.' ( iiANui.KK- Not really, but semingly. I have yet a power in the universo of iniod. 'My power is feit wbere il ia not knoVn or ackuowlcdged, but that is of little matter so thal UM good wiirk goet on. q_You had wonderful power over the pcople tbrouRh your personal magnctism, ilid you not. Ciiakoi.kii - Peihais so. 15ut inagnet Í8U1 alone isa dead matter. Wheie the idea stands out fresh, bold, aud independent, magnctism is a wonderful power in carrying conviction to full intellect. These I have faitufully enunciated when ever I have discoursed upon politica! ■cience. Demagogues workine alone for elf iulerest unscrupulously sacrifiee tbc good of the inany lo tbc emolumeut of the few, whicb i wrong. I shall continue ld opposf; fraud and iniquity as opportuuily shall present itself by a systein of ideas conecruing truth and principies of iustice. Q - I tlie country Romg to be prosper ons under the administratimi of PrMidenl GwfleMI CiiANDi.KK - That i a matter that rcmaioa lo seen, hut, il i mv opinión ihal II wlll. (}- Wlicn President Hayes, in 187G, went back on the gresl lamer of the stal warts, and "sal down" on bim, the true friends of Ihe republkan cause evcry irdere were indignan!. What are your ideas of such coiuluct lowards Ilio man wlio made Havcs president"' Chandlek- I remeuilier trel! all that as said and done at lii;il lini. 1 wat not able to express my surprise and indignatiou in words. liiii, since my eyes have boen open lo sec things iu Ilieir Irue !tii;niflcation, l know Una be was not wlmlly ïesponsiljlc. Men do not, often tunes, act indepundent of cacli otber. Many are impelled white under the intluence of others to say and do tbings that work injury to thomselves, and n cooler mimients Iliey stand iike condemned crimináis in ilieir own minds. Q - Will Grant be put forward for president in 1884? handi.rh - Ho will not. Thero wcre Frcniont clubs bul they dld heforc tlie time for action oame. So it will he in the caJe of Grant. The enthusiasui of a projressive people Iike the Americans. have io inake the most of a sentiment when il i.s rlpe for appropriation, and at a time fin proper assimilation f that time pasges il caonot lie rcsusciiated. H - Woulrl the loyal, brave and jfalUnt (cncral Hancock havu made a good president had he been elcctcd. CiiAxm.F.R- The noble traits of hm character would pcrineste all he said or did as president of Ihe l'nitcd States, and :ie would nol work for a faction ora parv, Iml for the wbole counti v. Q- What are the demócrata' propect n 1884? - Poliücal sentiment is like ,hc lidal waves l hal rui c tkroughout Ihe ilemenU, tliey are all in one direction or (lie otlier. The probability is that the lemocratic party will be in tlie ascendanl n the next decade. There is ini(juity in both parlies. It is the work of the truly atriotic slateBman to unearlh and exposé Fraud wherever found, and entablisli a tolicy on a sound basis which givcs peoce 'nul prosperitv to the wholc coun'ry- (--llave yuu niet the late Hou. Lewia ( 'rtss in your piiiliia! wanderini;s ': (' - Fes, we were old frlends in the past, and are often together in OUT new existente. Q - How do spirits recosnize eack othcr'i C' - There is a spiritual body wliich isan exact counterpart of ihe physical body, and as easiïy recogui.ed here as in the earthy lifc. - fíarry Cxninty Demon-iil. Mr. and Mrs. .1. T. Noble, gave the following coinpliincntary notice to Prof. Fianklin, iu a recent number ( the Si. Louis (Micli.) Leader: To mauy of the readers of your paper, who took so rauch interest in the welfare of out little boy, Kddie Noble, who is so wcll known in the beauliful and thriviug village of St. Louis, and who ha been suffcring so long with spinal curvature, and au abcess that galhcred in bis right side. The alx;ess was opened lastj June, by Prof. Franklin, which made him very weak, leaving Uim scarccly able to walk. Several weeks ago another abcess on the lelt side gathered and broke; notwithstanding all tfais, onder ihe skiilful treat m;nl of Prof. Franklin, Eddie is rapidly iuiproving in health and strengtb aud those who saw him when heleft St. Louis for Aun Albor, about two mouths ago, would liardly know him now. We art very much encouragcd with bil improTing condilion. Charlotte Thompson will play for tbe ijcniiit of Company A, Feb. 28tb. C. II. Donnelly is talkiDg ome of going to Plattsmouth, Xeb. , to hang out lus sliingle. The fort s held by Jewell á: Sun. They ;irc backcd by the citizens who tand by (imm to a man. W. F. Kenfleld, of Grand Rapáis, undertook to horsc-whip a drummer al the Gregory bouM ImI evening. Thcre is to b a concert next Wedtu'ihiv evening at the opera house under the BUSpiCW of the reform club, Last Suaday afternoon a younj; man apparcntly about 37 years of agf, wat found ilcad ia li ís room at Chas. Miller1 boarding liouse. on Washington Street. Coroner Clark held an in([uet and Dr. George made the post-mortem examination. He was unable to discover the cause ( hts leut 1) . Iu the vet pocket of the dead man was a slip of paper with thesddress, "Mra. G. A. Keith,No. 597 First Avenue, Mihvaukee, Wis. Teil her how bad I want to see her. Keep this. " As the coroner didn't propose to go to the expense of notifying the person named on the slip of paper, 0. A. Colby, manager of the A. U. T. C , sent a te'.egram to the office in Milwaukce, and the uext duy he received a reply, tlmt Mrs. Keith, was a nurse residing at 171 Martin street, and as soon is she returncd further in! formation concerning the suicide mighl be learned. In a despatch to the F. P. from Milwaükee, it is stated that Mrs. Keith believes it musl have been Jas. MeDermott, of Springfield, O.; that he was a young man of property, and high" Ij onnected in Springfleld.


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