Secret of Happiness. Howoften have wc longed for perfect enjoyment and howseldom found it. JMisf oriuno bas come, or ill heult h overtaken us Perbaps a cough has como upon us which threascus that dreadedof alldiseases, consumption, and wc feel that deatb isnciir. With wbat joy should we be fllledthcn, when such a remedy as Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption is placed within our rcach. It bas curcd thousaads who were ncarcr the grave tban ourselvesand made tht;ir lives peaceful and happy. Asthma. Bronchitis, Hoarscness, Lossof voice, difliculty of breathing, or any affection of the Throat and Lungs are posiüvely cured by th.s Wonderful Discovery. "Now to give you satisfnetory proof that Dr. King's New Discovery will cure, if you will cali at Eberbach & Sons' Drug Store you can get a trial bottle for ten cents or a recular size boltle for $1.00. Fo3s:ed. TJtd. (OLD KIN, whk-li tlie owner van have by provine pioperty and paying for this notioe. Ailiirfss. ■■kat Ann Arbor, Mivh. CEO. A. BOYLAN, HOUSE, Sl( N and Ornamental Palntr. Sbop under the Star Clothing House. Orders lert at V,. Boylan's will be promptly attendedto. ■■ CiTY ITEMS. C. II Winiris mild likc ihc public to know Umi he keeps a shoo shop first door cast of Gwiiiner's inarket on Washington strcet, where lic does all kinds of repairing, aiul hedon't take a back seat forany man. All vvork done neatly and on hort notice. - Ladics wliu are Jodgea snv Mui. Alack t Bchmtd'a satin at $1.25 a yard equal tlioso solí byany othcr house for f 1.50. Hack Link. - All ouders left al ISrown & Co. 's drug store, or at Hangsterfer'.- State strcet restaurant WILL E PBOMPTLY attendeij to. Residencc No. 10 Maynard street. Thad K. Thompson. - Ifyou want a good fitting cloak or rtntmiiti at ii moderate priee, go to Mack A: Hchmid's. Reeds (íilt Bdfe Tonic curva Fever and Ague. Recd's G-ittEdge Tonlc restores the p. petitc. Recd's Gilt Bdm Tonic for sale at C'. E. Ilolmeg'g, Cook's hotel block. - Reed's GiltBdge Tonic for sale ly (". K. Holraes,thedrui{g!sit. Reed' Gilt Edge Tonic prevent Malaria. Mrs. Partington says don't take any of the quack roBlrums, is tbey are rcgimeiital to the human eistern; bul put yonr trust in Hop iiillers, which willcurè fi;cnera' dilnpulaiion,co8tive hal)its and are comie diaesses. They saved Isaac from a severeexlracl aftrlpod ft-ver. They are the nephit iinum 6f modicinos. - Boston Globe. Eminent Physician re pixsciiliing that tried and true reinedy, Wort for the worst cases of liiliomuess and constip&lnn, as well as for kidney complaints. There is scarcely a parson to lic found that wil) nol be greatly benefited b a thorough course of K Wort cvery spring. If you feel out of sorts. and don'l know why, try a package of Kidney-Wort and you will feel like a new creature. - Indianapoli Senlinel. .?. S. R. Scovill, Morris. Hls., says:- When your "Only Lung Pad" camc to liaini. my sou could could nol raisc his head. He is non up :ind gaining every day. - See Adv. Epidémica. - Just qow coagba, oolds, lung and bronchial complaiuls secm to be epidemie. In these cases of audden colds the best thing to do is to get ii bottlc of N. II. Downs' Elixir, whicli invariably ives spevdy relief and ultimately effects i complete cure in all cases where the Ijreathing organs are aJfocted. Use it in time and prevent serious lung dirtlciilties. Sold by all Druggists. HILL'S O PBrVhÖÜSËT e. .i. whitn'ky Leaaaeaad kfaaaaar. Special Engagement for Three Nights Only. THE MAXWELLS, Snpported by a flrst-claps DRAMATICCOMPANY, IVesfiititifr tte followintf plays. tho feiKning mccess of modern tiiues, TMUSSDÁT EVENIJHQt FER 10, "UNDER THE_GASLIGHT." FRWAT EVBN1NG, FEB. 11. Orand üoutite Bill. "THE OCTOROON," Conciudiii with a wotitíty teme. SA T URDA Y E VENINO, FEB. 12, Last appearance of the Maxwells. The prodúction forthe first time in this city. "JOSHUA WHITCOMB." ADMISSIOX 25, and 35 een. Reserved seats now on sale at Watts' Jewelry store. HILL'S OPERA HOUSE! MONDAY EVENING FEBRUARY 14. Jay Xtial Mammoth HÜMPTY DUMPTY, And TransAtlantic XOVELTY C O M B I N A.ï I O N, At the extreme of popular prices. Admission 25 and 36 cents. No extra charge for reserved seats itow on ! at Watts Bros. ' Jewelry Store. MRS. EMÏÏJÉ ALLEN ASSISTED BY The Franz Abt Quartette VV. I,. TAYLOR, lt Tenor. (i. B. RICE, 2nd Tenor, C A. WELLS, lst Ba85. A. A. HAIG, --'11.1 Bass. MISS JESSIE TAYLOR, PianiM. Will give a Concert at HILL'S OPERA HOUSE, Undcr the Auspices of the REFORM CLUB on WEOKESDAT HIGH WEB, 16, 188!, PROGRAM: PART I. 1. The Wolfis on the Hill WUU Franz Abt QWABTETTE. 2. Fantaisie Brilliaute (Somnámbula i. Alt by Lqbaeh Miss Jersie Tav lor. . Sleep Darling Sleep Ocibel W. U TAYI.OB. 4. Serenade the Buttercup (Cox & Box) Snllivan Messrs. Taylor and Rice. 5. The Angel's Serenade Bmya (Violin Obligato by Mr. Rice) Mrs. Ai.i.en. 6. Aboence 4W KRANZ ABTQUARTETrE. PART II. 7. Invitation t Dance Vugd Kranz Abt Qiartettï. s. The Tempest Biick Mrs Allen. i. On Thee Eaeh Living Soul Awaits (Creation). Hayden Mrs. Allen, Messrs. Taylor and Rice. 10. Fair Malden Bailey Mrs. Allen and Quartette. 11. Master and Scholar Htwitt Mrs. Alles and Mr. Wells 12. Dreamland Franz Abt Quartette. WILL1AM CASPARY, TJAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY. 32 Detroit Stree,t. LEONARD HOUSE, T F. LEOKARD, Proprietor. I Ann Arbor. Mich. joiinf7lawrence, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, Noe. '2 and 8 Hill 's Opera Houw, Ann Arbor, Mich. FRANK EMERICK, ATTORNEY AT LAW -Office ovpr Brown & Co 's Drug Store, Corner Main and Hu ron Streets, Ann Arbor, Mich. HURÓN MARKET. Í7 C. FREER, Dealer in Fresh, Salt and J, Sinoked Meats, Fivsh Finh, Oystera, Poultry, etc No. 'I EastHuron Street. MICHAEL H. BRENNAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office with E. D. Kinne, Slawson Bloeit, corner Huron and Fourth atreets. '_an Arbor, Mich. S. B. PARSONS, M.D., Successor to Stone & Parsons. OFFICE AND DISPENSARY, Corner Hurou and Fifth Street. Ann Arbor. Midi. O, C. JENKINS, OUBGEON DENTIST. Rooms No. SI East O Washington Street, formerly occupied by Dr. Frothiuhain. Aun Arhor, Web. TOBACCO STORE. IT DE KOUMUhat F. 8. Buck koi ttM best aasortment of CIUAUS AND TOBACCO in the city. Best hrnnds of tigarettesa pefialty. Ni o_ 7 East Hurón St. MU8IC STORE -Tbe cbfapesl place to buv Piauos, Estey Organs, Violins. Quitan. Bbuok, Tarubourines. Orunis, Kifes. Flafteolrts, itbci'8. Accordeons, l'iano Stools, Violin lioxns. Instruction Books for all kinds of inslruinents, Bhoel Mnsk'(new), Htrngs,oestquality, all kinds; Mouth Organs. Bridges, líows, Keys and Hosin. Everythingin the music line f rom a Chickering Piano to a Jew's Ham can be foiind at J. R. SAGE'S Musí.' Btore, So. I WnsliiiiRton St.. Ann Arbor. JACOBJHALLER & SON, D KALER IN WATCHES. OLOCKS, Speotarles, Plated Ware. GoM Pena añil Fine Jowolry. Spi-cial attention given to n-pairiiiK Watohes and Jewelry. 24 South Main Street, 4nn Arbor. antön'eïsële; D KALER IN MONUMEN'TS and Gravestones, manufactured from Tennessee and ltalian Marhlfl and Scotch and American Granlte Shop Cor. Detroit and Catherine sts., Ann Arboi ■., Mich. S. T. SPEECHLY, PHOTOGRAPIIER NO ra SOUTH MAIN STREET. Oards, Cabiuets. Promanad and 8x10. witti Frames to snit. Background and accessones complete. Negativas kept a while for order. E C. FRANKLIN, M. D. 1rf of SURGERY, HOMEOPATHU DE PA11TMENT, University of Michigan. Hesidence and offlce 41 Liberty street. Dr. Franklin will atteml sui-gioa' cases here, or by consulta tion in different parts of the state. N'.V.1 ;, CUBVAtURES AND DEFORXl'tlES CVRÈD by liisimproved method. EMÁNLJEL MANN rtEAi.KitiN Drugs and Medicines Toilet Articles, Dye Stuff. &c. Preseriplions caref idly prepared at any hour of the day or night by flrst-class ehemists. Emaniei. MaKW. Xo. 39 South Main street. Ann Arlmr. - ■ Michigan. WILSEY'S MÜSICTSTORE. DÍANOS, ORGANS, SHEET MUSIC, Instruo1 tion Books, Violins, Guitars, Flutes. &. , cheap at Wilsey's Music Rooms, east side Public Square, Aim Arbor, Michigan. The largest and beat Stock of Musical Goods ever brought into Washtenaw Countv. Violin and Guitar Strlngs a speclalty. N. B.- It wll be to your interest to cali beíóre purchasing anything iu the Music line. For Sale or Exchange. The Lake House, at Whitmore Lake, fur sale or exchange for city property. Address, J. JACOBS, Whitmore Lake, or E. N. Gilbert, Ann Arbor. Mich. FARM FOK. SALE! O 137 eres of goodland 8 1-2 miles west of the city, on the Dexter road, or I will sell 50 acres on the south side of the road, where I now live, or i5 acres on the north side of the road, fonnerly the John Wing farm. Said property consiHts of two good farm houses, (one of bliek) three large barns and a carriage house. Well waterea, good orchanl. This property will be sold now at a bargain. If not sold by the flrst of Marcli will be let, Biid 100 acres adjoinink' Ann Arbor, Feb.,st. ,881. wbradford g5OO XUESWAJEID. will pay the above reward for anv case of I,iver CVmplaint, Dyapepsia, Siek Headaehe, Indigestión, Constipation orC'oativeness we cannot cure wlth West1 Vegetable Liver Pilis, when the directions are strictly compüed with. They are purely Vegetable andnever failtogire satisf action. Sugar Coated. Large boren, containIng 30 Pilis, Ü5 cents. For sale %y all Druggist. Beware of counterfeits andimitations. The gen uine manufacfured only bj John C. West Co., "The I'iU Makers," 181 & 183 W. Madis9n St. Chicago. Free trial package sant by mail prepaid nrecsiptof a 3 cDt itamp Swathel, Kyer & Peterson, FLOÜR UNDJEED STOBE. We have constantly on hand ALL KINDS OF GRAIN, FLOUR AND FEED, which will be promptly delivered to any part ot the city. 2 Office cbr. l-'omiii and Ann Streets, Au n Arbor .... Micb. "DOO ON THB "DOG ON THE at.t HAT." OIJ HAT." A á A. A. TEERY, A. A. TEEEY, HAT8 HAT8 ANN ABBOB, ANN ARBOB, agents ! For Border Outlaws, WANTED I ByJ.W. BUEL. Xfir, Autheutk and ThriUiny History of the Hyes ana wonderfu! adventures of America's great outlaws, The Younger Brothers, Frank and Jesse James, And their bands of highwaymen down to 1#81. Contains more than 40 illustrations embr&cing late nortraits of the principal charaeters, including Frank James, never before published, and 12 flnecolored plates. Interviews and letters from Cole Younger - Startling Itevelations. Aïl about the Black Flag, the Black Oath. the Secret Cave, and hundreds of other wonderful things. .Most exciting book ever published; more thnllingthan a romance, yet truein eyery essen tial. Selfs like wild-flre! 10,000 ordered in advance. Nothinglike it!- beate everything! Over 400 pages, prioe $1,50 Agent's canvaffsi'iK outflts, 50 cents. Write inimediately for full particular, to Historical Publishing Co., St. Louis, Mo. LECALS. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN. County of Washtenaw ss.- In Uie Matter of the Estáte of Artemus T. Cook an Incompetent peison. Notice is hereby given, pursuanre of an order granted to the undersigned Guardian of said Incompetent, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on the second day of February A. 1). 1881. there wil! be sold at Public Vendue, to the highest bidder, at the east front door of the court house in the city of A 11 n Arbor, in the county of Washtenow in said state, on Saturday the nineteenth day of Marcli A. D. 1881, at ten o'elock in the forenoon of that day (subject to all encumbrances by mortgage or otherwise existingat the time of the sale, tne fol - owingdescribedKeal Estáte, to-wit: All the right title and interest of said Incompetent of. in and :o the followingdeecribed real estáte tu-wit: All of lot one, flfteeu rnd sixteen in block four (4) north range four (4) east in the city of Ann Arbor, not taken for Pontiac street. LOUISA BARBER, (formerly Cook,) Dated February, 2, 1881. Guardian. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw sa.- In thn matter of the estáte of Nicholas McCarty, deceased. Notice is hereby given, That in pursuance of an order granted to the uudersigned administrator de bonis non of the estáte of said deceased by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on the seventh day of January A. D., 1881, there wiU be gold at Public Vendue, to the highest bidder, at the tenant house on the B remises below described in the township of exter in the county of Washtenaw in said state, on Tuesday the first day of Maren. A. I.. 1881, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day. (subject to all encumbrances by mortgages or othetTvise extating at the time of the death of said deceasedj the following described Real Bátate, to-wit : The south east quarter of the south west quarter and the souUi west quarter of tlitsouth east quarter of section twenty-two (221town one south range four east (Dexter)in said county and state. JAMES H, LYMAN, Dated Jan, ", 1881. Administrator de bonis non. Estáte of Francis Maud Lashier, Minor. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw ss. At a session of the probate court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate offlce in the city of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the ■iSth day of January in the year one thousaml eight hundred and eighty one. Present, William I). Kamman. Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Francis Maud Lashier, Minor. On reading and flling the petition.duly verifled of Christopher C. Lashier praying that he may be liceused to sell certain real estáte belonging to said Minor. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tuesday, the lst day of March next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the next of kin of said minor and all other persons interested in said estáte, are requirëd to appear at a sessíon of said court,then to be holden at the probate office. in the city of Aiin Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of thepctitioner should nol begrauted: And it isfurther ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of thepeinlt-ncv of said petition, and the hearing thereor, by caus ing a copy of this order to be published in The Ann Arimf I) it rut, a muvspaper printed and Clrcukitftd in Haid countv, three successive weeks, previous to said day of hearing. WII.LIAM I). HAKHIMAN. (Atruocopy.) Judgo of Probate. Wii.mam O. Uoty. Probate Ilegister. Estáte of Jeremiah Peek. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washl.O naw, ss. At a session of the probate court for the County of Washtruaw, holden at the pro bate office in tho city of Ann Arbor, on Thursdn", tht' üith day of January in the year one thousand eight hundred and ei:rhty-oni PrCMOt, william L. Haniman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Jeremiah Peek, deceased. On reading and flling thf prtition. duly vtri
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat