Lung Pad Co.
OIIDCsDAPI APLJC Cures by ABSORPTION Nature's way And all diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder and A I Tl I UOAT DISEASES, UrinaryOrgiuiH Ijv wering ihttLL I KI 1 1 1 1 N t ; TI(U BI. ES Improved Excelsior Kidney Pad, K drives into .e rstem CutiT It Is a MARVEL of HE 4LING and RELIEF, ToRAWSMO M th. diseaad part th OIMDIC CCUCIDIC ÍIIDCPT poisons tlmt cause cl.ath. olWIKLt, ötRölöLt, ÜIKtUI, ThousandsTestifytoItsVirtuos. Itcus,; POtW,ERFAULKr , You Can Be Relieved And Cured. It CURES wIhtojiII f!s fails A lílí.VI'.LA , , _ TIONiuid UEVOLU'rioN In Medicine. Ateorp Dont despairnntil you lmve trldthlsSeniljla tion or direct apiilication. aaoppused to imsatisKasily Applieil and RADICALLI Er" iaetory interna! inpduiiies Bendforour treatiw FECTUAL BMneay. s??sk apTot .:ir"gKiKK y g m i'niii; of ifnue, 9, } ThisisUie fhíi '"rinlu" I PaH Pn Send for Th"finl," Original and ! " UMiy LUilg TdU jO, TestimOnial8 ' ne Unly ney Pad. Ask WILLIAMS BLOCK, -Three HUWILI.IA forltandtake „„._ „. . hoiwaYear' no otber. DETROIT, Mich. sent free. MS BLOCK, DETEOIT, Miclu
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