Republican County Convention
The republican convention Tuesday, was called to order at 12 M. by Hon. A. J. Sawyer, chairman of the county comraittee. Aftjr stating the object of the eonvention, Wm. E. Depew, of Chelea, was elected temporary chairmitn, and Jacob L. YTallace, of Pilt3fleld, temporary secretary. COMMITTEES. On raotion, the cluiir appointed the following committees: Permanent organizaüon - J. W. Wing, Scio; E P. Allen, Ypsilanti; A. Campbell, Pittsfleld; J. T. Jacobs, Ann Arbor; Jas. L. 3ilbert, Chelsea. Credentials- E. H. Scott and Jas. McMahon, Ann Arbor; Wtn. Judson, Sylvan. The conventiou then took a recess until half past 1 o'clock. The convention re-assembleJ at 1-30 o'clock. The temporary offlcers were made permanent. The chairman of the comraittee on credentials reported tüe FOLLOWING NAMED DELEGATES entitled to seats: Ann Arbor town- E. H. Scott, 1. N. S. Foster, S. W. Shurtlefï, J. C. Mead. Ann Arbor city: First ward- Joe. T. Jacobs, A. L. Noble, Chas. Spoor, R. A. Beal. Second ward- Henry Krause, Frank Emerick, Wm. Herz, A. H. Roys. Third ward- C. E. Hiscock, Matthew Howard, D. B. Bentley, R. E. Frazer. Foutth ward- Jas. McMaUon. M. O. Shewcraft, John Boylan, J. S. Nowland. Fifth ward- E. Lesmer, L. B. Kellogg, Geo. H. Rhodes. Sixth ward- A. F. Martin, N. Eastwood, J. H. Peebles. Dexter- Root. Colmau, A. R. JBeal, Geo. C. Page. Lyndon- Chas. Canfleld, J. D. Clark, Lester Canfield. Northfield- E. E. Leland, A. Sraith, Orrison Leland, A. D. Grovee. Pittsfield- A. gampbell, Wm. Burk, J. L. Wallace, H. D. Platt. Salem- G. S. Wheeler, J. W. Rtnwick, Ira Stambo, Silas Pratt. Saline- H. Bennett, Jas. Hoyt, M. Reynolds, Ezra Robinson, L. S.Pearce, Wm Dell. Scio- L. W. Briggs, E, E, Applelon, H. Ball, J. L. Smith, R. Poppkins, Jas. W. Winr. Lima - Jas. McLaren, George H. Mitchell, W. E. Stocking, Godfrey Luick, G. Tucker. Superior- J. A. Wilber, Guo. McDougal, R. E. Townsend, O. A. Sober, Ira Crippen. Sylvan- Jas. L. Gilbert, EJward L. Negus, Win. Judson, W. E. Depew, B. J. Billings, Jas. P. Wood. Web3ter- Wm. II. Weston, Worster Blodgett, Jas. B, Arres Jr., E. Ball. York- George A. Cobb, J. B. Lashier, W. H. Warner, J. W. Blakesley, B. 8. Cook. Ypsilanti town- H. S. Boutell, Wm. Campbell, Wm. Lay, F. Finley. Ypsilanli city : First ward- Wra. Robbins, P. W. Car penter, Frank Hinckley. Hecond ward- Wallace Phillips, W. H. Hall, E. P. Alien. Third ward- John Fox, C. R. Patterson, H. Batchelder. Fourth ward- H. E. Dickenson, Manly Holbrook, E. P. Goodrich. Fifth ward- Alonzo Suiith, John Worden, Samuel Parsons. The convention seperated inlo distncts, and elected the folio wing delegates to the state convention, which meets at Lansing on the 2.'3d iust. Delegates at large- R. A. Beal, and E. P. Alien. First district- W. H. Hall, Ypsilanti; H. 8. Boutell, Ypsilanti town; W. H. Dell, Saline; J. W. Blakeslee, York; W. K. Childs, Pittsfleld; Andrew Campbell, Pittsfield. Second district- Geo. McDougal, Superior; A. D. Grove, Northfield; G. S. Wheeler, Salem; E. D. Kinne, J. H. Peebles, Joe T. Jacobs, Ann Arbor. Third district- Clias. Canfleld, Lyndon; 'as. McLaren, Lima; E. Negus, Sylvan; Win. Judson, Sylvan; L. W. Briggs, Scio; Harris Ball, Scio. The secretary was instructed to furnish o the state central committee, the names f the delegates elected. Capt. Allen was elected chairman of he Washtenaw couuty delegation. (Additional Local on Second Page.) Koch and Haller, are fitting up the tora lately occupied by John Keek prearatory to opening with a lare stock of furniture. Those expecting to buy furni ture would do well to wait and examine their large stock before elsewhere.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat