Bucklin's Árnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcera, Salt Rheum, Fe ver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and alt kinds of skin Erup tions. This salve is guaranteed to givi perfect satisfaction in every case or tin money ref unded. Price 25 cents per box Por sale by Eberbach & Son, Ana Arbor Mich. Two Organs. Regúlate flrst the stomach, second the liver; especially the firsl, so as to perform their fuoctions perfectly and you will r jmoveat least nineteen twentieths of all the ills that mankind is heir to, in this or any other climate. Hop Bitters is the only thing that will give perfectly healthy nat ural action to these two organs. - Maine Farmer. The Power of the Press. In no way is the power of the presa more surely shown than in the universal knowledge that has in less thsin a year been diffused throughout fiftymillions of people of the wonderful curative properties of that splendid remedy KidneyWort. And the people froni the Atlantic to the Pacifio have shown their intelligtnce and their knowledge of what is in the papers, by already making Kidney Wort their household remedy for all dis eases of the kidneys, liver and boweh - Herald. Chas. C. Frary, of Adrián, Mich., says:- Vo my complete surprise, I obtained a good night's rest, the flrst night I worean "Only Lung Pad." I have suffered irom Astiima for years -See Adv. Women that have been pronouuced incurable by '.ue best physicians in the country, have been completely ciired of :emale weakness, by the use of Lydia E l inkham's Vegetable Compound. Send to Mr. Lvdia E. Pinkham, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets REAL ESTATEEXGHANGE. CHAS. H. MANLY'S Abstract and Real Estáte Office, No. 11, First floor. Opera House block, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Abstracts fnrnlshed on short notico on any parcel of land In Washtenaw county, from Freneh Claims of Ypsilanti, to the most complicated tltles In the Vlllage of Mam-hester. Money tO Loan on Real Estáte secureties. For SalO I - -o - I 67 I -2 Acres, good buildings, well watered, withln 2 miles of the Court-House. A Good Farm, 200 acres, wiill improved, in the township of Webster, good buildings, $65 per acre. A House and doublé Lot at Whitmore Lake, $700. House and Lot, on the corner of Packard and Main streets. House and Lot, on Ingnlls street, north of Unfversity, $3,000. House and Lot, on Lawrenee street, $2.000. House and Lot, on EllzabethSt., $2,000. A House and 1-2 acre of land in 5th ward, west side of the Dixboro road. House and three Lots, in the Fifth ward, Rood locality, 81,000. House and flve Lots on Mlller avenue. Wil! be sold at a bargain. Oood barn on the premlses. 3O Acres of land on Whitmoie Lake road, within 3-4 miles of Court-House. Would like to exchange for city property. Cood two Story House and large lot, on the corner of North and Fourth streets, Third ward, tor sale on easy terms. The West House and four acras of land at Whitmore Lake for sale or exchange. Terms satisfaetorj' to purchasers. Ten Acres of Land, töi good buildings, situated near the Eber White road, one mile from Court-House, LotS 77. 78, 9O, nd part of lot 89 and a large brlck house vith !2 rooms, R. S. Smlth's addition. Cood Improved Farm, consistingof iüo acres, 3 miles north of Wayne, and 18 miles from Detroit. Two orchards, large dwelling house, and barn. This property will be sold at a bargain, and on the most liberal terms. n 4 O Acres neara viUage, not particular as to townshlp. ThreeAoreS wanted near Ann Arbor city. I have frequent calla for 6 per cent loang on long time, good security. THE MONARCH ii CLARKEN'S BILLIARD PARLOR, No. 8 North Main St. Ann Arbor, Frienös, Gome ani See Me QE0. CL ARKEN, - - Proprietor, HENRY MATTHEW8, Has] the pleasure to inform the public that he la ready to reeeire them in hisnewbrick MEAT MARKET! ONE DOOR EAST OF LEONARD HOUSE. Everything Ia his Une will be flrst-elass, and At Reasonable Ratos. He returns nis sincere thanks to all his oíd custornera for their generous patronage, and cordi ally invites them, and all new customers to his new quarters, where he hopes by fair dealing to enlarge his airead y growing business. Livery, Sale, AND BOARDING STABLE! I have opened a I ;very, Sale, and Boarding Stable opposite the CourtHouse on Fourth street, where livery rigs can be obtained at any time of the day or night. A fine lot of new carriages and good horses, at reasonable rates. Breaking colts and handling track horses a specialty ; good references given. P. Irwin, Ann Arber, ÉkhjneTpad THE GREAT DISCO VEBÏ FOR DISKASE3 OF THB KIDNEYS, BLADDER AND URINARY ORGANS. A remedy tbat will posltlvely cure DIABETES, GRAVEL, OtOPSY. BRIGHTS DISEASE, HIGH COLORED URINE. INCONNNENCE AND RETENTION OF URINE. NERVOUS BEBIUTY and FEMALE COMPLAINTS when NOTHINB ELSE CAN. lts suocess provea the effleacy of A8S0RPTI0N. It saved the Ufe of lts discoverer and Is savine the lives of thousands of othera. For sale by Druggista or seot by mail on reoeipt of the prlce, i)2.00.) OAY KIDNEY PAD CO., Solo Proprietors, Toledo, Ohlo. tW Send your addreas for our pampulel, "How a Life vras Saved." For Sale by EBERBACH & SON. Druggists. JACKSON URE CLAY CO. Manufacturera of Stone Sewer Pipe -AND-' DüJk-insr tile. All our Draln THb re made of Fire Clay, are of unusual strength and üyit weight, which ma terially reduces the braakage and expense of transportaron. The ditehine for this elass of tiling lslegsexpen sive, as Ihey do not require to be laid below f rost, but only deep enough to escape the plow. While thls is more economical it also ida in obtainingia better '"fair1 or grade to the drain. A f uil assortment of all sfaes, for sale in smali quantities, or car load lote, At the FERDON LÜMBER Til. JAS. TOLBERT, Agou.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat