News Of The Week
H. A. Fairbanks, a student of the university at Ánn Arbor, cominitted suicide at the Gregory house in that place, in tbe presence ol two womeu from ïletroit. Investigation shows tliat he liad been marrieil to one of theni, and her vifit to liim probahly was üie immediate occasion of the act A train on the air line was tbrown fram the track four miles east of Niles and Capt John C. Josa of CentreTÜle, for 10 years cleik of Si. Joseph county, and wlio lost a leg in tbr battle of the Wildernees, was iuBtantly -killnl. Several others were injured. Adiutant General Bobertson's "Michigan in üie War," autliorized by the legislatura and priuteil ly tlie state printer, is just out. lt states that 0,717 men were enlistad in the Union army from Ibis stato, and tliat they foutfht in over 800 battles and skirniislies. The totallosswas 14,8ö5; 177 officers were killed, isö died of wounds and 96 of disease. Oí the men 2,648 were killed in actiou, 1,302 died f wounds, 10,040 died ol disease, and 512 were missing. The Saginaw salt aasoeiation shipped 500 tons of salt for agricultural purposes to a Minnesota firm, and oxpect to follow it up ■wtth other heavy shipments of the une sort Although no definite action has bwn takon on the Michigan land grant case in congress, the committee on public lands is agreed upon one point, viz: tbat all patente, hoinestead entries, settlement8, prinption claims, anil eer tifïratps or entrv. issued by the reirister and receiver of the Marquette land office, sliall be recognized as valid, whatevrr uiay be done in regard lo the remaiuder of the lauds. Fires. - The Holton block comprising two three story buildings, at Coldwater, together witli Cruger's bakery, and stores occupicl bj Waldron fc Tate and F. AI. Brightman. Loss $9,000; insurance $,600. - Hague's tliree-story block at Jackson. Loss $12,000 ; iusurance $ti,000. A dispatch frora Grand Haven dated Febr ary 4th says: Itis now 12 twelve ilays since the steamer City of Ludiugtou left Milwaukee for (irand Haven. She was lying in the ice off this shore scveral days, but drifted away with the ice, which has left this shore. A forcé of men are sawing a chauuel through the ritifje of ice obstructing tlie liarbor. As soou asthey can get through theDepere and Meuoinineu will search tor and relieve the Ludiugton. During January the salt inspection shows a product of löö.töa barrels, an increase of 2o,0Uü over January, 1880. Over 42,000 barrels were shipped in bulk by rail. Robert Garner set up a small jewelry establishment in Meinphis, and haviug collected 15 watches to be repaired. he thougbt it a good tin1 to (luit and Ieave. The balance of cash in the state treasury January 22 was $1,473,597.32; receipts for the week ending January 20 were 873L8T6.09; payments for the same time, f35.X39.73 ; leaving a balauce January 29, lhisl, of $1,611,ISS.tiS; of which amount $912,270.27 belongs to the 8inkiu(j fund, $2S4,84O."7 are held in the trust funda, and $3Í4,522.ü4 are available for general purposes. Bentou Harbor, Mich., Feb. 4.- The coldest weather ever known in tliis section visited us last night,the thermometer f alling to 30 degrees below zero towards morning. Peach aud cherry trees were destroyed in great numbers, mnny of tliem bursting open, and the raspberries are killed. The peach erop will be a faüure. The position of Superintendent of the reform school has been tendered to Superintendent of Public Instruction Gower. The application of Joel J. S. Perrin, brother and two sisters of the late Horace Perrin of Marshall, for a receiver appointed for the income of the estáte in Calhoun, Eaton, Barry, Mecosta aud Saginaw counties, is being lieard bef ore Jud};e Brown of Detroit am" Judge Withey of (irand Rapids, sittinc togetlier. Later Judge Withey goes to Detroit to sit wlth Judge Brown on the other proceedings of this lit.iiration over the Perrin estáte. J. A. Stull of Rochester and Darwin Hughes of Grand Kapids appear for the plaintiiïs; (. V. N. Lothrop and J. J. Speed of Detroit, and W. D. Adams of Marshall for the defendauk W. A. Vineent of Weesaw, Berrien county, sold his farm to Kit Price, aud received $480 Thls money was put in a pocketbook and concealed in a bed. When they iroved the Vincents emptied their beds of straw, Mr. Vincent carrying out the beds aud Mr. Price assisting in turning out the straw. When the couple reai'lieil Buchauan tliey suddenly reuiembered the pocketbook, and went back to search the straw pile for it. They didn't find it, and Vincent had Pric arrested on suspicion that he might have found it. Sennis O'Leary, aged 57, and widely known in that viciuity, was killed by a falling tree at Buck's lurnber camp, in Oregon Lapeer countj7, while sawing at a short distance. his skull being fractured. Near Grass Lake an insane man nampd Wm. Brown juin ped from Ule (irend Kapids xprcss going 20 miles an hour. He was picked up insensible, but was found to be only sliglitly njored. Albert Faircliild, convicted of arson in the Mecosta Circuit Court, for burning a hotel aud a nuuilicr of business buildings at Morley, a year ago, bas been sentenced to the State Prison for life. Frederick Wichmann, who was attendiug a wedding at East Saginaw, Sunday evening, and who went out to remonstrate with a crowd who were charivaring the wedded couple, was struck over the head with a fence board by John Lash, one of the mob, and afterwurd died. Lash bas been arrested, and stands a good chance of the penitentiary for Ufe. Clark Harris of Roscommon was terribly burned by an explosión of a vial of nitric acid which he had ín his vest pocket, He will probably lose the sight of one of his eyes. Williain Ransom, a wealthy farmer of Batavia, just west of Coldwater, hung himself in his barn. Temporary insanity was probably the cause, as he was possesscd with the idea that there was a conspiracy to defraud him of large sums of money. The house of Steed Spencer, near May vi lic, ■was discovered on fire, aud when the ueighbors reached the fire they found that Steed Spencer, an oíd man who lived alone, was dead, with his head nearly burned on. It is the opimo that he feil in a fit, striking the stove, and while in this condition his clolhing took fire. He leaves no relatives in tlii country. A veritable case of trichiniosis is reported by the Iansing Republicau iu the family of Jacob Ransom, near the cemetery. One of the family, a boy about 15 years of age, died, and portions of muscle froin the body were obtained by Drs. Hayden and liolan, and subjected to microscopic examination. The microscope revealed the presence of hundreds of paraalteG in the fiber, leaving no doubt of the correctness ot the diagnosis ot the physieians. H. C. Halm, druggist, on Michigan avenue, bas two specimens of the inusck1 taken from this subject on exhibition uihUt mierdscopes at his store for the benefit of the curious. Uf the four yictiuis still living it is thought that one at least eau not survive. Mrs. Kitra Ogden, of Union township, Braneh county, was burued to death Sumlay, her clothes having caught fire while she was taking off a stovi; lid with lier apron. A channel has been cut through the ice from the docks at (rand Haven to opeu water in the lake, and the steamers Bepere and Meuominee will go forth, bouinl for Mil waukee, and search for the steamer (üty of Ludington, now two , weeks out and fast in the ice. The house of Steed Spencer, of Watertown, Tuscola couuty, burned Saturday night, aml Mr. Speucer, who was an oíd man ana hal lived all alone for a number of years, perishëd therein. I' is supposed that be liad a fit and iell upon the stove, upsetting it At about 1.15 Sunday morning the brick store of Josiah Kingsbury, at Memphis. Macomb county, was discovered in llames, and it was soon completely gutted and the contente destroyed. The amouut of loss is not stated, but f 4,8U0 insurance is reported. The cause of the fire is uukiiown. Wm. Ransom, a rich farmer near Coldwater, buiig himself in liis barn Sunday. Hu was a "little olí" on money matter, and tliotiglit the world had enteredintoa couspiracy t'1 aéfraad him. .1 r. C. A. Gower has signified hio acceptance of the reform school superintendency. At tli reinest of the governor he will not resiga bis present office for several weeks in otder that. he may help to perfect the school legli and give the goveruor time to select a succes sor. Telephone communication between Port Huron and letroit was indulged in on Sumlay last with complete succoss. Much excitement wascreated atBattle( Hek by the tinding of the dead body of an Uifant child under a heap of boards. The coroner's jurj' gave uo clue as to it parentage. A convict named Finu escaped from the Jackson peuitentiary by scaling the walls, The public schools in varions parts of Jack son county have been closed on account of diphtheria. An electric. Ihrtrt ociTiipany is talked of in Kast Sagiuaw, with 800,000 capital, to furuish aud opérate the Maxim incaudescent light. The balance of cash in the state Ireasury January2'Jwas l,51l,li f, recelpts f or the week ending February 5 were S:ilü,2'-'B K'r payments for the same time, f'2(i,02S: leaving a balance Jb'ubruary 6, 1881, 011828,882 21;"of wbich amouut 0,000 belong to the sinkiiu' lund, fel,lt;t 2B are held in the trust f umi; aud f oü,t)B8 06 are avaüable for general
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat