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The Legislature

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February 1. - A bilí appropriatiug $67,0X9 fr tliciupport of the universHy for theensuiní two years was noticed in the senate. Mr. ('apli nave notice of a bilí tor an upper branch of tlie Detroit conimon couucil and for the appni ni iiiciil of a school comiuission of five, to be appointed tiy the mayor and cnnfirmed by the ciiiiiipil. Mr. Ewors gave notice of a bilí to have the water works board appointed by tlie couunittee aud confirmed by the council. Tlie state affaiis coiniuittee of the house reported favorably on the lill to purchase L. T. Ives'.s portrait of the late .acariah Chandler, aml alsci on the bilí for the revisión of the coiistitution. Resolutious were passed to ask cougress to mafee New Buffalo harbor useful onc more; also a bilí to protect Wisconsin oflicers taking prlsonert through Michigan. The house gave Mr. LaDu leave to withdraw the temperante petitions, the; having previously beeu read in the other branch of the legislatura. February 3 - The senate ordered the appointment of a cqmmitlee oí one froin eacli congressional district on apportioniuent. Smiator (ireusel was appointed on the oouimittee to report on the distribution of the book Michigan in the War. Thirty-five remonstrances witn 1.132 tiüiiu's were preeentl against tlie passage of the prohibitory ainendniént to the eonsutution. The special committee on taxatinn rpported a bilí for the appointment of five conimissioriers to frame a tax law. The following liills passed. Amending theactfoi the incorporation of manufacturiug companiee; amending aection 684 relat i ve to the Iowers and duties of towuship officere: bill to secure nniformity in the surveys of state ditches. The liill fixing the salaries of judjjes of probate was lost; also house bill amendiug the law relative to animáis running at larfje. In the house n majority of the coinmittee on the li(juor trame reported favorably on the proInhitory amendinent to the constitution. lli.usc Ble 18, relative to the fees of deputy slinrills; passed; also joint resolution for amending the constitution so as to permit the supreine court to choose its own clert February 4.- In the senate the lieutenant governor announced as the coinmittee on ap portiomnent Senators Capüs, Dickerman, Durkee, Ford, Farr, Büliugs, Winsor, (iihson and Swift. A few reports were received and three bilis introiluced. In the house petitions were received for the estoblishuient of a chair of ecectic medicine in the university. The coinmittee cm (nlntlng reported that the cost of prinüng and binding the Conipiled Laws, under the preseut contract, would be ahout $1.50 a volume, and that stereotyping would cost 60 eents per page additlonal. The committee on loadsaml bridgen were anthorized to employa clerk wliile engaged in revising the highway laws. Six bilis were iutroduced and a few repdilcd. lioth houses adjourned till Tuesday evening, February 15.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat