February 1. - InthesenatoMr. MorganDein., Ala.i reported Mr.Ingalls's (Rep., Ka) resolution on the electoral count with a suhstitute provWtag tliat the meeting of the two house shall tin iu Uie house of representatlves, and proTldtng for the Georgia case, where the electora did not meet on the day fixed by law, by dlreetins Ihe Vice President to declare the total vote in t)oth cases, whether that of Georgia is ooonted ot not, but that in either case, anri are elected. The pension appropriatiou hill was takeu op, and Mr. Booth (Rep., Cal.) moved to add an appropriation to supply a deficiency of $17,692,000. Rejected; ayes 25, uoes 26. Mr. Withers (Peni., Va.) movedto ainciid the first section by addiug to it the substance of the "sixty surgeon liill." Mr. Davis Dein., V. Va.i supported and Mr. Logan (Rep., II!. ) opposed it Before it was completed a message bom ttie President Lu regard to the Ponca Indiana was presentediuidpartiallyread, when the senate. went iuto executive seesion and aitervfard adjourned. The house of representativos spent the day on the district of Colmnbia bill, but adjourned without completing it. Febrnary 2.- In the senate the reading of the Presldeut's Ponca imwsage was completed, and the message and papers were referfed to the Ponca commlttee. A nainberof liills were reponed favora'ily. Mr. Morgan ( Dein., Ala.) called np his resolution, introduced Tuesday, providing for the electoral counL Mr. Edinunds (Rep., Vt,i moved to amend by having the count in the senate chamber. Mr. Hoar attacked that partof the resolution referring to the Btate of (;or;ia. Mr. Thurman (Dein, O.) declared that, in nis opinión, the vote of Georgia ought nol. in be counted. Aftera prolonged debate Mr. Edmunds's aineudiuent was rejected, bj a party vote, ayes 22, noes 35. Delle wss resaiAed u]ion the resoiution Itself by Senators Thurman, Blaine and oihers. The pending amendment was roted down, ayes 27, noea :. and Mie-resolutlon itself was adopted without aroll-call. The pension appropriation lull was iiikrn np. imt without action upon it the senate adjourned In the house of representatlves a resolution appropriat ing ■ 10,000 fora monument of the bnttleof Beunington-was adopted, also one calluig for Information as tocompJatotoagalnst offlcers of the Indian service during the last 18 months. A coniniuniration from the President on the ronca qnestíon was read. The post route liill was pas8ed. The District of Colmnbia appropriatiou bill was ameuded and pass'■'' yeaa 149, nays H. The legislativo, judicial and execúUve aipropriation hlll was reported onlered printcd and recommitted. It recommends an appropriation of f 17,1X1,000. The house refused to take up the interstate commerce hil], and proceeded to consider the apportlonment liill. Mr. Cox made a speech upon it, after wbich the house adjourned, Februarr 8.- In the senate Mr. Morgan (Dein., Ala.) called up bis resolution concernIng the ilcclaration of the electoral vote for President and Vice President. Mr. Edumuds, after a brief, debate, moved to lay the resolutlon i m the tabla Lost, ayes 22, uays 37, a party vote. The moruing houi expiriug, the regular order was postponed, and the resolution taken ap. After a protraeted discussion, and the vottoKdown of an ainendnient proposed hy Mr. Kdmunds, declariug that neither the seuate, the senate and house, or the President of the senate, bad a rigüt to niake Uie count, and (liifeating sonie other ainendmentft, tlie roll was called to aswrtain ttie presence of a guornm, when 40 senators responded. The Kfpultlican senators Rivine indications of a ilispositiou to indulge in dilatory proceedings, ilu'sfiiati' adjourned. In tlie house of representativea Borne of the amata aineiidments to the Iudian appropriatiou lul! werocoiicurred in and sonie were nonconcurred iu. The coujfresitkmul apportion ment bill was taken up and discusged at souie lengtb. Tlio uili finally wenl over without actlon, and the house adjourned. I'ebruary 4. - In the senate tlie d'iBtrict appropriatlon bill was received irom the house and referred. The fundinK Wil was reported with aniendments, ordored printed, and placed on tlie calendar. The senate passed a bilí ap proprlating $115,000 for a relief expediüou for the Arctic steamer Jeaunette. Morgan's electoral count joint resolution was then taken up. Aíter a prolonged debate the resolution was carried, with au amendment by Mr. Hoar Uep., Mass.) declarinj; it the duty of congres to instituto uieasur.s the due and orderly cnnntinir of the elufloial vote iu the future. Seveu Republican and 85 Democratie senators voted in its favor, añil oue Democrat against it, the otlier Republieans abstaiuing from vdttng. The sonate tlieu took up the pensions appropriation bill, and adjourued without action on the pending ameuduieut- tlie "sixty surgeon" clause. The house passed the bill for the sale of eertain New York Indian lands in Kansas, with an amendment fixing the price at $8 an acre. It then went into committee of the whole on the private calendar. In discussion on a pension bill Mr. Atkins (Deiu., Tenn.) declared that the pensions would coat the Kovernuient a total of more tlian a billion dollars. Mr. Qoode, on request of Mrs. Page, withdrew the bill to pay her $136 on her husbaud's account, the bill was tabled and tlie house adjourned. February 5.- In the senate, a joint resolution was passed inviting the government and people of France, and the fimiily of Lafayette, to joiu in tho Yorktown centennial. The sunate took up tbe pension appropriation bill, witli tlie "sixty surgeon" amend inent,aml Mr. Logan (Rep., IU.) opposed the latter. A bill was introduciHl defining the duties of assistaut inskmMi irs of struin vessels. A numper of miscellauiious senat and house bilis were pasBed, and the senato adjourned. In the house Mr. Bicknell (Dem., Ind.) called up the senate electoral count resolution passed February 2 in regard to the countiug of the vote ot Georgia. A debato followed in whicli a very large variety of views were expressed. the difference amoug Democrats and aniong Republicana being as great as that letween the two partií. The resolution was finally adopted. It practically provides for the announcement f the result in eitlier case, i. e., whether the vote of Georgia was counted or imt, but that in either case Garfield and Arthurare eketed President and Vice President The cougressional apportionment bill was tben taken up, and debated at length, after which the house adjourned without action. February 7.- In the senate Senators Hamlin and Tliurinan were appointed tellers for the presidential electoral cornil to-morrow. Mr. Thurinan (Dein., O.) in the course of the discussion on a night session, avowed hlmself in favor of license ve. prohibltion. Senators Conkling (Rep., N. Y.) and Butler (Dem., S.C.) had what Mrs. Malaprop would cali a "nice derangoment of epitaphs" over the South Carolina census. The pension appropriation bill was theu taken up, and the "sixty surgeon auiendment" was ruled out o' order. Without further action on the bill tbe senate adjourned. In the houseof representative Messrs. House andCrowley were appointed tellers for the presidential electoral count. Several motions to su8pend the rules for various purposes were voted down. Another flood of bilis and resolutions was introduced. Aa attoinpt was made t' suspend the rules and pass tbe river and harbor bill, but it was defeated, yeas 1B0, nays 8K, not two-thirds in the affirmative. Mr. Belford (Rep., Col.) tried to get a resoiution passsi! appropriating an hour a day to doing liusi ni'ss by unanimous conseut, but faüed. The house thi'ii adjourned. February H.- In the senate tbe resoiution to provide for the enforcement of the eight-hour law was indefimtely postponed. Mr. Blair (Rep., N. H.) introduced a joint resoiution proposing a cmistiMi tioiial auiendment prohibiting, after the year 1900, the manufacture and sale, anywhere within the United States, of distillud, alcoholic and intoxicating liquors, tbe importa tion and exportation of such liquors, etc. Mr. Conkliug (Rep., N. Y.) introduced a resoiution, which was adopted, directing the secretary of the treasury to report to the senate the names of all persons nouiinated by the collector of tbe port of New York between January and Decemlier. 1880, for appointment in the New York custom house, and whether any appointment had been made in violation of civil service rules, etc. The pension appropriation bill was then taken up. After considerable disousöion Mr. Plumb's amendment increasing the pension clerical forcé was agreed to. Without final action on the bill the senate took up and concurred in the house resolutions relating to the death of Mr. Farr and adjourned. In the house of representatives the river and harbor liill was reported and referred to the committee of the whole. The legislativo, executlve and judicial bilí wasalso reported back and roferred to the same committee. The senate bill appropriatine mooey to search for the lost arctio steamer Jeannette was referred to the cominittee on appropriations witli instructions to report it back wituin a week. After a contest as to the order of huniness the house v ted to eo into committee of the whole on the legialative, etc, appropriation hill ; bat, without concluding it. rose. The death of Representative Farr was announced, appropriaut speeches made and resolutions passed, and the house adjourned.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat