The long debate on the IriBh measures proposed in the British parüament came to an eud by the pi-esMiintr omw refusing longer to allow dilatory proceedings and speeches. The pending niotion to adjurn the debate was rejected, 19 to 1W. The Home Rule nienibers withdrew, bowing to the speaker, and the motion allowiug the governnient to bring in the bill was carried unanimously. The Home Rule inembers soon returned and renewed their obstnictive policy. A remarkable ecene occurred in the British parliameut during a debate on the Irish question, all the Home Rnle inembers being expelled and takeu out siugly by the sergeant-atarms. WilliaHi, the 9011 of the hereditary Prince Leopold of Hoheazollern, recently chosen heir to the Bouinanian throne, was forcibly tbducteil by three men and taken across the Rhine, but eacaped. Davitt, the Fenian who was sentenced to fifteen yeara' imprisonment, released atter fiichí ycars on a "ticket of leave," wUich allowed lilm liberty under certain conditions, and rearrested rtscently for violating thoee conditioiiH, has been resentenced for the remainder of his term. Mr. Gladstone's "urgency riiie" was so modi fied before passage as to require for the declaration ot urgency a vote of 3 to 1 in a house whicli has at least 300 meinbers present and votincr, and that the motion must be made by a minister who will state his reasons for makiagit Gold is reported to have been found in largely paying quantities in old Chilian mines. Thomas Carlyle, the English historian, is dead. The porte is endenvoring, by forced loans and poll laxes, to raise money for ihi proposed war with Greece. The king of Ashantoe íb reportad to have declared war againat England, and t have made preparations to attack the Euglish coluiuug on the West African coast Two men, supposad to le thieviDg Irish Americana, were arrested at Edinburgh, aud three policemen were shot while making the arrest, one seriously. About 4,000 weavers are on a strike at Hyde, Eng., for an advauce of wages. The Bohemtan, Capt. Grundy, from Boston January 27, for Liverpool, has goiie ashore on the coast, and 32 persons have been drowned. The ship Bremen is reported wreck1 off Lerwick, Shetland isles, Friday last, thirteen of the crew drowned and seven saved. uther ocean vessel disasters are reported. Seventeen persons are imprieoned and are supposed to bu killed in Whitfield colliery, Staffordshire, Kagland. A general improrement in the Irish outlook is reported from Dublin. The government is prepared to crueh the plans of the Fenians, and more renU are beiug paid. The powers have apparently agreed to unite in endeavoring to compromiso the (5rek boundary question. - British ad vires report a victory over the Boers on the tith of January. The liritish loss was heavy. The French minister of fo eign affairs an inceathat the United States has agreed to join in the international monetary conference m Paris this year. The Spanish ministry bas resigned, and the Cortes will be dissolved, on account of the kjug's refusal to assent to the first stop in the proposed new finaucial policy of the governmeut. Sagasta bas been appointed head of the new cabinet. In the British house of commons the president of the couucil said that investigation would be made iutothe alleged cruelties to cattle ttrought from America. He said, howBTar, that most of such cattle looked as if they were just from the farm. "Wfll Johnnie, did you catch any fish today?" "No," replied the lad "but I drowned a good inany worms.'
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat