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It may beiemembered bfoAtLhahitiiet af Paris tbal lor some years prominent merchants doing business in various parte of France contïnually annoyed by flnding that they had given checks and bilis of credit Öï wtiicta tltey had no knowledge whatever. The cliccks witc ])rcsfntcil in the onlinaiy niaimcr and the ïnoney wasgiven upen them without hesitationjyet wiuii they were returued to the diawer he knew nothing whate'ver about them, although he oould in no case deny that the signa+mre was genuino, and henee coiild nol. claim (hat a fofgery had heen c oiiniiitted. The inj-stcry was great and the trouble intolerable; the pólice could discover absolvitely npfching in regard to the matier, and, even tliimgli bupoht was appealed to and apparently worked hard to nin;ivel Ilic aftair, he was olilied to conl'ess Iliat the solution was bevond his power, Whi'ii I carne to uiuierstancl the subject, - it was oxplaiiii'd to me by Dspoht birnself in u moment of unusual coolness as a matter not of overwhelnüng consequence - I found that it was none Other chan my friencl who tlms was robbing the public. Wlien in neecl of fuiids lie did not hesitsite to visit BOme wealthy niercliant, request a private inLerview w i 1 1 1 him and then hypnotize or mesmerize him, after whieh he woúTd direct his unconscious victiin to draw a check forsuch and sucli an ainount. The document would be diawn. and when DujRmt hadpocketed it luí would waken the hypnotie, converse for a while on other matters and depart in peace. As the experimenta oí' Dr. Beard have shown, tlie hypnotic would know nothíng of what he liad done in his trance, the signatura would be and Dnpont would depart to draw the money and spend it in #""- ing. Dupont waa once nearly broiiirht to grief by hisraacality and was placed on trial, luit at the exanúnation he placed his accuser in difficulties by hypnotIzíng and then questioning him (so gréat was his "mesmeric power" that when he cliose he conld hypnotize at a glance one who had ever bef ore come under his intluence) whereupon the accuser contratlicted himself, retracted his testimony and showed such unniistakaiile evidence of in.sanity that Dupont Was kt once liberated. While telling me of these tilines Dupont relaied the case of a fiiend of his who íuui inadvertently caused the death oía young lady whom he had niesinciized and informad that she was dead. He was suddenly called from the house and che city before awaking her, and al his return sonie time afterwards he found that the woman had died in the state in which she had been '".


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