Mr. Gallagher On Rollers
The circumstances were as follows: Mr. Gallaghei had to take a train thai left at six o'cloek, and he aroae before daylight, to breakf ast, and tliouglit he would put on his thick bo(jts nstead of the very light shoes lic bad on over e vening. Now it seeins that Callagliei's son had worn the old man's boots while roller-skating, and had left tlu Skates on the boots, and in the darkness Gallagher didn'tnotice this fact as hepvdlcd liis boots on, though he thoughl the boots feit heavy. He then groped his way to the head of the stairs, the skates making no trouble on the carpets. Then he started to go down stairs. He got there. He got there dreadfully sudden. He was terribly annoyed aa he picked liimaelf up and said some wicked things as he started for the dining room. Iheakfast was laid, lint only a dim light wasburning. Immediately lic set hU foot on the polished floor, Mr. G.'s f eet flew into the air and his head canudo wn with terrible forcé. The wild yell he gave brought his wifeand ínothei-in-law from the kitchen. He aróse to his feet, but they immediately started off in different directions, and after wrenching his spine and knee joints terribly in trying to control thetn, they got away and he jarredhis whole spinal column is lie went dowii. "Landof gracious! thisfloor'soiled!" he roaretl as he began to niake efforts to rise. "llave yon the apoplexy, have you been drinking?" asked his wife as she strove to assist him to get up. "You hold yer jaw, you idiot!" he replied, and then she letgo of him sort of radden and down he went, bruising liimself in six places. "Gosh," "tunket," "drat" and "dum" were words called into requisition to relieve his mind that time, and he told his mother-in-law, wbp had fallen, laughing, into a chair, that he hoped she'd meet cows every time she went out. Then he essayed to rise once more and got upon his íeet. The skates began to slip, but lie struggled like a hei'o and clutched the air wildlyto toep his balance. No use. As lie fell íorwai-cl he wildly grábbed the table-cloth and as a residí, yanked the ent i r: break fast upon him. The hol tea scaldcd him, tibe pepper got in his oyes, the mustard in his nioiith and the i'gs all over him. His cries were fearful. They hauled him from the dcliris and started to put him to bed wrhen they discovered tlie rolléis. Mr. G. was terribly used up, but he startcil at once to liiul his son, and tlu; lad's sighiiiK over his erreat trriet' waa heard six blocks
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat