Real Estate Transfers
Tlio following are the transfers oí real itate for the week ending Wednesday, Peb. lfi: WARKANTT DEEPS. .lm. C. Falkner to Jas. Savage, lots 20, 30 l 4 (Jhelsca, $477. Allen McUarter to Han nal McG'arter, 40 acres sec 22, Sylvan. $1. and natural love and aiïcction. Thos. Braman to Eugene A. Reynolds, land n York, $75. Jno. Thompson to Elizabeih T. Sntherland, property in Anu Arbor, $1,000. Margaret Kly to Sarah Kmerkk, property in Ypsilanti, $500. Alex Ëwtng (heirs) to .Inlin Lee, property in Dextèr. $3,500. Jno .8. Vnughan to Jno. C. Parker, property in Ypsilanli, $7,500. Joseph Stapish to Jno. and Geo. W. Slap sh, land in sec 26, Lyndon, $2,880. Jno. j. Hoyt to Jas. Hoyt, 40 acres sec 13 Saline, $1,800. Jno. N. üottto Jas. IJ. (iott. property in Ann Arbor. $2,000. C. T. Wilmot to Einily F. Cole, lol 17 Wilmot's add Ann Arbor, $190: Wm. Hewens to Jas. Bewens, 80 acres sec 4 Augusta, $4,500. Oliver F. Stark to Wm. Heweoe, n" Odes sec 8 and 9, Augusta, $0,000. Win. Scotney to Jas. Bcotney, !and in sec 1 Ypsilanti town, $450. Nathan T. White to Samuel G. Uilier, 170 acres sec 20 and 27 Vnn Arbor tnwn. $18,000. (4eo. .luilson (by heirs) to Love) D. Loomis, land in sec 'Ui Sylvun, $1. Lovel I). Loomis to lk'iiry .Markel, 70 acres sec 33 Sylvan, $5,800. Lovel 1). Louiuis to D. Hein, land In sec 33 Sylvau, $3,300. Lovcl D. Loouiis to Sfichael Merkei, 80 acras Sylvan 866. John I. Debus to Asa I?. Sanfold, 20 acres spc 21 York. $700. Jno. B. Stark to Oliver F. Mark, 40 acres sec 3 Augusta, $2,000. Juo li. Btark to Oliver F, Stark, 15 acres sec !) Augusta. $300. Geo. W. Havens to Jno. S. Janeas, lot (! Normal school acid, Ypsilanti. $150. C. C. Lockwood to Jas. A. Vanada, land in Salem, $4,200. Jas. Hhodes to (.'lirisliana ElSassts laod in sec '.I Saline, $l,'J00. C. Hohnett to J. '. Rogere, 30 acres sec l(i Lodi, $!00. Lucinda I'. MUIer to Jennic (' McDowell, lot41U Ypsilanti, 1,8ÖO. Thos. Braman t" Isaac T, Braman, land in sec 4S Vmk, $1,000. Frederiek BooBtoÓ. Boboett, %D ncres Beo n Lodl, $900. ílJIT- I.A1M MEÏD8, Jas. 15. GotttoHaryC. Whltiug, prop erty in Ann Arbor, $100. Hobt Campbell to Wm. Gotts, laud in sec 14 Auiiusta. $2(K). Heubcn Kempf to Caroline Clark, land in sec 15 and 22 Lyndon, $2,500. Chas. II Stefty to Hiusey & Seftbolt, real and personal estáte of Sally Ann StefTy, $750. Warren l)ay to Margaret A. Ely, lot 580 Norris' Western add. Ypsilanli, f60.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
John C. Falkner
James Savage
Allen McCarter
Hannah McCarter
Thomas Braman
Eugene A. Reynolds
John Thompson
Elizabeth T. Sutherland
Margaret Ely
Sarah Emerick
Alex Ewing
John Lee
John S. Vaughan
John C. Parker
Joseph Stapish
John Stapish
George W. Stapish
John L. Hoyt
James Hoyt
John N. Gott
James B. Gott
C. T. Wilmot
Emily F. Cole
William Hewens
James Hewens
Oliver F. Stark
William Scotney
James Scotney
Nathan T. White
Samuel G. Miller
George Judson
Lovel D. Loomis
Henry Markel
D. Hein
Michael Merkel
John P. Debus
Asa B. Sanford
John B. Stark
George W. Havens
John S. Jenness
C. C. Lockwood
James A. Vannatta
James Rhodes
Christiana Elsasses
C. Bohnett
J. W. Rogers
Lucinda P. Miller
Jennie C. McDowell
Isaac T. Braman
Frederick Boos
Mary C. Whiting
Robert Campbell
William Gotts
Reuben Kempf
Caroline Clark
Charles H. Steffy
Warren Day
Margaret A. Ely
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat