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CiTY ITEMS. ('. II. Minnis would likc the pul)üc to ikiw that he kccps a slioe shop first door cusí df Gwinner's market on Washington stroef, wbere be doei all kinds of repairiog, and he don'l tak e a back seat foranj man. All vrork done Doatly and on short notice. Back Line.- All ooobbb leftat Brown iV ('ei. 's drug store, r at llamrsterfcr's State Street restaurant wn.i, be pboiiptly attkndki) to. Residence No. 10 Mnynaril streel. Tbad B. Thompson. Eteed'a (ült BdgeTonic cures Fevertand Ague. ïtccd"x Gilt Edg(i Tonlc restores the appetite. Keed's Gilt Edgc Tonlc for sale al C. E. Ilülnies's, Cook's hotl hlock. -Keed's Gilt Edge Tonic for sale ly C. E. Holmes, the druggist. Reed 'e (ült Kdge Tonic prevenís Malaria. Bucklin's Árnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, ï-ores, Ulcera, Salt Kheum, Fe ver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil blalns, Corns, and ali kinds of skin Erup tions. This salve ia iiiaranteed to givc perfect satisfaction in every case or the money refunded. l'i cü 2') cents per box For sale by Eberbach &. Son, Ann Arhor, Mich. Fees of Doctors. Tlio fee of doctors is au item thai Very many persons are interested in justat pres ent. We believe Bchedule for visits s (8.00, which would tax a man eonfined to bis bed for a year, and in need of a dally visit, over $1.000 a year for medical atlendance alone'. And one single hottle of Hop Bitters taken i o time would save the ifl.iKM) and all the ycars's sickness.- Post. "How are you my old Friend?" Askcil ii brigtat looking man. "Ohl I feel mieerable. I'm bllioua and oan't eaf, and my back ia so lame I oan't work." "Why in the world don'tyou take Kidney-Wort; Umi's what Itake when I am out of Borts, and it ftlwaya keeps me in perfect tune. My doctor recommenda it for all sucb tiöiililcs." Kidney-Wort is the Mire cure for billousness and oonetlpation. Uon't fii i 1 lo try it. - Ijoiil; Brancb News. V"HKn that have been given up by tlieir dearest friénds as bevond help, liara been permanently oured by the use of LydiaJE. Pinkhain'a Vegetable Compound It is a positiva cure for all female complainU. Send to Mis. Lydia E. Pink ham, 2oü Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. Epidémica. - .lust now coughs, colds, luDg and luoiichial complaintaseemto bc epidemie. In these cases of Bodden colds the in si Ihing to do ia to get a bottle of N. II. Downs' Elixir, whicli invariably givea speedy relief and ultimately effecta h somplete cure in all cases where the breathing organa are affeoted. Dse it in lime and prevent serioua lung dlfflculties. Soid by all Druggists. FARM .ITORSHA.110! q 187 aeresoi good land 3 1-8 miles eert of the city, on the Dexter road, or I wUI sell 00 creaon soiith side of the road, wIumv 1 tkiw live. or 75 acres "ü the north sideof theroad, formeny tlie John Wing farm. Said property consists of two good fann hoiises, (onc of liiicki three large Barra, and a carriage house. Wcll wattred, good orchard. This property will h soUl now at a bargafn. lf not sold by the flixt of March will bc let, 'tinl uu) acres adjoiuin. Ann Arhor, Feb. Jst, 1881. J. W. IHiADFORD. AMUSEMENTS HILL'S OPERA HOUSE U Benefit of Co. A, Ist Regiment, M. S. T. MONDAY EVENING FEB.28Ü1, 1881 Engagement Extraordinary. Co. A. Ist ]{ -k'1 M. K. T. take great pleasure in annmmcing to the citizens of Ann Arbor and vieinity that they have secured AMKRIUA B GREATE8T ACTRE8S, Miss Charlotte Thompson, Supported by an unusually strong dramatic Co., in Jlr. J. K. Zillotson's new and successful American Comedy-Drama, entitled "THE PLANTERS WIFE," ts reeent New York productlon.proved the dramatic event of the season. Notwithsi ainling the euormous expense inade necessary in the productionof tlus play, the usual pi i. is wil] ic maintalned. ADMISSION 25, 50 and 75 cents. No extra charge for reserved seats whlch ean now be obtained of the meinbers;orat Watts Bros.' Jewelry Store. HILL'S OPERA HOUSE I PERFORMANCES FRIDAY NIGHT AND GRAND KAMILY .MATINEE BAT., FEBRL'ARY 18 AND 1?. PIERCY CÖMBINATION. The great Three Star attraction, acknowledgeil to be one of the strongest Dramatic 'onipanies now organized, Sam'l Piercy, Annie Graham - AND - LEWIS MORRISON. In the New York BUCC6M, 'THE LEGIÓN OF HONOR.1 Their entagement of 10 weeks at Abliey Park Theatre, New York, was a perfect ovation, ns evldenced bytheria if the press and public. Original cast, sceuery and castumes. Owing to the electrlc siiccess of Iliis attraction, "they return to New York in four weekR for anothnr extendeil engagement. Kead what the New York press says: A strong play, full of merit.- Herald. A powerful drama of inherent stren:th. - Sun. Mst strikin play known to modern stage. - World. The greatest play produoed in years. - Graphio. The udience liberal and entliusiastic- Timen. Popular Prices: - - 25, 50 and 75 cents. No extra charge for reserved seats now on sale at Watts' Jewelry stm-e. MARKETS. ♦ Home. Asn Akbor, February 1( 1SS1_ Al'l'I.KS. Dry, per lb BEANaperbuahel $150 a 1S0 BUTTEK. per pouud a is CHEESE, " ... ., (8 14 CHICKENS, " 7 a s COKFEE -Rio, by sack. per lb. 18 in Java " S w COUN, per bushei i'r EOGS, per dozen H FLOUR. per bbl 5 50 PATKNT FLOUR, per bbl 8 00 HAY. per ton 14 00 a 15 00 HIDES Cre.-n B Kipskins Sa Calfskins 10 Pelte 15 a ld fíreen salt-cured ft a 7 HON'EY, Cap, perlb l at) KEROSINE-Water white a ati bbls T.r LARD, per lb 11 a U OATS, per boahel M ONIOMS, " 1 25 a 1 50 l'OHK 7 00 a 7W POT ATOES. ier bushel 75 a 80 SUOAK- -A's" hy bb! , per Ib. JO a 1C 1-2 TALLOW, per lb B WHKAT, per bu 2 96 WOOD. per cord n 4 00 1 HAVE OPENED A NEW FLOUR AND FEED STORE At the south-cast ■ -nor of Ann and Kourth gtreeta, ;wd i 1 1 sel! at WHOLESALE I RETAIL ! Anythmjj n iny line. GOOD8 PROMPTLY DELIVEHEI) To any port of the city. J . RO 88, P it o p i: i E tok, Amm Arbor, ■ ■ - Michigan LEOXARD HOUSE, TF. LEONARD, l'roprietor, . Ann Arbor, alea. HENRY MATTHEWST" Hasj the pleasure to inforni th public tlmt be i ready to receive them in hisnevbrick MEAT MARKET! ONE DOOR EAST OF LEONARD HOUSE. Everythmg in hls line wU be flrst-class, and At Roasonablo Ratos. Ho returns nts sincere thanks to all hls oM rnsUmers for their geiierous iatronago, anl coral ally invitt's them, ftnl all DSW customers 10 liis new quartcra, ha bopoa ty fair dealing to enlardo his alröadv growiiig business. IIARNESS STORE! Chas. F. Burkhardt, wil uinfir to the 'late J. C. Burkhault, dealer In HARNESSES, TRUNKS, VALICES, WHIPS, BRUSHES, BLANKETS, ETC. HARNESSES MADE TO ORDER AND REPAIRING NEATLY DONE Charlea F. Burkhardt, No i, Hurón Street, yin il Arlior JWeMflOn. Livery, Sale, AND BOARDING STABLE! I have opened a I ivery, Sale, and Boarding Stable opposite the CourfHouse on Fourth strect, where livery rigs can be obtained at any time of the day or night. A fine lot of new carriages afld good horses, at reasonable rates. Breaking colts andhandling track horses a special ty ; good references given. P. Irwin, Ann Arber. KiONEYPAO THE (HEAT BISCOVEEÏ FOB DI8ÏASES OF THE KIDNEYS, BI ADDER AND URINARY ORGANS. A remady that will pofitiveiy cure DIABETES, GRAVEL, DROPSY, BRIGHTS DISEASE, HIGH COLOREO URINE, INCONTINENCE AND RETENTION OF URINE, MERVOUS iEBILITY and FEMALE COMPLAINTS whon NOTHINQ ELSE CAN. Itg success proves tho c-ffleacy of ABSORPTION. It wved the llfe of lts dlscoverer and Is gavin the livee of tbousands of others. For sale by Druist or sent by mail on reoelpt Ofth6pr.ce,($2.00., 0AYKl0NEYMDC0j Solé Propriotore, Toledo, Oblo. If Send your address for out pamphlet, How a Ufe was Saved." For Rale by EBERBACH & SON. Druggists, JACKSON FIRE CLAY CO. Manufacturera of Stone Sewer Pipe - - JDttJLTJST TILE. AH oor Drain Tüe are made of Fire Olay, are of hiiiwhuI strenRth and liyltt useight, which ma terially reduces the breakage and expense of trans po rtation. The ditching for thisclass of tilInRislessexpen sive, as they do not require to be laid below frost. but only deep enongh to escape the plow. Whiléthisis more ocononncal it also aids in obtainingiabettcr ' fall" or grado to the drain. A full assortment of all slzes, for sale In small qnantities, or car loftd lot?, at the FERDON LUMBER YARD. JAS. TOLBERT. Afjent. H(ENDAÍÍsÍ% KENDALLS SPAVIN CURE. The most successful Remedy diseovered, as it is certain in Ha effects aiij does not blistr. Read Proof Below. PRESEVERANCE WILL TELL. Stoughton, Mass., March Hitli. 1899. B. J. Kenoall & Oo„ Gbnts:- In justioe to you and myself. I think I ought to let you knmv that I have removed two lKne spavins with '"Kendall's spiivin Cure,111 one very large one; donM Uikiw how long the spavin had heen there. I have owned the horse eight months. Tt took me four months to take the lare one off and two for the small one. I have usd ten bottles. ThehorsQ is fntiit'ly wfll, not at all stiflf, and no bunch to be seen or feit. Thisis a wonderful medicine. It is ;i new thinghere: but if it loes for all what it has done for me itssale will be very reat. Respeotfully yours, Chas. K. Parker. Kknimus Spavín Cube Is sure in its eiTfM'ts, mild in its aotion as it does not Mister, yet it is penetrating and powerful to reaeh evèry deep seftted ain or to remove any bony growtïi or other enlargement,suehasspavinfi,splints, curlw, eallous, aprains, swcllings. any lamenes and all pnlarKements of tho joints or limbs, or rheumatism in man and for any purpose for whlcfa a liniinent is used for man or neast. It is now known to le the best liniment for manevrr uscd, acting mild and yet certain in its effects. Senil address f r Illustrated Ciircuiar which we think givi's pr)sitivt' proof oi" its virlues. No remedy has ever met with such unqualifled success to our knowledge, for heast as well as man. Priee. $1. per bottk. or six boules for $5. All Druggists have it orean get il for you, or it will le sent to any address on receipt of pricc bv the proprietors. DB. B. J. KENDALL & CO., Enotburgh l'alls, Vermont. SOLO BY ALL :DRUGG1STS LECALS. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN. County of Washtenaw ss.- In the Matter of the Estáte of Artemus T. Cook an Incompetent person. Notice is hereby given, That, in pursuance of an order granted to the undersigned Guardian of said Inconpeteiit, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on the B6cond day of February A. I). 1881. there wffl be sold at ln bl ie Vendue, to the highest bidder, at the east front door of the court house, in the city t Ann Arbor, in thecounty of Washtenow in said state, on Saturday the nineteenth day of Maivh A. 1). 1881, at trn o'clock in the forenoon of tlmt day (subject U all encumbrances by mort gage or otherwise existingat the time oftbe sale, the fol lowingdescribed Ueal Kst-ate, to-wit : All the riht title and interest of said Incompetent of, in and to the followingdeecribed real estáte to-wit: All of lots one, fifteen nul sixtcen in block four (4) north range four (4) east in the city of Ann Arbor, not taken for l'ontiac street. LOUISA BAKHKR, (formerly Cook,) DatedFrbruary. t, 1H81. Guardian. rteal Estáte for Sale. STATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, M. I the Matter ot' the Estáte i t Ainlrew Muelilip, Minor. Notioc jshtrby Kvt". That, in pursuance of Ril order grautetl to the undersJgned (ïuaritian of said minor by the Hon. Judtco of 1 'folíate for the C'ounty of Washttnav, On tlif twelfth day of Kebinary A. D. 18H1, there wfll besoKI !it Public Veodu. to the hirht'st i.i.ider, at the east front door of the court-house in the tiiy of Ann rfoor in the ooanty of Wnshtiiivw in said State on Satnrday tïi BOOOnd dav Of April A. 1. 1M, al ten o'clOOk in the foreQoaB otthatdav isuhject to all encumbramos tiy iiiortííagt? or otberwise extotíng at ttie time of the salt) the FollOWilIg des-rilK'(i Real Estáte, towit: AH til' rlffht, tltle aml interest or' sail minor In thO86 i-ertain tractfl OP paivekof land sitiiíU1 In the ity of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw, state of Michigan, lenown and deecribed as followi titwit; üommencbis at a point twenty-two feet oorth of tbosouth weel corneroflot number two {), in block mmiber two (ii), south of Hurou sttr.-t and raoge four (4 east, Uieuce running north twenty-two (23) feet, thenec cast to thealley, thenue sonth twenty-two (ií"-) feot.and thence vreet to the place of begüwlng, orin other wordB thecenter one-third i ::i of said lot number two FREDERICK SCHMID, DatedFeb. 12,1881. (uunüau. Real Estatefor Sale. SlATEOF MICHIGAN, County 0f Washtcnaw as. In the matter ol the estáte o( (fichólas McCarty, dcrNotice is hereby giren, Thai n pursuance of an order ftranted'to uuderslgned administrator de honis mm ( the t-Ktate of said deeeased by the Hou. Jtldge of Probate for Bhe County of Vvashtenaw, on the seveuth day ot Januari A. D., 1881, thera 111 lie s..l.l nt Pabilo Veadue, to thóhighdst bidder, at the tenant house on the premises below deacribed ín the Gownship of Dexter in the county of Washtcnaw In said si:.t.'. on Tucwlay the fint day of Man-h. A. I).. 1881 , at ten o'clock ín the forenoon of thai day, (subject to all enoumbranccs by moiigages ór otherwise exigting al the time of the aeatb t said deceased) the following descrlbed Real Bfl tate, to-wit: Thaaoutheistquarter t" thetoutb west quarter and the south west quarterof the southeastquarter of section twenty-1 wo r-Wttown south range tour '-ast Dexter)in snid countj and stilte. JAMES 11. LYMAN, Dated Jan, 7, 18K1. Administrator de honis non. Estáte of Francis Mand Lashier, Minor. STATE OF MH'lIKiAX, Connty of Washtennw ss. Atasesslonof the probate court for the oounty of Washtcnaw. holden at the probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, on BYlday, the ÜWth day of January in the one thousand elght hundred and élghty one. Pi-esent, Williain 1). liarr-iman, of Probate. In th matter of tl"1 estáte of Francis Mand Lashiei", Minor. c In readlng and Rlinc the petitlon,duly verlfled of Cbiistopher C. Lashier praylng ) ia,y be lifenscd to si-n certain raaJ estáte helongiiiK to said Minor. Therenpon it s ovdered, that Tuesday. the lst day of Uarcb imm. at ten o'clock In the forenoon be aaslgned f or the hearing of said petition, and that the next of kin of said minor and all other pereons mterested in said estáte, are ronuired toappear at awession of sald eoin-i.then n be holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if anythere be, whytheprayer of thepetitioner slionld not be Krant ed: And it isfni-thcr ordered that said petltloner glve notlcetothe persons interested in said estáte, ofthependency of said petition, and hearing thereof, by caus inga fopy of tliis order to be publlshed in 77' Alm Arl'nr Drnxirnit . a newspaper piinted and circulated in said county, three auccesslve weeks, previous to said day of neariníc. VII.I.IAM h. HAKKIMAN, (A trae eopy.) Judge of Probate. William U. IJoty. I'robate Register. Estáte of Jeremiah Peek, OTATE !' MICHIGAN, Oounty of WasliteO naw, ss. Ata session of the prol. ate court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the pro bate office n the city f Ann Arbor, onThureilay. the S7th day of January in the year one thousand elght hundred and elffhtyone Present, William I). Ilarriman, Jndge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Jeremiah Peek. deceased. Onreadmgand flllng the petition, duly veri fied, of Christopher Vates Peek praying that administration ol' said estáte may be granted to himself or some other Buitable person. Thereupon, it is ordered. tliat Kouday, the38th day of tebruary next. at ten o'clock in tliefore noon be asaigned for the hearing of said petiUon and that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons i nte rest cd in saldeatate, arerequlred toappear at a Bession of said court fchentobe holden at the probate ottlce in the city of Aun Arbor, and show cause if any thera bd, why the prayer of the petitioncr should not be granted: And it is further orilereii that said pet itioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof. hy causihg a i-opy Of tllis order to be published in the Ann Arbor Democrat, a neuspaperprinted and circulated In said oounty, three suciessive weeks previous to said day of hearWILLIAM I). HABHIMAN, [A trne copy.] Judge of Probate. Wii.uamU. Doty. Probate Reeister. Estáte of Emilie Eiting, Minor. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw ss. At a session of the probate court for the county of Washtenaw. holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Blonday the thirty flrst day of January in the year one thousand elghl hundred and elghty-one. Present, William ü. Harriman, judge of pro bate. In the matter of the estáte of Emilie Biting Minor, Leonhard Gruner, the Guardian of said ward. comes into court and representa tbnt be is now Srepared to render lus annual account is ueh nardian. Therenpon, it is ordered, that Sntnnlav. the 36th day of February next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assijued for exammlng and al lowiugsuch account, and that the next ol kin of said ward, and all other persons Interest. ed in said etate, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at theprobate office, Inthedwof Ann Arbor, in BaldCoun ty and show cause, if any there be. why the said account should not be eulowed. And it is further ordered, tliat said Quardian ive notice to the persons interested Insald estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing 1 hereoi'. h causing a copy of this order to be publislted in 'Hu: Ann Atoar Demnenu, a newspaper prbtted and circulat i 1 1 l-c in said county. three tuecessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM I). HAKKIMAN, (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. W. G. Doty. Probate Register. Estáte of Samuel F'arks. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, O ss, At a session of tiie probate for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Frlday, the 4th iïay of February in the year une thousand eight hundred and efghty-one, t'ivscnr, Witiiam D. Ilarriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Samuel I'urks. deceascd. GeorgeA. Peters, special administratorof said estáte, comes into court and represente thnt be Is now prepared to reuder bis account as suan special adinhiist rat r. Thereupon, ii la ordered, that Saturday, the 26th day of February Bert, at wn o'clock In Ule forenoon, ic asfllgned forexaminiug and allowinj? sueh account, and tliat the hetrs-at-law f said decoased, anl all otherporaonfl tomreïtod In said estáte, arerequlred to appear at a seasion of said court, tlicn to be holden at tin probate office, in the city of Aun Arbor, in said connly aud show canso, if any thero he, why the saiil account sliould not be allowed: And it is further ordered that said administratorgive notice to the persons interested In said estatr'. of the uendency of said aooount'. and the hearing chereofby caus ing a copy of thi.s order to lf publtehed fn the ann Aküiii: Dbkoobat, b newspaper printed and circulatingin said county. two successivu weeks previoua tosald daj of nearine. WUJLJAM D. II K;lMAX, (A true Judge of Probate, Wm. u. üott, Probate Begtet er. Estáte of Mary Burkhardt. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw. _ br At a session of the probate court tor the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate offtcein the city of Aun Arbor, on Saturaay, the iifth day of Fchruary, in yrnr onethouaand eight hundred and eighty-one. Present, Wlfliam 1. Ilarriman, Judge of Pro-, bate. In the matter of the estáte OÍ Mary Burkhanlt. deceased. Emanuel Mann, the adniinistrator of said estate, comes into court and represen ts that he is now prepared to ronder hls final account as gueh administrator. Thereupn it Isordered, that Wednesday, the Sddayol Marchaext, al teuo'clookiu the f orenoon, be as igned for examining and allowing Buchacoount, andthai the hetrs-at-law of said deceased. and all othrr persons interested En said estáte, are required to appear at a bÓbsíod of said court, thento behQldenal dit pnhate ofiice, in the cfty of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause il' any therebe, why the said account shuuld not be aljowed: And it is further ordered that said administratorglve notice to tlie persons interested in said estáte, of the prudriiry of said account, and the hearing thereof. by causing a copy of thlfl order to be published in the Ann .ü BORpEMocRATa tifw spaper printed and eirculating in saidcunty, two BUCOeBBtve wirks prevlOUS tosaid iftiy of Uearing. S 11. MAM 1. HAlïtUMAX (A truc copy,) Judge of Probate. m. t;. Dctv, ]'r. iinü' Register. Estáte of John C. Burkhardt, Sen. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Couiityof Waabtenaw. ss. Al n session oí' tíu; prubatt: court, forthe county of Washten.iu , holden at the probate office d tlitj city of Aun Arbor, on Saturday tne 5th day of Fenruary in the year one thousand eightnundred and eighty-one. Present, William D. líamman Judge of probate. In the matter of the estáte of John C., Sen., deceased. Bmanuel Kano, the adminlstrator of aald estate, comes into court and representa that he is now prepare d to reader iií final account as such udminislrnlur. Thereupon it isordered, that Wednesday, the 2d day of Man-h ten oyloek in the fore noen, be asslgned tor examining and allowfng SUCh account, and that the heirs al taíw of said deceased, aao allother persons interested In sald estáte, are reouired toappear al a bomIod of said court. then to i luiiden ai the probate office, in the city of A.nn A,rbor, In Baid oounty, and snow cause ii aiiy there be.wby tht said acoount should Dot be allo wed; And it is Further ordered thai said aduiinistrator give noticeto tlie perrons interested in said estáte, of tlie pendeney )' said account, and t hearing theroof, byeauslnx a copy of this order tu be pubüshed i fcne Th Ann Arbor h moorat v newspaper printed and ciroulatiug in snid oounty, two Buooésstve weeks precious to said day of lieaiinj?. WILLIAM D. HAIiKIMAX, (Atruecopy.) Judve of Probate. Wm. (i. IJmty, PrubatP Kecister. Estáte of Fischer, Minors. STATE OF .MICIIHiAN Countyof Washtenaw ss. At a sesslon of the Probate Court forthe eininty of Waahtönaw, holden at the probate of ttce. In the eity of Att Arbor, 09 Monday. the :ilst day of Jamiary in tlie year one thousand elffht handred and eighty-one. meent, WilUam d. Harrtman, judge of probate. In the matter of the estáte of Georse Fischer. Aimic I-'isrher. John Fiselier, Lewlfl l'ischer and Mary PÏscher. Uinors. Leonhard Urinier. the Guardian of sald vards, mines intoeourt and reprtscnts that iie is uuw preparad t ronder bis animal account as sucn Quardlan. Thereupon, t is ordered, that Saturday, ll'e 90th dav of 1' ebr-u-uy nezt, ftt ten o'elnek in the foranoon, astdgned tor examl&lng and allowing such account, and that the next of kin of said wards and all other persons Interested in said estáte, are requlred to appuarata session of said court. tben tobe holden at the probate the city of Aim Arlim-.n said enunty uid show' añy t here be,why the said ac -■uut ahould uut be ailowed; And it is further ordered, that said Guardian give notice to the personsinterested in saldestate, of the pendency of sald accouotand the heajlng thureoi by eausíiiíí a copy of iiiis order i be published In The Ann Akbok Uemocuat. a newspaper printed and droulaüng tn aaid eonnty, three successive weeira prevlous to sald dav of hearhur, WIIJJAM I). HAIÏÜI.MAN, A true copy. Judj f Probate, Vn. mam G, Dotïi Probate Register,


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat