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PHILIP WINECAR TUSTICE OFTHEPEACE, room No. I, Opera rl House Hlriik. Aun Arbor. Michigan. For Sale or Exchange. I havca finí class mare for fnnn purposes, or FORBREEDINO whk-hl II sell, or exihadKU tor a FIRST CLASS bufcffy horr. %■ maí wiili soabR of Lorsf-s need appl íy. I', s. Linseed mi'al forsale. M. Koeí.s, Ann Arbor, Midi. JACOH;iIAU,ER & SON, DBALEB in' WATcnr.s. CLOCES, Speccaoles, l'latc.l Ware, Gold Pena and Fine Jewelry. Bpecial atteution given to repalring VTatches aml Jewelry. a4 South Main Street. nn Artjor. For Sale or Exchange. Thelakf Housf. at W'liit' Lakt, for sale or excnange for city property. Addren, -1. JACOBS. Whltmore Ijike, or K. N. Gillicrt. Aun Arbor, Mhii. S. T. SPEKCIILY, PJIOTOÍrRAPIIKli NO ;SOUTK Main STREET, Carda, Gabinete, Promenade mul xi. with Framea to snit. Backsrouuda and aocosaories complete. NK;itivs kt'pt a while Por orden. MUSIÓ STORE.- Tb cheapeat place t buy Pianos, Estey Organs, Violina. Guitars, Hanjos, Tambourin is, Drums, Ifffei Plajti .tlurs. Accini-oiis, Piano Stoois, Vlolln íix-s, Instruction Books for all kinds of instrumenta, Bheel NLnsic(new), StrlngSttMwt uaiïty. all kinds; Mouth Organs, Bridgee, Bows, Ktys and Rosln. Kví'i-ytiiiují in the musicline from a Chlckering Piano to a.íew's Harp can be Found al !. K. SAQE'8 ikiualo Stort, No. 4 Washington St., Ann Arbor. 5OORÍWABD. Wo wil] pay the nii"Vf reward for any case of Llver Oomptalnt, Dyspepsfa, Kii'k Headsche, Indigestión, Constibatton orí 'si [venen we cannoi cure with Wt-sfs Vegetable Ltver Pilis, when ilh-eetions aro Btrictly compiied with. Tlinj are purt'ly Vegetable and ncvcr fail tu tíive Batisfaction. SugarCoateO. Largeboxes, containin 30 Pilis, a5 cents. For )y all DruKgists. Bwaro of counterfeits andimitatlons. The gen uine mannfactured only by John C. West& C., "The Pili Makers," 1K1 183 W. UadlsOD St. Chicago. Froe trial package ssnt by mail prepaid nreceipt of a 3 caut stamj Swathcl, Kyer & Peterson, FLOÜR ANDJP STORE. We have constantly on band ALI KINDS OP GRAIN, FLOIR AM) FEED, wliich will be jTomptly delivored to any part. ol the city. Office cor. Fourtfi and Aon Streets, Ann Arbor - - Mticb. ZPiofeeci TT-DQOLD RING, tvhich the owner canbcm ty provine property and paylog tor this aotice. Alïtvss, Dkmoijrat Aun Arbor, Hfch. "noa on the OliD HAT." A. A. TEEEY, HAT8 ANN AliBOB, MICH. RINSEY & SEABOLT, No. 6 and 8 Washington Öt,f Havf! on hand a eomptote Btock of ovuryCrocery Line. They buy their Ta,s, Coffees, : i :i l Siijgat'K In large ainouiits, and at Casli Prices And can solí at Low Figures. Tho largc invoiee of Teas tlioy Buy and Sell, is i: good pruof tliat iu Quality and Price they Give Bargains. Tliey Uoiust thfip own Ooffeos every week, aiu' none lut primo artides are useu. Their Baicerytnrns out excellent Bread, Cakeh and Crackers. Culi and see Hilmii. HOP BITTERS (A Medicine, uot a Uriak.) CONTAIse HOPS, BÜCHÜ, MANDRAKK, DANREMON, AKT TBK PtlSKST AlfB BKST MFT)IfAI.QüAUT1K8OFALL OTHEK Bil IKKS. Til E Y CURE AJi DlBeasefiof theStomach, Bowels, Plood, Llver, Kidneys, and UrlnaryOriians, NerVüUButas, SleeplessncesaDd especlally Femalc Complalnu. _ SIOOO IN GOLD. H TP111 bc pald for a case they will not cure oH help, or for anything impuro or iujuriuus fouud ín thcm. A fik yon r drufrgíst for Hop Bitters and try I tbcm beíore you sleep. Tnke uu oiker. I D I. C. fs an absolute and Irresistible cure for I Drunkeuuess, use of opium, tobáceo and narcótico. ■■■■B Send fob Circulas. ■■■■■■■ All itbovr lold by drurt;iiti. I Hop Bittert Mi. Co., Rocbestcr, N. Y., A Toronto, Ont. I MRS. LYDIA E. PiNKHAM. OF LYNNjMASS. DieCÜVERER OP LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VESETABLE COMPOUND. The Poitïvc ('nro For all Female Complaints. Thigpreparation, n iti ñamo significa, consifrts ot Vegetable IYoiertics harmlm to the most delicate in valid. Upon onc trial the mcrlta of thia Com [mimd wlll bereeognized, as relief ia immediate ; and when itM usc ia continued, In ninety-nlne canea In a hun. dred, apermanentcuroiseffected,rutthoiiHand will testify. On account of lts proven merlts, it Ih to-dayrecommcnded and prescribed by tho best pliyuicfans in the country. It will cure cntiroly the worst form of falling of the uterus, Leucorrho'a, irregular aiid palnful MenHtruAtion,a])OvarlanTroubleH, InHaimnation and riinratioii, nooiliugy, all Displacement s and the consequentspinal wcakness, and is osiMcially adapted to the Chango of Li ff. it wílldiíwolve and t-xjx! tunvrs from the aterulnan eariy stage of dvelopment. The tendency tocancerous humorü tlifitj is checkud very Biwedily by lts use. In ir-rt it hns proved to he the fsjeatest and bost nOMStíj tliat lias ever ben dlscovcrtd. It iormcat8 everj' portion of the system, andglvt-9 new llfoand vigor. It removes falutness.Matulency, dostroysallcraving forstimulxuiti,aiid relIOTai caknesa of the Htomaeh It cures Bloating, TftmiMfllM. Nittous rrostration, General Debility, Slceiilt'Kstn-Ks, IVpression and Indigestión. That fecllng of bearlngiluwn, eimsnitf iuiü, weight and bat'kache, is alwuya pormnnently cured liy lts use. It willat all timen, andundernll clr-umstan cefi, act ín hanuony wlth the luw tlmt goverua the jVTinii.-syHtem. ForKldneyComplaluts of itlnr m tliis compound Is unsurpaaaed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I pWpMWd t B ad aCWOBtera Avrmit-, Lynn N Prlce$i.OO. SU bottloa for y.00. ■nt,iy mnii in the forniof pills, nlsoiii the form of Lofr-n't's, on recelpt ofpricc, $1.00. per box, for etthr. Mis. I'INKHAM freelyanswcrn all lctti-s of inquiry. Send for pani phlet AddreHHaaaltove Ment ion this pdptr. No fanüly Hlmuld be without LYDIA E. PIHEOAM1 LIVEEPTLLS. They curo Constipfcttoo, ñjltnngnnm aiid Torpidity of th Uvt-r. J5 conto par box. Sold by C. B, Holmes' Cook hotelblock. Sam. B. Revenaugh, Is now taking the Best Class of Püpud In the City at Prices to Süit the Times. (Jround Floor (allery. coodrich: block, Eaat Side of the TSTEW COURT HOUSE. "ëdu akTTdiffvT Wholesale anfl Retail Grocer. DEALER IN BOOTS AND SHOES. Also a ful! Line of Ladies' and Gents' Hosicry juni Underware. Corner Main and Ann Slrects. (Opposite CourtHousel FRED SORG, Pealrr in PAINTS, OÏLS, VARNISHES BRU8HKS, WINDOW OLASS, And uil Pafnters' SuppUea f tho Bst Qimliiy SHOP AND STORE 26 and 28 East Washington st. ANN ARHOB. - MI( MIGAN. IN. H. DOWNS i VEQETASLE BALSAMIC ELIXIR IIs a sure cure for Cough, Cokls, VVliooping-Cough, and all Lung Discases, wheu taken in seas.on. Pcople die of consumptioh simpy because of neglect, when the ttimeljí use of tina remed woulil liave cured them at once. Fifty-one ytnrs 01 constant use jhuvcs fact that nu cough remecí as stood the test like Do tutu,' Jbltxir. i'rlce 35c. 'uk, mi'i ÍI.1K peí boltle. Kur .ili h'vri w Lere. Dr. Baxter's Mandrake I Will cure Jaundice, Dispepsia, S Liver Complaints, Indigestión, 9 and all dcatt-s arising from 'ü-3 iousnete. Pnce 5 ets. perbottle. jg Foi ShIi Km-ivIiiti' - - WÊHm K3 S Hini t JUHKMNra ÁRNICA AND OIL LINIMENTl For Jtfaii and liras t. ITlie most perfect liniment ever ■ compounded. Prior tc. .ind 50c. I Kul Snit? Kvrr} where. HEALTH IS WEALTII. Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Bram Troatmentra speciflo for Hysterla, Dlzzlneas, Convulsiona, Nervous Headache, Mental bt-pressions, Loss of Hemory, 8ermatorrho3a1 Impotency, Involunt&ry Emisslons, Prematuro Ola Age, caused by over-exertion, Belr-abuse, or over-indiügence. wh'ch leads tomisery, tlecay and death. On. will cure receñí ca I hox eontainsom moiitli's treatment. Ono dollar a box, or siv boxes fOT Uve dollars; srnt hy mail prepahl Oll recelpt of price. We guárante' slac boxea to cure any case. With each order receïved bj us Cor six Voxes, aocompanird with fiv (iollars, vo will eend the purchaser our written guarantoe ti retura tUo money if the treatment does not eflfectacure. Guaranteesissufd by Brown4 '""., sole authorizfl Arts. for Aun Arbor, Mich, Joba 0 Weet it Co., Bole Proppietors, Chicago, 1I. Kriezelle & Co. wholesalö Agís., lX'tnnt, WOÍL tefcGI LT E D G Es TÖMÏÜ IS A THOROUCH REMEDY in evdryoflse of Malari&l Ftewst or i-vvt-r amï A&ue, whlle for disorders of Stom ach, Torpitlity of Llver. Indigestión and dteturbañcea of the juiimalforces, which debilítate, it íias do riui .ilt-nt, and 'üm have do Bubstltute, It should Dol be confouoded wiVa trituratedcoropootnda f cheap spirits ami cssi-iitiai niis, oft6n Boldundec the name of 1 iii tera. l" i; SALE liY C. E. Ilulnus, ('ook hotel block. HtHE OWLYMEDICINEf M IN KITHER I.KHll) Olí DBt FOliJ] H U 'i liat Acts at the gun Tiiue uu B The Liver, U [] The Bowels, S M and the Kidneys. [ I These preat oreana are the natural cleanwr W Fl oi thesyatera. Ifthi-y work walL bealth ni ba LM ! . ( , if they bccunic duKtfed ürwwlful ■ i J uuu are rare to folluw wiifi Eb TERRIBLE SUFFERINC. "1 BUioWTUSSt ;■, )ih 'sin, Jaundh't, Bf WÊ Cbnstlpátion, PÜst, KUtney ConijHahili, P fl (rrartf. t(hfs, htinwt'ic Pahteor Achi's. WÊ IJ nre lt.'Vt'ltpo(l lirciuist' tlieblood ispoisoned with ■■ 1 the humors thatslioultl bo ex}elleu naturally. I I KinNEY-WÓRTWILL HEStOHE ü M the actlon and nll thee detstroyint; Lj fl rito wiii ba bantebedi uugleci tlicmuud yuu ■ J wiUHvebutto suiTor. ■■ U TbnusïintlH have been ciin-d. Try it and you I H will add OO6 mora to the iiuiuber. Take it aud ■ j htalth will onee nioreladdi-n junx DMit ■ Wkf ■llwgtg tnm Uw Utmmmt têamMmf Urt 1 Pj !■ iv brarsnrli dMlWn tnm OMIpallw mul l'Iie I I Kidvsy Wort wSUooxejoiL Try itatonooand W m besatlsfled. Yourdiuifitliusic. i'ia-o1.00. f I t7'ltllutup in lry VtcotuMe Form, In U H tytin can one packave of wnlcb makea tas. mM 1 tyquartsof medSelm. ■■ I tJTAlno in Llquld Form, vcry Conccctrated V J 3 ÖTfor thö conviMil-inr of UkoM who cannot 1 H tïTeadüy prmn t. ' o ■ '''; I J XATtflleieney in either form. Wk "ï"KLrs"KrCHAKl)SON Jt CO., Propn U U cwnifndthedrypQtt-M.) BOMLIKOTO, tt. P


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