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CiTY ITEMS. Hack Link.- AH OBDXRB left at Urown fc Co. 's drug store, or at Hangsterfer'a late street restaurant win be promptlï TTEKDED TO. Hcsidence No. 10 Mayard street. ThadE. Thompwii. Reed's Gilt EdgeTonlc cures Feverand Vguc. Reed's ült EJdgu Tonlc restores the ipictite. Bud'a (ült Bdn Tonic forsale at C. E. [olnies's, Cook's liotid hlyck. -Reed's (ült Edgc Tonic focsale ly C. t. Qoloies.tUedruggwt. Hecd's fült Edjie Tonic prevenís Muaria Fees of Doctors. The fee of doctors is an item ibai very uany persons ire interested in ustat lrt-snt. We beliove the scbedule ror visits is ;;i.0(), which wonld tax a man conflned to is bed for a year, trui in nc:c(l,of i daily visit, over ifCooo a jour for medical atendance alone! And onc single bottle ( Hop Bitters taken in time would save be l,M)i) and :ill tlic years's shskness.- ost. The Reason Why. Tho tonic effect of Kidney Wort proluceil by it.s cleausing and purifying ac ion on the blood. Where there is a ravelly deposit in the urine, ot milky, opy urine from disordered kidneys, it cures without feil. Constipation and ilcs rcadily yield to its calbarttc and teating power. Put up in dry vegetable nrm or liquid (very concentratcd) cillier act prompt and sure. - Troy Budget. Women Ébat have been given np by heir dearest fiiends as beyond lielp, have teen permanently cured by the use of jydiaE. Piakhain's Vegetable Comppund t is a positivo cure for all female com)laint.s. Send to Mrs. Lydla E. l'ink win, :::s Western Avenue, Lyrïa, Mass., for pampblete. Epidémica. - Just now coughs, colds, ung and bronchial complaiuls seem to Ue epidemie. In these cases of siulden colds he best thing to do is to get a bottle of N. II. Downs' Klixir, wnlch invariably gives speedy relief and ultímatela eltects a complete cure in all cases where the breatbing organs aro affocted. Use it in time and prevent serious lang difflculties. Sold by all Druggists. AMUSEMENTS HILL'S OPERA HOUSE !l Benefit of Co. A, Ist Regiment, M. S. T. MONDAY EVENING FEB. 38th, 1881 Engagement Extraordinary. Co. a. ist R-K't si. s. t. tako graat pleaaure In announdng to the dtizcns of Aan Arbor and vicinity tlmt the; have secured A.MERICA.8 GREA.TB8T ACTREÖ8, Miss Charlotte Thompson, Supported by au unusually strong dramatic Co., in Mr. J, K. Zïllotson's Dew and BUC068SfUl Anit'rican Comedy-Drama, ntitkMl "THE PLANTERS WIFE," lts recent New York prodnetion.proved the dramatic event of tli season. Notwithstanding the enonnous extc?isj made aoconoaty in the production of tlns plaj', the usual prloee will be maintniiuMl. ADMISSION .. ., SO and T5 i-cuts. No extra charge for reserved seaUs hieh ean now b; obtained of the iih-iiiIhts. urat Watts Bros.' Jfwnlry Store.


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