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PHILIP WINECAR TÜ8TICE OF THE PEACB, room No t. ripcra Blook, Aun Arbor, Michigan. For Sale or Exchangs. I haven flrsl class farm purposex, or I"OU BUKEDING. wliichl nUlsell or xchange ror : FIRSTCLASS ■ man uitii scabs of horges nred apply. 1'. S. Liimeed mea! forsule. M, Kotíii.s, Aun Arhor, Mlvh. JACOHJHALLER & SON, D i:LKK IN WATCHE8, CLOCKS, Specte,rl.-s. Plated Ware. Gold Pens and Fino Jowelry. Special attentlon gtvan to repair ing Watcïit'S anrl Jerwelry, .I South Main Street, "nn Arbor. For Sale or Exchange. The Lake House, at WWtmore LaEe, for Bale or exchanRe for city property. A'hlrt'ss. .1. JACOBS, Whltmore Lake, or K. N. Qilbert, Ann Arbor. Mlch. S. T. Sl'EKCHL', PHOTOGRAPHER NO 78 SOOTH MAIN STREKT, Uards, Cabliiets, Promenade and BxlO. wüIj iTrames ii suit. Background and acoessories oomplete. Nt'tcatives kept a wliilc for ordera. MUSIC 8TOEK.- The cheapest place to Imv Pianos. Estoy Organs, Vlollng, Guitars, Itanjos, Tanibourin s. Drums, Pites. PUueolets, ithers. A n-ilcoiis. Piano Btools, Violin lto;''s. Ini i-uctimi Bookfl for all kinds of Instruments, Sheet Hnslo(Den '. Btrina,Des1 aaality, aUktndit; Mouth Organs, Brldgcs, lus. Eteys and Bosln. Brerythlngin themusic line erom a Chlckerlnn l'iano to a Jfw's Harp can ! foiuid at J. K. SAQE'SMusla tori'. Nu I Washington si . Ann A rbor. $5OO REWABD. We vrill pay the above reward for any case of T.iver Complalnt, DyBpepsia, Blek Headaclu-, Indigestión, C'onstipaüon orCostlvenera we cannot cure with Wesfs Vegetable Livor Pilis, rben the directions strlctly oompÜed with. They are purely Vegetable and nr ver fail to give satisfaction. Suar ('oated. Iirgeboxes, containIng 80 Puls, 85 cents. For sale by all Prugííists. Beware of counterf rits andlmltatlonS, Tliegen uine manufacruredonly by John C. West& Co., "The Pili Jlakers," 181 & 188 W, Madison St. Chicago. Free trial packaffo ssnt by mail prepaid nrccelptof a 3 csnt stump Swathel, Kyer & Peterson, flour mm stoee. Wc have eonstantly on hand ALL KINDS OV GRAIN, FLOl K AND FEKD, wliicli will he promplly (iclivered to any part ot the " city. Oflice cor. Fointli and Ann Slrocts, Ann Arbor - Midi. XJtd. A GOLD RINC, wliich the owni-r r-an have by l prQTins property and paying for Iliis aotlce. Aaaress, Dkhoobat Aan Arbor, Mieh. "DOG ON THE OLD HAT." A. A. TEEEY, HATS ANN ARBOB, 1XICH. RINSEY át SEABOLT, No. 6 and 8 Washington &t., Have on hand a compl;'t" stock of evcrything in the Grocery Line. They buy their Teas, Coffocs, and S.igfJii.1-' In large amounts, and at Casli Prices And can scll at Low Figures. Tho large invoiee of Teaa they Buy and Sell, is good proot" thut in Quality and Price they Give Bargains. Tkey Roast their own CofTccs ovpry week, and none but prime arücies ust-d. Their Iiaiceryturns out excellent Bread, Cake and Crackers. Cali aiul sec them. HOP BITTERS (A Medicine, not a Drink.) OONTAIN9 HOPS, BÜCIID, ni.VNDKAKE, DANUEI.ION, And thi Porkst and Best I ■■ir. OF AU. OTUKB BlTTIlU. THEY CUBE Wi niseasesof theStomsch, Bowels. Blood, I Llver, Kldneys, and UrinaryOrRans. Nervoiunesa. SlpepleesnesH and espcclally ï'euiale Cumplalnu. H $IOOO IN COLD. B Wlll be pnld for a case they wlll not euro or help, or for anythlnp Impuro or injurtoua found in tliem. Ask your drugglst for Hop Bitters and try I tbem before you sleep. Tnke uu utlicr. I ■ D C Ifl an absolute and Irresistible cure for I Drunkeuuess, urc oí opluin, tobáceo and narcotlcs. J BiBHB Sknd fob Circular. imhmiI All boTif old by lrupi;ijH. ■ Hop Biltr U%. Co., Rocbstr, N. Y., A. Tif.nlo, Ooi. I MRS. LYDIA E. PÍNKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. IÜMOVEHER OP LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Tho Positivo Cnrn For all Female Complaints. Thig proparation, as lts name significa, consista ot Vegetable Projterties tfaat are ha nnl-s tu the most delicate invalitl. Uponono trial the u-rits of thin Com pound will borecognized, aarelirf is immedlata ; and whenlts useiscontinued, in nini'ty-ninr ease3Ínahun_ drl, a permanent euro is cffoi-ted.riHthousands will testif v. On account of lts proven merite, it i:; to-ilay rcrommended and prewribed by he best physieiana in the country. It will euro entlreiy tho worst form of falllng of the utonu, Laooorrbcea, irrègtUv und palnfttl Mi.'iiytruation,a]!OvrtrianTMublfs, Intlimimattn and Ulceration, Floodingti, all Displacement and tho coneHjuent sptnal wfakm-s, and Ís csnccially adapted to tlie Cliango of Life. It wu! dlasolve and ezpel tumors f rom the utorusinan carly Sttttfe of ili-vt-lopnirnt. Tb tcadency to cancerous humurü thcix a checked very IpMdUjf by its use. In i:.ct it has prorotl to bo tho greatett anc! bost rcinrdy tlmt h;i:t BTOr MflB ilist-.-N.-red. It perriitfttts rv.-r' iortimof thofystftti.andgivea new Ufe and vigor. It removea f.üntnc-ss.ilutuli'iicy, dotmys allcraving for timtüant, and relie wa wt-aknes of the stomaoh It curca Bloatinp, Tleadachcs, Xervoiia Prostratlon, General Debility, Slceplcssnex, Dcprcsaion aiul Indigestión. That feeling of bearingdown, caumng pain, weight and bacfcaehe, is always iK-riniuuntty cured by its BMk It all tiiiH-s, und nndtrall circumstancm, act In harmony with the luw thut governa tlie fpnialesyst4it). For KIdneyComplaintHof elther Ki thls OOinpbopa Isunsurpassed. Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Isprepared at 233 and 83& Wetten .uvum, i.yim. Mawr. PriCO $1.00. 8ix bottloii for $5.00. St-nt 1-y mail In the formof püls.alsointhü Torm ofTxZ4-'ngcs, on recetpt ofprice, $1.00, par box, fr itther. Mih. l'INKHAM fn-i-ly answerx all leitsrs of inquli-y. ik-nd for puin phlet. AiliTuwH en iltnm Mentíon tht paper, No family Khould withmit LTDU K. IMNKiïAM' LlVKltriLL-s. They cara Oonstlpttlon, BQlon 8T"t Torpidlty of tlio Liver, 'Si ceuta per box. fc,old by C. E. Holmes' Oook lKïtelÜlilock. Sam. B. Revenaugh, Is now tak ing the Best Class of Pionas L ,'.' In the City at Prices to Suit the Times, Ground Floor Gallery. a coodrich:block, East Side of the NKW COURT HOUSK FRED SORG, Dealer in PAINTS, OILS , VABNISHES 15RUSHES, WIXDOW OLASS, And Oll ruimers" Supplies üf the Best Qiiality SHOP AND STORE 26 and 28 East Washington t'st. ANN ARBOR. - M1CMIGAN. JACKSON FIRECLAY"Ca Manufacturera of Stone Sewer Pipe - - IDIR-A-IUST TILE. AH our Draln Tilt1 are made of Firo Clay, an01 unnsual strengöl and liohtweioht. whioh nm tniuüv reduces tlie breakage and expense jí tnuisportation. Tho ditohinc forthisclassof tillnKistosscnrn sr. as they do not requise tobe laid belowfrost, but only deep enoujl to escape the pkw. Iliis is more eoonomieal it also aib in obtAlninfllftbottei "fatt1 or grade to the drain. A full assnitniont of all sizes, for salo l small qnantilics, or car load lots, Rt lh FEEDON LUIÍBER TM JAS. TOLBERT, Affent. T"downse VEGETABLE BALSAMIC ELIXIR I ís a sure core for Coughs, Colds, Whooping-Cough, and all Lung Di soases, whcn taken n season. People die of consumtioi. simpy because of negiec, whcri the Itimeljr use of tlm nsaedy wouM have cured them ai oacc. l'ifty-one. yntrt 01 constant U6e pruven tin. iact that no cough remecí 6ood the leM likt Do unta' JLliXir. Prico 36e. '. mi k.. (ii boltlo. K..I S..1. Krlirls. Dr. Baxter' Mandrake Will cure Jaundice, Dispepsia, Liver Coai).iJ.ui)tb, Indigestión, and all diea-s arising from Biliousnes. Pruc i$ ets. perbottlc. Ibi Sn Brjwhr. II KMO .v JUHMOai ÁRNICA AND OIL LINIMENTI ÍFor Jtlatt and Beaat. The moit perfect liniment ever R compoundecl. I'ricr tjfC and 50c. ■ Kor Sol Rveijrwlwre. Livery, Sale, AND BOARDING STABLE! I have opened a J ;very, Sale, and Boardlng Stable opposite the CourtHouse on Fourth street, where livery rigs can be obtained at any time of the day or night. A fine lot of new carriagcs and good horses, at reasonable rates. Brcaking colts and handling track horses a specialty ; good references given. P.Irwin, Ann Arber. pEED'S tofflí IS A THOROUCH REMEDY in orerycaae of Malaria! Fever t Psver and Ague whllefor disorders of the Btomftch, Torpiility of the Llver. [iidlgcstlon and dlstnrbancea .r the animal forcee, wfiioh debilítate, II lias no equivalent, and can have no substituto. 1' Bhould not eonfouDded with triturated ijn iih1m nf cheap spirits and esseoMal "'s. oftcn ioldunder Dame of Bittere. FOK BALE 1!V C. E. Holmes, rook hotel t)lc k. i AHHH HHHymjw HSSSSSi WÊ II ín i-iiht r I.iíinid nr Di y Forui urisatH I i ín same' time mi the disMUjiM oi tlie I WLiver, Bowels anft Kíflneys,H m'J'iis eomthud actim rirs I' nonilrrfuwA n w klWHY ARE WE SICK?I ■■ come ' ■ o wedot torpidt uül poisonous humor m Mi-. -;■■ iuref:rcnlliilj tlírbttjudlltutshouldwM ■ v i .■ ,7' -í naturally. U M IUI.IOCSXESS, PILES, C0S8TIPATION, H fl KIUJiEY CUMI'LAINTS, IKINAI1V II U DISl;ASES, FEMALE VVKAKXESS, W AN1 NEUVOIS DISOItUEJÍM, k íy euniin'jj'i't' action qf thtst organ mii j netoriH0tttir power toUirowqf di I J Wij SufTir Billón palas ami arhesl H Wliy torninti'l nitll Ptl, C.)iistiialion! U M Why frishtincil ovit (lisiinlinil Kiilm js.' ■ f AVhj ciulurt' in-nous or sic-k hi'ndachesl ■! Why have sleopless nilitsf U 3 I V KIDNEY-WOIIT ,; ;ricf J AraMt W 'í otitis putnp ín lry Vccf Fono in tin H H ,.--M . . il.lciiil.lFi.rtn,vtr.v('onccntrtcd, ■ ■ ■ fírforThecóñv II % nrííTéi'íft'T'nn, ■ oet rroFToun droooist. rRioE, loo. lJ P5 WKI.I.S, itlrlIAKItSON .V (O., I'ropV, ■ J (Wlll w-ii.l th.' .Iry il.l.BIJimBTllJTjjJ


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