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News Of The Week

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The tJreenback state conventior. convened at Lansing on the ltith inst. Judge JohuB. Snip man of Coldwater, was nnniiir.ued tor lustice of the supreme Oourt, :md ('liaa. (. Willitts of Uratiot,and Oavid Pareousol Wa.viu-. forte eeuta. Tlic convention rantBriued thenatiouw iilatform; returued tliauks to tlic fonun ftiihtinKthefimdiutr bill: adopted ceeolnUoni eyuipathiziiin witli Ireland nnd adjouiiinl Hueh B. Ross of Couiflna,Uaereoovrad .'. 600 damages aKainst Erastus E. White and WlW for alienating the affections of his wife and their daueliter, and deprivlng him of her society. The grand lli;e of odd-fellowa held tlmir anuual session in (rand Kaputs. There wre 64U ïnemUtrs present, rapresentlng 820 lodgee. The iucreaweil memberslüp lu the state dnnnK th yar lias twn 820, makim: a total of alumt U,000. The Baptist ehnroh builáing at Beatón Harbor was destroyed hj Rra Wedneeday uiglit it is sakl thf Grand Tronk will relay U track with steel rails liiawren l'ort U ■' nnd ( '"' cago in the spring. The Adrián Times claims that the Hrst rail road In Michigan, and tbe pioneer mail or the west, was ca II cd Uie Brie .V Kalaiuazoo, ani ran lietween Adrián and Port Lawrence ( mm Toledo.) It was mu by horse power ulont ; year, and bi locomotivea bout six monthfl be (ore tlio Michigan Central opened for business The Nortli Britisli Unily Mail of IVhruary 2 "Mr. W. H. Anderson öt Detroit, Mlcli. will8aiirromt.lieCI.Mle liy the Bteainet t'rus Bian to-uiorrow, witli 10ü firrtclass üron amp bullderí (plckedmen) for the Detroit írj dock coinpauy's iron ahlpyard, looftted al Wjandotte near Hetroit, Mioh. ÏUe men bave a bix months' engagement, passage paid to and troin and the wagw sreeigbt Bhlllings(t2)peTaay. Tlie men referred to are uow expected daily. Tho grand lodgeot Oáá l'Vllowswill mee nnxt year at Lansiug. Attlie BeedCity land office dturingtlie uiout] of January 2,f9ti acres were proven up, l,3í acres lioiueBtearis locatcd tind 377 acres 8fil( (or cash. At a meettns ot the Hiobigan stewardt heli at (raud Bapídg, the Michigan Lrottiug circuit embracluK Fort Wayne, Dífrolt, Easi Saelnaw, Grand Elapids, lonia and Battle ('reek, was fully oreaolzed for tbe approaching season. At the concludintr Bedsion of the rand lokf of Uild Fellows the grand nacretary's saiary wasraised from S8S(K) to )f],200. The eommtt tee reported favorably an amendment to the cojjBtitution couibiuinj; the sub lodges iutodistricts for represeutation iu the grand lodge. A motion to dwrease ri-presfiitution was de reated hy 1M to Sti. Tlu house of Richard Mille r In Hillsihiln was Imrnwl, the famlly escaplng n thelr Diglil Clothes. After getting hte eight chjtdren oul ot the house. Mr. Wood retarhed to ín nnd save. Borne valuahles aml was liurned to dentli. Hewiiit.'i wldower with ui chlldren, two of whom were absent froni home. The ri.rlit save] were found by the nelglibore m the barn, neariy imki-l and BufleriDg finm frighi and cold. Loss ,000. Mr. Vincent, who hld a nocket-book in :i gtraw Be4, and accuaeri Mr. W. A. Vincent "f Bachanan, of t;ikini it héöause it was :nisiug, has found it whera he hiniself lost it. James Smitb, palnter, threw BOine paper and rags soiletl wUü paint o a parcel in a room, he was paintiug in H: Raplde, Mondny, and iu a few honra there was i caseof spontaneous combustión, whtoh was foríunately dtecotered in time to save the building. The Democratie judicial eonvention for the twenty-seeond district meets at Ami Arbor March 22. Hillsdale conuty advertlses for blds for a newjail and sheriifs parsonage, both to be completad before nert DéCMnbr, Mr. Delauo ot Bij; l'rairi, Newaygo comity, was founii in a bank of snow Friday night. He lied sliortly after trom the cold recelved. William Hartsall ofSodhs township, Herrien couoty, engineer in a grist mili, was caught byabeltand receiveil injuries wlilch resnlted iu hisdeatli in a few honra Mrs. Barnard is afill in Jail al l.;peer, not yet tiaviiiK been admltted to liail, i.ciuiH Bompbrey, an old resident of Colomo, Berrien COunty, was killeil ly beinc tbrowp froui asloicti aml run over. A familj of thirteen euildren sm vives hiin. cprteenpndent who mads a visit t" the lakeshore truit región fonnd rroin personal exanünaUon, and wss tcld liy fruit growers, that the peach Imds are nut 'm the least iujnred; neither have the fruit trees spilt open bj the eold weather. Miles K())ulilcan: The east half of the wotxlfii liriilge ut BtM-trwtil was earrieil ;ivay on Friday ínomiug kist by l.tie heavy ice and hiiíli watr. The bridge had been ooniieuined, and its iiestnu tinii v:is no loss. Ladingtoo ftecord: In a letter f rom ■ ■:. Looiuis pruposus ti pool expenses with mili owners here and boreforsalt Mr. i'rau ford expresse hiinwir ;i lieiuf; willinj; to atle-nil to the boriujïitttcombhiatioii can he efrected. ■ ■■ Late poBtoftlces changes: Estoblished- Haghnrt, Eiame.l eouaty, Calb W. Teets; Ironton, Charleyoix county, LenlwE. Hildrrth; Lonsdale, Kinn Martin K. Cosner: Wolverine,! ty, Georje B. Richards; Woodstock, [ruawee rniintv. l'lias. M. Hwitli. DtMO&ttnned- Trombly. Oakland oounsy. Name ebanged - Cornell, [onla connty, to ebewa. Win. Petrie of Gcaad Baplds eot i bail In bis arm at the battle of South Mountain aud had it removed Satunlay. !l was a Qritical operation, tmt it is hoped the ann will be saved. A man uamed Delano was found in a snowbitnk in Big Prairie, Nowaygo county, Frlday uight, ainl 'lied Boonafter. Caleb S. Pieree, of Berlín, [onia coonty, lias gotone year in the Detroit house or corréction tot itumiitint to secure a pendón through fraud. Tbere aie now about 100 sUftnüee on Sajanaw bay aud fisUermen atv miv.ti:i- witli lu-ttei' succtss than at any previoiH timo Miiriiigtlie aeasoD. Sudas ni,'lit, about 7 o'clock, in the townghlpof Casco, StCIair i-Diiiit.v. a terrible row ccurreil. Useemstbata ftml ha existed Hiere for sdiun tini" about a girl; and that ni({ht two yonng men. Antony Bíínfer and John Hubbert, met Louis Boor and John Boor, uear Boor's house. Minfer askeil J.mi Kuur whyhe liad a[iiifl au oppiobrious epitbel to hini a few lajH beforft, "ii wbicli Boor dww a knlfe and stabbed him iu tbe back. A general fight eusued, oüiers taking pait, aud yonng Hubberf wan cul In 9ëveral [TWces, aud otliere were luirt. Minier te not expected Ui IWe. VounK Boor is iu jail. While goinu home the otherevenlDg a yonng man namcd Thos. li. Ueynolds of Baat Batí na w was met by two men, and wbile one beid tast thft other tore awaj pocket containlng !ns moiiH). The ráscalo secured $L'S and a railroad ticket tj Plint and return, liesldesreveral account hooks. Major Harwood, wIki bai been exanilninc th Qrand tivet below Grand Rápida tor the puipose of determintng wlietii er its improvemeut. so a 1. make it navigable totbatcity, ia feasible,repor(s that be bas uot come to a ((inclusión, luit recomnieudB au approprlatiou of .$25,000 to dreilt;ea ehannel 100 feet vride and fotir feet deep f rom Graud Rapiils to deep water. Battle ('reek is preparing to celébrate the ewmi-ceutanuial of its lirst settiement. Spotted Icvi'i liUh liruken out in Byron. Kent uuiinty, three ohildren of the family of Hiram Thompsou bavtngdled of it wlthtn a weck. Asanitar.v oouvetltlou will !■ biela in Battle ('reek, March 2.i and'SO.Tmrlerthe-KnspIcegiBf the state hoard of liealtli. Wilbur Long of ("tnrlevoix, in rand Rapid?, was knocki-.l down aud roblied. A hlow on the head from Bome hlimt instrument stuuned hini and bis condition Motnlay erening was critical. A man named Win. Shlelda bas been arrested on suspicion of belng ili" robber. A large bain belontiinK to John Muidei at Eastmanvillc, ditawa county, burned with a span of horses, U catüe, Implcments, hay and ürain. Tbc loss is fnlly $3,000, Insurance only $800.


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