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Tlie society for the -u il vice calis d 472 arrests in New York las! year for sHlliug had liook. TheCanadtant!(rt-rumeat aalw parllameot for $13 ttíT.O'Jil for the lineal year BDiling June, so, tí lu the case "T Wallace .. Wallace. ;ii I go, Judue Gardner has decide! tliat Mrn. R:iiui e, liuèitlinate chlld oí .lol.u S. Wallace. Ib ntitlcl 1 one liall' hl i eetat t 300.000, WallaceUavini'actrtwd willi hn uiothei that the chilil slioulii nii-nl mu) truatod as if liorn in wedlock. witli ritil" of herttage as II wn fhild of lier fatluM. The St, Haul l'ioiu'iM1 Press pulilislies an ex traet from a (irivate letter from a JDÜemaii in Helena, Montaua. He feais lie will l.wc uil hl cattle and slieep. He says: "i iaitj 45 per ton tor the last hay I gol for tlieiu. This territory will lose at leasi one tourth of all lts stock, bíith cattle and eheep. The suow n most places a thrce feet dflep, and oflen fioni ülne to twelve feet. Cattle witli siiílicient re uiaiiiliiu Btoength will oftpn follow a load of tiay comins uto market l' or 20 miles, with tbe hope o? catchlng a Btray hite Tinare fullof dyloR auimale. b'ifty dietl Uie otlier day, all iu one lot, just ontside the town. I fear this suow will finish ttieui all. lt lias snowed everyday for scrai days." l)r R. V. Vifirce's Palacfl Hotel at lintlalo was burned Wedneeday. Loss on building, 500,000: on ftirnlture and stocks of (joods in stores $300,000. The building was ful] ol ue&ts bot none were iujured. The buüdtng vas ínsured. The railvoaüs will resist claims for damages ausl by the Toledo flood, on the ground tliat flood was a visitation of Proviaem In-the JOtrect CaWe ébmpanjr'e snit ayainst be consoUdation of the telegraph ooiupames iudge Klatcliford KrantPil an order temporaii y restraininK the Atlantic imd Padfictelegraph 'rom transterrlns anj "f 'ls pioperty w tlie Weateru Union telegraph oompany, umi nrom dellvering anj riiansor oertlfloates of ïtsstock to anv Corporation whatwerer. The proponed ainendmont tu tlie coiintiUiüon of Went Virginia prohibltlne the manufacture oi-saleuf intoxioatlngdrinkswasdefeated in Benaie. A ladics' anti polygamj society has been organized in Broofelyn, N. Y., and is arlively and practicalJy at work. The local nption liill, wliicli hun been pendInff in the Oblo house ol representatives, was defeated yesterday, ftyes 96, iioew 46. Scieii American prisonen at Paso del Norte, Mexico, trii-ci to eecape, shooting guard and niuninf: toward the American line, but tlin-n f them were killed and the othera 8urreüdered. :im t ['ivo alleged negro inunlei-ers of Laprade w.-iv hum: l'y a mob at Springfield, Tenn., trom thesecond Btorj of tbe conrt-bouse. bilí has been introducen1 iu the Missouri leglBlatnre propoelng t Bubmit the (ivicstinü of woinan Bofirago t" i voto of the wmiwii Hietupelves. Mr. Howella retires froni the edltOTSbip of the Atlantic Moutlily. H will tte nppointod nüDister to the Swiss confederaüon. Judge Muran, of the CMcago criminal court, retuaed aaturallzation paptirp to three Ohinameo, liMin; that thoy caiiuot become dtizena ■ The funeral of Fernando Wood took place Saturday from his late rwiileueo iu Washington. It wasattended bynearly all tlie inein ben ol conpreíffl, and by many prominent governmenl officials. The rematas were taken to New York Saturday evening, whero they will be i'iii i.'ii. Tho horno diRtemper has broken out agaia In sonie of the New York city railroad stahles. V. A. Middlemost, a weil Imown wealth.v stock man of Peer l'rail, was fomiil 12 miles ímrth of the river bwul Priday, frozen to deatb. A society ba boen orazDed in Now York lor the purpose of furnishine aid to the Boers in tlie Transvaal. It is ralled '-The Transvaal Boers gympathlzers." luforination lias lien rcceivcd at Nashvilli', Téucu, Hui' the rcviiiii' raiders had destroyed two Ulieit diltilleries in Hiles and two In Van Buren couuty on the ltith instant. A war cf rates for carrylng immigrante from Europe to tliin country lia rcsulted in the rednction of faree from 980 to $15. ÏIib pni;;ross uf tlio Uilegraph consolidation is thorouu'lily l)locked, al least for the present, by the Injunction suits in tlie courte. The prospect of tlie passage of tin fmidiiiK bill, wlth the clause compelliug tli banks to use the thiee per mis. alone aa thelf sectirity for -ii i-uiatioii and deposita, is bringing alxmt a rapid contraction of the uaüonnl bank mirrency. MilHons of dollars of it are lieinjf withdrawn in New York. Tlie actiou of the FreuchgoYttruinentln problbiting the importatiou of American liog producto, on account of trichina, hiis dfinoralized the Chic.igo pork marlet. The cóiiuiiisHioiier ot Bgrlenlture lias requesti'd the goveniors of New York, New Jersey, Pennuylranla, Maryland nnd Oonnecticut t( i i n t erdlct the exportation westward of calves, ínosmuch ns pleuropneumoula exists in those states. Seciflaiy Sbermap lias issueil the lOlst cali for lionds for the sinkUjtr fand. The bonds calk'cl In are fivi' per reïits., and the total aniount is f25,000,000. A dispatch from laj. Brptherton, Fort Buford. D. T., to General Terry,St. Paul, confirms the previons dtspatCD of the surrender of 325 hostile Sioux, undei Orow Kinir, Black Eagle, (IimhI Hearand Long Dog, The American tract society received $9$2,283, and expended $878,582 (liiriii:; past year. The Egyptinn olifiisk, from the Uanlcs ot old Nile, presented by the Khedive of Egypt to the United States, and by the üníted státfs to the c ty of New York, has been tonnally trausierred to the oustody of tUe latter. secretary Lvarts made the presentation speech, and Mayor Grace briefly replied. Tlie Indiana in Dorthern Mexico are agalli on tbewarpath and couiuiittiug many ontrages. A banri of Apaches were foNowed into Mexico liy L'niteil ütutes troops um Ier I.icut. Morey, luit were not ovei laken. The Arkansas liouse of representativas has paosed a reRolutirn proposinsr a prohibitory ainendineot to Uw state oonstUuUoú. STxteen ocean steauftrs and 208 Bailifig vesselswcn1 Ios1 'Inving lici'i'inl'i'r. Tlie facüuns iu i'fuusylvaiila have aijreed ou John I. Mitoliell otTioga county, for U. s. senator.


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