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Tbe tollowers of Parnvll are "int: to vote with tliB Coiiservatives, their hittereet oppoii-its, on all non-Irish questions, in order to spite the ministr.v. An anuistice has been coucludetl with the BaeutOB, It isproposed to recojinlze the Independence of a purt of the Transvaal, and Qreal liritain claims the larger part of H. The speaker of the house of eomnions has framed a new rule in Ü8n of tfaow announced Thursda.y, a follows: "Iu the coininittee on any urgent liill, or in the Uw fcnown as consideratiou of a bilí, a amended, a minister can move that tbe remalning dauses and any amendments or new clames standing on the Dotlce paper, abalU alter a cerl tin day, or hour, be put forlliwith, and uch motlon by a minister shall fortliwith be pul rrom the chalr, hut nol declded uffiimativcly uniese rotad by i threeto one majority." An International medical and sanltarj exhl bition is tu be held in Lnndon on the oècasloo of tbe meeting of tbe international medical congrega trom Jnly ltl to Auifiit 18. Iwo avalanchas entlrely destroyed the rillaite of Brevreres, in tbe departmeflt r Pavoy, franc-. Fifteen perüis vvere killed and the damatfe is Mtimatod at 280,000 francs. The coerción MU hu been eompleted in the Brltleh houM of oommons committee and reportfd to tbe liouse. All the amendments were votccl down and the meamre is n very strinspiit .iik. The porte finally aii.l UDCOndiUonall.i fuses in mie .iaiun;i, Uetzora oi Previsa to (roece. The pope orden an extrordinaiy jubilee to be held iliis yn througbont the wond, to iniIl(ire the Almighty to hestow lintter tunes upon the eliurcli. Miss Leonora Taylor is Chief Juslice oí the Supreme court of the University ól' Michigan, the highest office in the moot courte of the l;iw school oí Umi institution.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat