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II. R. HILL ATTuKNKY VI' l.WV. office No. B, Opera House Block. Ann Arhor. Michigan. WILLIAM CASPARY, TJAKKRY AND CONFEC3TIOKERY, 3 Detroit Street. JOSEPH CLINTON, MerohantTailor. shopoverWm. Allaby's boo1 andsboegiore, All work guaranteed orno charge. JOHN F. LAWRENCE, ATTORNKY AT LAW. Office Nos. S and 8 Hill'a Opera House, Aun Arbor, Micn. FRANK EMERICK, i TTORNEY AT LAW -Office over Brown & JVCus Drug Store, Corner Main añil Hurón Streets. Ann Arbor, Mich. ÜURON MARKJET. Í C. FKEER. Dealer in Fresh. Snit and v. Smoked Meats, Pres)] Fiah. Oysters, Poulti'y, etc No. 88 EastHuron Street. MICHAEL H, BRENNAN, 4 TTORNF.Y AT LAW. Ofíioe with K. D. V Kinii.', Blawson Btock, corner Huron and I'Ymrth streets. 'tn Arbor, Mich. S. B. PARSONS, M. D., Successor to Btone & Parsons, OFFICE AND DISPENSARA . Corner Hurón and Fifth Streets, Ami Arbor, filich. O. C. JENKINS, QUEGEON DENTIST. Rooma No. SS East O Washington Street, fornierlv occupiedby Dr. Frothingham. Aun Arbor. Mich. GEO. A. BOYLAN, HOUSE, SIGN and I irnamental Painter. Shop uiuler tlie Star Olothing House. Orders ia-'t , at C. Boylan's will be promptly attendi dto. TITOS DALE, tlje Prof essional Dyer and Clothes Cleaner.thirS loor south of the Opera 1 lousc. Batnples oL vrork ean beseenat the slioj). Satisfaction guaran teí'd. TOBACCO STORE. IT "WILL BE FOUND taal F. S. Buckkrepa the best assortment oL C3IGAH8 AND TOBACCO in the o ty. lïest branda Of cigarettesa sjieuialtj'. No 7 East Hurón St. ANTÓN E1SELE, DEALER IN MONÜMENTB and QraveBtones, manufacturad fróin Tennessee and Italian IMarble and Scotch an ! imericati ftrantte Shop Cor. Detroit aud Catherine sts., Ami Arbor.. Mich. PATR IC IC Mc K E RNAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Notary, Public, Real Estáte agent, Money i" Loan and Kecordi searchtHl. Conveyancing and alllegal documente di'awn on reasonable terms. Office in the courtiiouse, Ami Arbor, Mich. Í ('. FRANKLIN, M. D. Prof. of fiURGETíY. HOMEOPATIIIC DEPAETMENT, Univereity of i n Kesidence and cftU' í I Liberty Street. Dr. Kranklin will attend aurgical caes here, or by consultatlon in different parte of the state. SPINAL CURVAIURES A Mi DEFORMiTiaS VURKD by liis Improved method. EMANUEL MANN, pjEALEüi.-.' Drugs and Medicines ■ Toilet Articleg, Dye Stuffs, 4c. Presorip tions caref ully preparedat anyhourofthe day or nUclit by flrst-class ohemiats. Ehanukí Mann. No. 39 South Main street. A nn Afluir, - Michigan. WILSEY'S MUSIC STOR E. PIANOS. 0EQAN8, SHEET MUSIC. Instruction Books, Violius, Guitars, t'lutes. &c cheap at Wilsey 's Music Room Public Square, Aun Arbor, Michigan. The largest and bart Stock of Musical Goode ever brougli Waslitenaw County. Violin and Gaitar Btrlngs a specialty. N. B.- It wll ,e to your Interest to cali before purchasing anythins In tfie Music Hoe. drake!soysteYdípot 20 Easi Hu ron Sí. Oysters Alvvays Fresh and Cheap, Pure Wines and Liquors for medicinal pnrRosea. Choicest brands oL Ciuarb always on hand THE MONARCH""" CLARKEN'S BILUARD PARLOR, tïo. 8 North Main St. Ann Arbor, Frieii, Come ii to ie. GE5. CLARKEN, - - Proprietor, FOR INSURANCE ON YOUR PROPERTY GO TO C. H. MILLEN, iNSTJUArsrcK agent, No. 4, South Main Street, ANN AHBOR, - - MICHIGAN. The oldest agency in the city. Establfshed B quarter of a ceatury ago. Representing the fo!owine flrst class companles: Home Insu ranee Co..ofN. Y., Assetsover $6,000,000 Continental Ins. Co.,otN.Y.,Assetsover$.),0i!0.ncr Ñlat;arFire Ins. Co., N. Y., As.sets$l. ClirardcfPa Assets over $l.(.'0,00( Oriënt ot Hartfor.1, Assets L 700,00ü R.A.TEH LOW. Lossea liberally adjusted and promptly pnid The Ann Arbor Savings Bank, (Organized 18US, ander the General Banking Law of thls state) luis nou-, Including capital Stock etc., etc., OVER S25O.OOO ASSETS. IJnsint'ss iin'ti Guardians. Trustees, Ladit-s and otlier persons wiU flnd tlua Bank ;i SAFE AND CONVENIENT Place ut lii.-h Deposita and do business. Interest is Allowed on All Savings Deposits Of $1.00 and upward, according to (lie rules of the bank, and Interes! compounded semi annu aUy. Money to Loan in Sums of ?25 to S5.OOO, Seouredby ünincumbered Real ICstat KOO1 securities. DIBECTOBS.- Chrlatlan Mack, W. W. trines, W. 1). Harriman, Williara Deuble, l. A. Beal, Daniel Hiscock and W. li. Smith. OFFICKKS. - (üirisiian Hack, President; W W, Wini-s, Vice President; Chas, E. Hiscock. Casliisr.


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