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About Parlors

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A deal lias been saidand written against theold-fashloned parlor; indeed, people generally have come to look upon it as i íailnre and to tliink slightingly oL the taste which rendered it possible. Whatever may have been its effects, there is a quesüon in tlie minds oi' some people as to whether tlie modern parlor is a great improvement apon the ancient one, and, in fact, whether there is sufflcient reason íor its existence. It is true that üús modern room is not kept hermetically sealed, as is alleged of tlie Ider one. There are more feast days upon which it is opened, and ehildrenare allowed to sit upon its handsome chairs and look out into the street through its lace eartáins, The furniture is arrangedmorearttstically. Still, it is not a room to be happy ni, ana it too otten absorba mto ítself the best in the house, not only in the way of i'urniture, but also of jpictures and books; leaving the living room of the family bare as a desert, so far as anything reflning and educating is coneerned, That this is not best a little thought will show. We, who are so wonrievfully made and so mysteriously influeneed, gain much by having about us everyday surroundings which are elevating and suggestive. So, if there is only one picture in the house which is worth looking at or studymg, Iet it hang where ii will most frequently attraet the attention of the family ïo the thoughtful man who wishes well to his kind it is saddening to see people spcnding their money for that which is not bread. IVople wlio think they cannot afford to buy one new book inayear, or so much as a photograph or heliotype of a good picture, must have their ïiarlor "set," a cheap lace, in imitation of tliese wlio can well aflord to have them, They Ilústrate the woful facility we liave in eopying the faiiings of our neighbors instead of their virtues. Thig is not a plea for the utter extinction of the parlor. A tasteful reception room, which may alwaya be in order for guests and for any strangers whom you may not wish to introduce into your family life, is i great convenienee, and in some homes nlinost a nécessity; bat f frwo pleasant, inviting rooms eannot bo afforded, it wonld be vastly better to invariably inake the one fhepvful, comfoxtably funiished room, witli the good pictures and books, the room for the family to meet in and to enjoy. The money, or a part o1 it, saved by not indulging in a parlor, might lx1 s[ent to gootl advantage n buying boots and objeets of interest and inst, uctioii, It is intereeting lo notice valué placed upon books by inany who profesa loudly to vrish for them, by their alwaya putting tliem after everything else. Suco persona WQuld hardly appreciate Charles Lamb's going about in a threadbare pliun col ufl coat that he might buy a favorite lolio. JNor woukl Uie.y ever De found wondering how nmch OUver Wenctell Ilolinea owes to tlie fact that lie "ataggeped against books ;is i baby." Wu that has ever attempted to trace lnek any of bis own impressions to their SOlirce has nut lie.en surprised feo (ihI that deep and Jasting mies have been nuule by sometliing in itself verv slitrht ?


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