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Democratic County Convention

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Tbc Waslitenaw coanty democratie coavoution, was calktd to order ly t lic ehairinan of the couuty commUtee üt 11 a. m. lo-day. C. 8. Gregory was asked to preside, umi W. W Dauglas, Bsq., was electcd sreretary. Tlie chair appointod i lic following coinmittees: Credentials - A. 1. Beshner, Aun Árbor; I). Almendinger. Scio; L. Blaess, Lodi. Permanent organizaUon - V. 1). llamoiau, Ann Arboi; V. H. Potter, Ocio; G. Luieli, Aun Arlp'ii. On inotion tlie cuQVenliou aiijuurncd half paal one o'clock. AKTKÜ.NOON 8E88ION. On the re assem 1)1 i iij; of the eoiivciition, the fpllowitlg (leicsales were elueleil to the state cuuveiitioii: First disirk-t - V. J, Swiiuii:, YpsiUnti; ËzraSanfurd, Saline; Ueo. VV. Alban, Vpsilunli lowu; ('. .los lin. Ypsilanti. Secoud district - W. I). llarriiuan, A. D. Htsimer, Q. Luick, Aun Arljor; (jeo. B.UttOD, iorllilield. Thll'd district - Jus. Kelly, Manchester; V. 3. (regory, Suio; L. JJIaess, Lodi; O. Thalchcr, Sylvan. Delegales at large - Ü. (. liisi', Sharon; Edward King, Ypsdanü tUWB. The following delegales were alsci elected lo the judicial district eonvenlion : i'irsl diólncl - Gco. XV. Alban, Ypsilanti tovvn ; F. E. Juucs. Snline; C. K. Wintman, Ypsilunli; Jas. Lowitcn. Augusta. Becund district - V. Tremaine, . I). llarrinian, T. F. Leouarii. Ann Arbor; W. C. Murray, Superior. Third district - J. I). Corey, Manchester; E. 1'. Harper, Lodi; E. JlcNamiua, Clielsea; M. S. Uook, Lima. The judicial district conveDlioo is lo 'je held in this city .March 24. Frank Leslie's popular moullily. Tlierc can be no questiOD as Uj the gre&t nieiit aud eheapiu'ss of Uiis magazine; in these ïespecls il is not cxcclled by wy similar pujlication. Tlie number tor Uarch contaius, as does every copy, laö quarlu pages and over 10 illustralion.s, toeüier with a bcautiful cotored fronlispiece. " Ji o Kose without a Thora." The ani cles, "Our .Monster Telcgrapk Öyslem," by Noel Bulhveii (10 illustratiüne) ; "A Uash TliroughConnëmara," byN. Kobinsou (il illustrations); "The Trenl Aft'air," by au eyewitness (ö illustrations); "The Story of the Diamond Necklace" ( illus trations); "The l'ine applc 'l'iade on ibe Bahamas," by AIis. Frank Leslie (S illus trations); "Why the Clouds Float, aud Wüat tlie Clouds Say," by Robert James Mann (8 illustrations). and luany otlier tiriii;le, are dceply iDtereatiog and replete with infonuatiou. Thcru are excellent .lories, sketches, ad ventures, etc, by cslebrated wrilers; sume adniiralilu poelry, and a vcry large amounl of miscellauy embracing history, science, travels, finí, etc'. A siuyie copy of this delightful penodical can be obtained tor 25 cents; the annual subscriplion is $:(; six monlhs $1.30, fout months $1, sent postagc free. Address, Frank Leslie's Pulilishing House, -i:i, 55 and 7 Park Place, New Vork. Ilcnry W. Hogers, Jr., a memliur of UuChicago board of trade is in the city.


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